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Episode/theme ideas

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Ruined city - the game may well start off in one of the cities that is being rebuilt (mentioned in the end text of Doom 2). Some areas should have huge amounts of damage, almost as if an earth-quake struck. Slanted buildings, huge holes in the walls and the ground, collapsed tunnels and freeways, etc. Other areas should show evidence of the construction work going on, with less damage and new, futuristic looking machinery, small temporary buildings with computer equipment in, etc.

Tech base - yeah, episode 1 style, with a hint of Half-life. Shiny, new, functional and most importantly futuristic looking textures, tending towards grey, but mostly subtle whatever the colour. Hi-tech looking computer panels and consoles, strange looking futuristic devices, weird experiments going on, etc.

This doesn't have to be on a planet, it could be on a space station or starship, both of which are very underused in FPS games. I'm not sure why, as the potential for great looking architecture and interactive elements in such an environment is extremely high.

Industrial base - a contrast to the above. Dirty, old, damaged but still reasonably futuristic looking textures, tending towards brown/dark textures. The odd computer console should still be evident, but there should be plenty of crates and storage/moving equipment such as cranes and conveyor belts, mining equipment, incomplete/collapsed areas, etc. Again a similar setting on an antiquated cargo ship or mining vessel would work well.

Hell - well, obviously. But there should be several distinct themes. Some areas should have a totally natural look (fire and brimstone and stuff). Other areas would consist of rock, brick, wood and metal (the "old" areas of hell). Then there would be other areas made up of marble and metal, kinda gothic-y (the palace of a Cyber Demon or some other big boss).

There should also be evidence, as there was in a few of the hell maps in Doom 1 and 2, that the hellspawn are implementing stolen human technology into hell.

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I´m getting tired of FPS scenery. I don´t wanna see anymore industries, hi-tech labs or military bases. These are places completely wasted, too much used in this kind of games. The main problem is that DooM started them all. iD can´t put the marine guy in a circus, or a beach, or an orc stronghold. They have to stick with those overused enviroments. I hope they code enough scripts to make things look much more shinning, more entertaining.
I love the idea of ruined cities, there will a lot of changes on how a city is built and works for the year 2100-2200, but still you would get the feeling of standing on some "real" place.
I hope that every map they do, it have some meaning. Look for example at the names of DooM 1&2 maps, and then take a look on those levels. This happen with many FPS. Why would you care guarding those useless halls & corridors??
And for last, Hell MUST be present, but it has to be way more scarier than the first one. Those who played DooM on their lives are now some years more mature, and a redone DooM Hell style will not satisfice our desires to get scared.

FPS levels are many years in the future than DooM ones... let´s hope iD don´t make things like, for example, hide a guy in some mini-room with a fake wall and pop out as soon you get there (hey, Bob, this is what you gonna do, you´ll enter this tiny, tiny room with no lights, and wait here some days until someone MEAN comes here, you stay quiet, and wait until he crosses that line from there, you see?. Oh! and by the way, you can´t sleep, or eat, and I recommend you not going to the bathroom, oh well, see ya!)

This is crap, if you want to set an ambush, do it with a litlle more of style.

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Guest Firebrandt

I totally agree with Nick.

P.S.: testing my l33t face =)

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Guest Firebrandt

WHOOO! PH34R M1 L33TN355!!! >=D

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Guest DeAD_Stuff

well fire and bimstone sucks...........i hate them...that's not a cool hell.... i want an organic one...
i want too a ruined city,but maybe not on earth and on some colonies on the outer space. And i want dumb civilians that die.tha's so fun!!!!!!!!

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