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Your least favourite enemy?

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My least favorite enemy is the Pain Elemental. One big pain by that spews out a bunch of smaller pains.

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Chaingunners. Heavy weapon dudes. Chaingun guys. Those bald black fucks that use their silly willy chaingun. BULLSHIT-O-MATIC.

I absolutely despise these guys, long range? well, you're fucked. Close range? Rest in Pieces. I have never seen good use for these guys, the only good thing is that they drop a chaingun, probably the ABSOLUTE BEST gun against them. Shotgun? Thats ok, you can kill them in 1-2 shots. Super Shotgun? WHOOPS! MISSED A SHOT! TIME TO FUCKING DIE! This is one of the many reasons I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE Plutonia if im doing it singleplayer. Chaingunners can DESTROY you, they can stunlock most enemies too, so theyre dangerous towards the player and demons!



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Either the Pain Elementals or the Revenants. Can't say which for sure.

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Chaingunners. Stupidly high DPS and little counterplay against them when placed well. id should've really gave them a 0.5 second spin-up time or something with a distinct warning sound. One of the positive changes I find in BD.

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Archvile or Chaingunner

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The Arch vile, but not for his Resurrection abilities, but his attack. I feel that there should be another way to dodge his attack besides hiding. In fact I wish the arch vile could resurrect all monsters but with some kind of limit.

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The Archvile's attack is very unique in that regard and cockblocks you from running circles to avoid damage like with the other demons.

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I tend to dislike the mid-tier enemies that use up ammo pointlessly. Which is why I like using them in my own maps so much.

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I just hate Barons of Hell.

They are just so boring. It takes forever to kill a baron with low tier weapons and evading its' attacks is ridiculously easy.

If I see more 3+ vanilla barons at the same time I'll probably just playing the wad on the spot.

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Revenants in groups can be irritating, especially if they are surrounding and protecting a lone Archvile.

Azazel Bloodfucker said:

The Arch vile, but not for his Resurrection abilities, but his attack. I feel that there should be another way to dodge his attack besides hiding. In fact I wish the arch vile could resurrect all monsters but with some kind of limit.

You really want Spider Masterminds and Cyberdemons to be revivable? What are you, a masochist?

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Master O said:

Revenants in groups can be irritating, especially if they are surrounding and protecting a lone Archvile.

You really want Spider Masterminds and Cyberdemons to be revivable? What are you, a masochist?

Stop being a pussy, just kidding, but anyways. I don't think he could revive them anyways, according to canon or the games rules. Because he can't revive gibbed monsters and both of their death animations are technically self gibs, but according to that logic archviles should be able to resurrect other archviles.

I think it would be cool if Archviles could resurrect other archviles, if they had a rule that the Archvile that revived the other archvile can no longer revive other Demons, or if it had some kind of super long animation.

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Azazel Bloodfucker said:

Because he can't revive gibbed monsters and both of their death animations are technically self gibs, but according to that logic archviles should be able to resurrect other archviles.

They actually can resurrect gibbed monsters. The only monsters Arch-Viles can't resurrect are the ones placed by the author, and it can't resurrect other Arch-Viles, Lost Souls, Cyberdemons, and Spider Masterminds. But...

Azazel Bloodfucker said:

I think it would be cool if Archviles could resurrect other archviles, if they had a rule that the Archvile that revived the other archvile can no longer revive other Demons, or if it had some kind of super long animation.

Not exactly that, but scifista42 made something very similar a while ago:


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Zed said:

They actually can resurrect gibbed monsters. The only monsters Arch-Viles can't resurrect are the ones placed by the author.

I knew about the creator placed monsters, but it's good to know gibbed monsters can be resd.

Not exactly that, but scifista42 made something very similar a while ago


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A cool idea would be if the Archvile had resurrection points (ie. like energy or ammo whatever etc) and higher tier monsters used up more of them and it regenerates over time and some kind of mechanic that lowers its max res. points if it resurrects something like another archvile or either of the bosses.

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Changed my worst enemy to the cacodemon. Too many hitpoints, too many of them on some maps, such a pain!

SavageCorona said:

A cool idea would be if the Archvile had resurrection points (ie. like energy or ammo whatever etc) and higher tier monsters used up more of them and it regenerates over time and some kind of mechanic that lowers its max res. points if it resurrects something like another archvile or either of the bosses.

The Numb Body enemy from Silent Hill 3 is pretty much the same idea. If you leave it alone for long enough, it begins to grow and accumulate higher hit points, dependent on what level of difficulty.

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Those who don't look cute to me :)
So basically arch-viles, mancubi, pain elementals, cyberdemon and that fat gutted chaingunner bastard.

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From speedrunning: CHAINGUNNERS!!!!!!

Lost souls and PEs are up there too, but having to run past a group of chaingunners and hope the RNG cooperates is ugh.

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conexxo said:

Those who don't look cute to me :)
So basically arch-viles, mancubi, pain elementals, cyberdemon and that fat gutted chaingunner bastard.

Revenants look cute to you too? :)

To be fair, maybe I'd consider them cute if I could get over their horrible screaming sounds.

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I hate Spectres. I don't know about anyone else, but in my past DOOM experiences, there always seems to be one more of the bastards after you clear a horde. Then they snatch some of your HP and it irritates me.

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Lost Souls. Too much health for just a skull, should be something closer to Imp's level, to be gone with a single shotgun blast (around 70-80 HP). They can repeat their charge attack at close distance rapidly, which is infuriating and makes no sense - they should build speed first, but no, they just charge again at full speed! And lastly, they are so stupid that they can attack others of their kind, actually making them weaker in swarms.
Now, compare them to Pinkies. Those have actually reasonable health for their size, will not infight, and them attacking continuously makes sense, since they only bite you instead of relying on the charge's kinetic energy. Thus I prefer hordes of Pinkies to clouds of Lost Souls.

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