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Dante's Inferno

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Gokuma wrote: "...how it would be cool if they really made Hell look like Hell and have mythical or legendary landmarks of Hell."

The original DOOM had references to Dante's Inferno. I agree, id should take more from Dante if they do hell in the next DOOM. They could make E3M7 really have the feel that you're in Limbo, with demons in a state of turmoil - running around mad, and be extra aggressive to compensate their behavior (and to exentuate their turmoiled state) - then their AI could change for a different level - to fit whatever specific atmosphere of that level. This would really enhance atmosphere, and really distinguish each level.

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Guest mac10suxass

that a good idea u cool and have sweet mind anyway i think like if u in close to last level u find like some demons goin really frantic in a last attempt to kill u before u get to there leader so that is when they will be the most pissed and stuff.anyway u will here from me again soon.

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Ahhhhhhhhrg. The barbarians are at the gate :(

This "troll" is obviously one of those l337 Quake dudes :p

Ever since id announced Doom3 jerks like this have been comming here. I just hope when PlanetDoom starts up, they will all go there instead and leave us alone. Prolly won't happen though.


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Guest Sethsez

I just have one question. Why do people say u instead of you? It isn't any easier, and it just makes tham look stupid. As if they weren't already. Oh well.

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Well, I don't really mind if someone uses "u" instead of "you", or writes in all small case letters as long as it's on irc or something like that. On real time chat you want to save time typing. That's not necessary when posting to a message board
where you have all the time in the world to frame your thoughts and proofread your message. On these forums, there's even an edit function, which sadly, is underused.

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Since all those quake guys came here, the edit >> delete post has been severely underused... :) Them using that would be as dogs cleaning up their own shit. THAT would be convinient.

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Guest Sethsez

If I had to choose between the two, I would have dogs clean their own shit. Besides, I think that dogs would be easier to train than people like these anyway! :)

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mac10suxass said:

that a good idea u cool and have sweet mind anyway i think like if u in close to last level u find like some demons goin really frantic in a last attempt to kill u before u get to there leader so that is when they will be the most pissed and stuff.anyway u will here from me again soon.

Me is silly idiot Quake person. Once again i ams jumping another boat cos new game seems to have pretty pictures and lotsa bloods and guts. I didnt know that there already was a community of nice ppl. But i dont like ppl here they use words wif more than 1 syllable and how dare they says iD might not make new game good. ID GOOD!!!! DOOM COMMUNITY BAD!!!!! QUAKE GOOD!!!!

Um....IM REALLY SORRY for posting this post but i was just trying to emulate the mentality of some of the people that have came here recently.

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Guest mac10suxass

naburbitch if u dont like doom Y THE F@#$! r u here huh?go back to them quakeroats u love so much or shut up!

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