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PALREMAP lump idea

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Another variant on this idea just occurred to me:


Don't translate any graphics that the COLORMAP is already used on, do translate anything that normally doesn't use the COLORMAP, using the first 256 bytes of it as the translation table.


This shouldn't be the only option, but it would actually be a better solution for when you run the game with Doom paletted assets. A hypothetical example: DM2PAL (or something like it) with a COLORMAP that follows the original palette's structure. This would allow for smoother fades even if shades have been cut from the fullbright part of the COLORMAP (you'd still see the unique shades as it fades in the distance).


Perhaps PALREMAP should be a text lump defining a few key behaviors of how the engine should translate existing assets. Instead of just being a single translation lump, you could define the name of the translation lump you wish to be used (in 8-bit) and/or an alternate palette that doesn't override the PLAYPAL in truecolor (per Graf's suggestion). Also whether or not to use the first entry of the COLORMAP as the translation, etc.

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