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do you guys think that Doom is gonna have dlc and crap like that?

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If I had to guess, I would say yes. They may or may not release official expansions and PvP map packs what with their push to make SnapMap popular, but I would defo bet that there's going to be resource packs for that. OTOH I can't see them not making at least one SP expansion pack.

We'll have to wait for the announcement of a season pass - something I really hope doesn't happen.

Does anybody even use the term expansion pack anymore? DLC seems to be the new buzzword for it, although little of what is released is comparable to EPs of the 90's.

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Expansion pack has been replaced with cheap DLC that is meaning to rip ppl off.

Blood Dragon is great example of a real DLC because it's basically expansion pack, it's that big. I also hope that Doom 4 won't be ruined by greed but time will tell. So far Wolfenstein has received only one addition, so time will tell how it's gonna be for Doom 4.

I am very much against modern style DLC though, expansion packs I'm totally down with.

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Doesn't even Smash have DLC now? Where you gotta buy all the fancy extra dudes and such like Cloud, Mewtwo, and Fire Emblem Billybobmcwhatshisfaces?

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DLC itself is not a bad concept. It can be a valid replacement for expansion packs that can add as much value and be cheaper to create because there's no need for physical copies.

Companies like EA, Activison, and Ubisoft milk the ever loving hell out of DLC however, and since those are the three biggest game companies, it gives a bad rap for all DLC.
Things like weapons, player models, and multiplayer maps being behind a paywall fucking sucks. Brand new singleplayer/coop content is great, because you can play them whenever you want, instead of some BS like having to select a specific matchmaking server that may or may not even select the level you want.

Lets say Doom doesn't have Arachnotrons and Archviles in its campaign, and then within 6 months of release they make a new mini campaign with a brand new setting that adds in these two enemies, as well as a new weapon, which in turn also gets added into Snapmap. That would be a cool piece of DLC, and I hope this is how it is done for Doom.

Wolfenstein The New Order had no DLC, which is somewhat surprising; however, it did get a standalone prequel with a new fairly lengthy campaign and new survival mode with new weapons and enemies, and for only 20 bucks. This would also be a cool strategy, if Doom gets a standalone Earth expansion.

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Yes, I'm sure there will be DLC. I only pry it won't be some shitty skin packs with different colors for multiplayer models or cut levels from single player story.
They could made original Doom 1/2 levels on idtech6 engine.
It could be more assets for SnapMap, like new environment rooms and stuff to place on maps.
Multiplayer maps would be welcome too, as long as they will be unique and cool to play.

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Absolutely, would be stunned if it didn't. DLCs are just modern day expansion packs, and even DOOM 3 had a couple of them (RoE, Lost Mission).

DOOM 2 and Final DOOM were arguably just "expansion packs" to the original DOOM ;)

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PCGames.de talked about that:


Without translating the whole article: yes, DLC is planned both for multiplayer and especially for SnapMap. New Maps for Deathmatch, as well as new prefabs and objects for SnapMap.

"Standards wie neue Inhalte für den Multiplayer-Modus" sieht der id-Mann als gesetzt, diese könnten sowohl als kostenpflichtige Doom-Karten-DLCs als auch per Gratis-Update nachgereicht werden.

Translation: "Standards like new content for multiplayer-mode" <regards the iD-employee as needed and planned, these could come as payed Doom-Map-DLCs as well as free Updates after the launch.

When beeing asked if they fear that SnapMap might take away their market regarding paid DLC, iD answers as follows:

"Ich glaube, wir haben dadurch nur noch mehr Möglichkeiten, die Community mit neuen Inhalte zu versorgen".

Translation: "I believe this gives as the possibility to get even more content to the community".

Another quote:

"Wir werden Inhalte [für Snapmap] veröffentlichen und Menschen die Möglichkeit geben - durch DLCs und andere Wege - neue Sachen herunterzuladen. Dadurch erhalten sie einen noch größeren Werkzeugkasten, mit dem sie eigene Maps erstellen können"

Translation: "We will release content (for SnapMap) to give people the possibility - through DLCs or other ways - to download new stuff. Thus they will get a bigger toolbox with which they can create their own maps"

The article ends with the following quote from iD:

"Es ist eine aufregende Zeit für einen Austausch zwischen id Software und Community, der bei Doom 3 und Rage vielleicht nicht so ohne Weiteres möglich war"

Translation: "It is an exciting time for an exchange between iD Software and the community, which was not that easily possible with Doom 3 or Rage".

