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DeepSea textures...need help!

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How do I replace/add new texture wads to the main doom2 texture file in DeepSea? (latest version)

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Jack of SBS Software (who developed DeePSea) can give you more details, but here is an outline:

1. Are you simply trying to create a texture or add-on wad? If so, instead of writing to your DooM2.wad, you should probably create a dummy wad that will hold your textures. Otherwise, make a backup of your DooM2.wad, rename it, and use that to add your textures. If you plan on distributing your wad, especially via cdrom.com, do not work with a backup version of the DooM2 wad. First, it will be unnecessarily large (>15 MB), and second, it will be rejected by cdrom.com because it contains copyright material from id software (i.e., the original graphics, maps, etc.) The following outline only uses the dummy wad as an example.

2. Open your wad in DeePSea. Press F7, and the lump management window will pop up.

3. Select "Import Lump Files into a PWad", and another window pops up.

4. Select "Open Target File", browse to your dummy file, and select it. All the entries in the file will be listed in the column at the right of the window.

5. Select "Add a File to List", browse to the texture wad you want to add, and select it. All entries in the texture wad will be listed in the main column of the window. Delete the textures you do not plan to use. If you plan to use all the textures you don't need to delete anything.

6. Click the "Import All Files" button. You will be asked where you wish to insert the files. Choose "At the End". Make sure there's a PP_Start, PP_End, FF_Start, FF_End, Texture1, and PNames entry in your Target file. The original texture wad should at least contain the PP_Start/End and FF_Start/End entries, which would have been copied to your dummt wad. However, if there are no Texture1 and PNames entries, then you will need to create them yourself. If you need help with the creation of these entries post here.

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Rex covered the main procedure (thanx). The precise "other" details depends. Did you mean you have a PWAD with TEXTUREx/PNAMES and graphics or do you just have a bunch of graphics you want to make into textures?

Read the DeePsea help topics starting with "Graphics -" to get an overview of how all this works (in case this is all new to you).

Briefly, if you have new graphics that are the same dimensions and names as any old graphic lump, all you have to do is import them with your level(s). But if you have brand new stuff, it gets more detailed - and you may have to post some more questions. The people here will be happy to explain.

The current version (10.21) forces you to add names that do not exist in TEXTUREx/PNAMES manually (a raw graphic by itself is not a TEXTURE)using the Texture Edit tool. But wait, relief is on the way.

The next release of DeePsea (10.30 hopefully in a week or so), will making all texture stuff much easier. First off, it will accurately merge multiple TEXTUREx/PNAMES with no duplicates nor other strange Wintex things:) Plus there will be checks to make sure nothing is technically wrong with the textures - like having "holes".

Secondly, if you just have a bunch of graphics in a WAD, you can instantly make real "textures" out of them with no additional steps required. To get raw graphics into a PWAD (like BMPs or Doom format lmps), use the import tool as noted by Rex.

The P_START/P_END. etc stuff is optional for DOOM and DeePsea. Wintex needs this stuff to determine what's a texture raw lump graphic. Just use the Insert button in the Import to create those names first and then Import all to keep other utilities happy. (hope my typing held out)

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Guest Faint

this isn't what u were going for, but SCREW DEEPSEA. Or, use it to the extent of putting the graphics in a wad, and then use Tarin's P2T to have all patches converted into textures.

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