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Officially* Name a Doom monster

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In map E4M2, the Cacodemon that is directly below the starting platform will be known as Jacko Caco, as he rises up like Thriller.
All the other Cacos at the end of the level that start coming forward are clearly the backup dancers.

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I've always called the cyberdemon in Map 08 The Teacher,because it really looks like he's teaching a bunch of barons.

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This is "Sergeant Sneaky Snake-y". He always awakens without me noticing him while I'm grabbing shotguns from the shotgunguy's right behind E1M1's first door, then he walks around the blue structure in the middle of the room from the opposite side than I do and strikes me unprepared from the back side.

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scifista42 said:


This is "Sergeant Sneaky Snake-y". He always awakens without me noticing him while I'm grabbing shotguns from the shotgunguy's right behind E1M1's first door, then he walks around the blue structure in the middle of the room from the opposite side than I do and strikes me unprepared from the back side.

This fucker always gets me. He paid attention in basic.

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Anna the Arch-vile

I have no idea why I picked her, considering that I'm not a fan of arch-viles.

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The extra Zombieman at the start of PSX Doom's Hangar (who only appears on UV and sees you immediately, which is an odd choice for the first level of any game) is henceforth known as Fat Daniel.

I hate you, Fat Daniel. I hate you for no reason other than that you shouldn't be set there.

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purist said:

You can have Jim. The other guys are already named Bob and Lenny.

Shit I didn't notice bob. Well I guess the stuck zombie in Map 14 is Zim Zum, unless that's taken too.
Edit: he's not!

this is Zim Zum the Zombie

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Sorry nxGangrel, you're only allowed one pick and you got Sir Jim of Wastetunnelsham.

Love Xaser and Mattfrei's picks for the humour and inventive descriptions. Although it's not a stipulation a pic and back story certainly add to the fun.

Anyway... at Dew's suggestion I have added a register onto the first post so you can check who's taken. If your choice did not make the cut you might be able to see why underneath. If you think I've messed up let me know.

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I'd say the Baron of Hell from the left coffin in E1M8 is called Fedor since he can ruin your day.

EDIT: Thing number is 58.

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The first two Zombiemen in the second room of the Hangar, I always call them the "Poor Bastards" because they were probably the first two to go....

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Fat Daniel and Fedor are registered. Anyone care to name Fedor's bro?

Doomzrules, you still haven't named an individual monster. Pick one of the two, give him a proper name and you're in.

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purist said:

Fat Daniel and Fedor are registered. Anyone care to name Fedor's bro?

Doomzrules, you still haven't named an individual monster. Pick one of the two, give him a proper name and you're in.

Fine the one on the left is Poor Bastard Number One. I just have to find his THING number....

EDIT: Apparently it's Thing 1 on the HMP (Hurt Me Plenty) difficulty.

And since I'm lazy... I'm not going to same the same for Ultra-Violence (even though I generally only play on UV).

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DoomzRules said:

Fine the one on the left is Poor Bastard Number One. I just have to find his THING number....

EDIT: Apparently it's Thing 1 on the HMP (Hurt Me Plenty) difficulty.

And since I'm lazy... I'm not going to same the same for Ultra-Violence (even though I generally only play on UV).

Don't you mean the guy on the right? The one on the left is Fedor.

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purist said:

If you think I've messed up let me know.

You wrote Anna as Annie, though maybe for some reason?

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Superluigieth1 said:

Okay, MAP20 for Doom II, the Cyber is named Bob, and the Spidey is named Jim.

purist said:

Superluigieth1 - you've not named an individual monster

there can only be one

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Doom II MAP29 T82 is Alex the forever alone cyberdemon bacause the player always skips it.

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The_Trigger said:

T19, e2m8. The cyberdemon. He shall now be called "swarley".

I fear I must differ; we dubbed him "Simon the Cyberdemon" in about 1995. :-)

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PseudoGold said:

Don't you mean the guy on the right? The one on the left is Fedor.

We could call him The Number One Poor Bastard Private Fedor.

It could be made into a running joke within the Doomworld community....

The Number One Poor Bastard Fedor was having a nice day with his squad until his squad leader got killed and possessed by a Lost Soul, and then he turned around like a dumbass and got possessed by a Lost Soul.....

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