Make out of that whatever you will (sounds like quite some PR to me).

They don't talk about single player DLC, which - if they come - I am sure will cost money.

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Plasma Gun said:

DOOM 2 and Final DOOM were arguably just "expansion packs" to the original DOOM ;)

Final Doom and, even more so, the Master Levels were absolutely just expansion packs.

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tuo said:

as well as new prefabs and objects for SnapMap.

just make it part of the damn base game! you're taking things that should already be in the game and making them DLC!

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Remember DLC can also be like expansions. Not common but possible. I think Game Informer's interview with the developer had a community question about it. The impression he gave was that they want Doom to last a while (want to be long term profitable) so they want meaningful additions (not spent $5 for skins).

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I hope not but there's a 99% chance of DLC with a 1% chance of actually enjoying what you paid extra for.

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Brilliant move on their part. Also really surprised people are surprised.

I can see it so clearly now; default snap map pieces are only the Techbase theme for example. You can buy snapmap hell extension. User makes "awesome" hell based level with hell snapmap pieces. You want to download awesome "user created content"; the custom hell level. You cant because you have not bought the hell snapmap extension so you cannot play the custom level.

Applause Bethesda, applause..

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roadworx said:

just make it part of the damn base game! you're taking things that should already be in the game and making them DLC!

Doesn't mean the Snapmap stuff will be paid DLC. Remember, DLC doesn't mean Paid DownLoadable Content.

Also, if the snapmap stuff IS premium content, then hopefully it you don't need the DLC to play other people's maps using the DLC.

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tuo said:

as well as new prefabs and objects for SnapMap.

Charging money (assuming the DLCs are not free) from customers so that they (the customers) increase the longevity of the game must be a new low.

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Mithran Denizen said:

Classic Doom player skin DLC: ~$4.99. Calling it.

i'm going to buy it and that fact pisses me off

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Doomkid said:

i'm going to buy it

Heh, me too. Now I feel like shit. DLC is a disease. Even the name sounds like some sort of freaky virus.

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boris said:

Charging money (assuming the DLCs are not free) from customers so that they (the customers) increase the longevity of the game must be a new low.

Yeah, I love how increasing "longevity" of the consumer's "relationship" with the product is code for "continuing to extract money from the consumer."

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TheGamePhilosophe said:

Yeah, I love how increasing "longevity" of the consumer's "relationship" with the product is code for "continuing to extract money from the consumer."

Yes, typical marketing nonsense for sure, but how else are they going to spin it?

Anyway, I love DOOM and I want to support it any way that I can...the only way they will keep making more of these games is if they think they can make money off of them. Any content that they release, I'll buy day 1.

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Linguica said:

Final Doom and, even more so, the Master Levels were absolutely just expansion packs.

Yes, and they were glorious. I remember in the 90's a lot of people crapped all over Final DOOM but honestly I loved the fact that I got TWO full 32-map games for the price that I paid for DOOM 2.

TNT: Evilution was, in particular, an excellent map-set.

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roadworx said:

just make it part of the damn base game! you're taking things that should already be in the game and making them DLC!

Why does every new member around here talk like an annoying 12 year old?

That new stuff is probably made while the game is being certified by Microsoft and Sony. I think that with consoles you have to send a final version of the game for certification months before release. During that time companies start making DLC and day one patches.

wheresthebeef said:

Wolfenstein The New Order had no DLC, which is somewhat surprising; however, it did get a standalone prequel with a new fairly lengthy campaign and new survival mode with new weapons and enemies, and for only 20 bucks. This would also be a cool strategy, if Doom gets a standalone Earth expansion.

To be fair, that expandalone was a collection of two DLC. They were supposed to come separately but instead they combined it into The Old Blood which was great value. 20$ for 8 more hours of excellent content? Yes please. Bethesda are one of the companies that don't make exploitative DLC (at least not recently). Skyrim also had excellent DLC.

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DooM_RO said:

Why does every new member around here talk like an annoying 12 year old?

sorry, just a bit fed up with how much game companies want our money :/

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