GeorgeCostanza94 Posted July 12, 2016 Over all, I do like them, but I find a number of them like the mancubas and cyberdemon are overly designed, too many details. I think what made the classic monsters more memorable was their more simplistic but still cool designs. I think the spider mastermind was the best monster design brought from the classics. IDK that's just me. Thoughts? Insults? Death threats? 0 Share this post Link to post
TAPETRVE Posted July 12, 2016 For the most part I love it. The Hell Razers are a bit too "rocky" for my taste; they kinda look like something out of a Darksiders game (as does the design of the Hell levels). Other than that, there's not much to complain for me. I'm still happy as fuck that the imps were designed after the ones from DOOM 64. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lykanthrope Posted July 12, 2016 TAPETRVE said:For the most part I love it. The Hell Razers are a bit too "rocky" for my taste; they kinda look like something out of a Darksiders game (as does the design of the Hell levels). Other than that, there's not much to complain for me. I'm still happy as fuck that the imps were designed after the ones from DOOM 64. I kind of liked their designs actually. I've always thought their more "android" like vocalizations were a little odd for a character like that though since they're not really a 'robot' per se`. 0 Share this post Link to post
raymoohawk Posted July 12, 2016 i love all the new designs except for the baron of hell, it's face does not look threatening at all, specially when compared with the original. i did not find any of the new demons to be overdesigned, in fact i like how they are simpler as opposed to what you see in many other games where the enemies either look like human variants or busy indecipherable scribbles 0 Share this post Link to post
Flesh420 Posted July 13, 2016 I like them all but the Cybermoose. The former humans remind me very much of Stroggs, their mumbling sounds very similar. 0 Share this post Link to post
methy Posted July 13, 2016 Obviously the Hell Guardians look out of place so let's get that out of the way since we had an entire thread for it. Overall I really like the redesign all Doom1/2/3 enemies. Summoners are decent but they're no Archevil. Hell Razers fit well with the rest and their attacks add a little something to an arena. Possessed Soldiers, I'm not sure they fit well with the rest. I guess it makes sense since they're no Demons in the pure sense but still. Especially the ones with the shield don't look like something you'd find in a Doom game. I'm not too fond of the idea of making Cyberdemon, Cybermancubus and Revenants be enhanced by humans or pure human creations. I think they did that so that storywise it makes sense, so that you can have "cyber" demons which "cyber" side don't look out of place in Hell; but as a result it still doesn't fit because, while it works with the Cyberdemon since you have an entire level area and tons of text based around it, it's hard make it believeable with Cyber Mancubus and Revenants. I mean did they really create HUNDREDS of those in the Lazarus Labs, but they all got away and somehow they all come back for you? I think the most stupid is the Revenant. The idea of them being created in the Lazarus Labs by linking rocket launchers to human brains while the human is still alive, only to kill them through hellish waves so they come back as demons.... What were they thinking?! The idea of Possessed engineers, human being mixed with explosives during the initial wave, is farfetched as well. 0 Share this post Link to post
shotfan Posted July 13, 2016 I made some comments already on Doom 4's monster design on here, but it will not hurt to have them rephrased here, will it? :) First off: obligatory "Y U NO INCLUD PAIN ELEMENTALS AND ARACHNOTRONS?!!!" :D Alright... for the actually present demons... - Possessed look weird. It is hard to figure out they were humans once. Former Humans are unsettling after all, as they are mostly intact humans, only enslaved to demonic possession. Possessed from Doom 4 look rather horrific, but also less resembling the humans they had been... maybe I should not complain, since this should make me easier to put them out of their misery? - Imps look very alike to stereotypical aliens, with big pupil-less eyes and droplet-shaped heads. But they still remain firmly in a "demon" category. - Hellknights got essentially imported from Doom 3, which was a good decision. However, depriving them of ranged attack was a bad decision, even if they are still quite a threat even without it. It is hard to go wrong with more varied attacks as long as they are sufficiently different, and this is obviously the case. - Barons of Hell, on the other hand, look bad. Messed-up musculature that looks like a plasticine and goofy face. The original humanoid bulls were much more deserving of respect. - Pinkies are great, no questions asked! (And Spectres returned!) - As are Cacodemons. Just wish they retained their pupils - such one detail can make them look much more intelligent (maybe a bit weird, but this is how I recept it). The pupil-less eyes make them more animal-like to me (which is in tune to their Codex description, but as I said before, I do not like it). - Lost Souls are skulls again, thank Icon of Sin. And they are kamikaze now! Very good decision, makes them more threatening and less annoying at once (as I said somewhere else, the repeatedly-charging original Lost Souls made no sense and were very irritating) - Summoners look very good, but I agree that classic Arch-Viles with their distinctive lack of abs (:D) are unique in their own way that is hard to replicate. - Revenants... I would forgot about them. Well, they look almost the same. The biggest change is the fact that have eyeballs now. The eyeless ones were more creepy for sure, but this change is coherent with their new backstory (which is rather shocking - seriously, UAC deserved to get rekt invaded after those Mengele-tier experiments. Did Hayden knew WTF they were doing down in Lazarus!!?) - Indifferent to Hell Razers and Guardians. - Mancubi... I do not really know what to think of them. They were always a comic relief of sorts to me, being hulking fatsos that are slow as turtles. I think it is hard to make anything sensible with such an OVERWEIGHT enemy, so I will refrain from judgement on the new ones. - Cyberdemon... what the hell!? Looks not menacing at all. The original one was both ugly, but also VERY scary - to this day I shiver anytime when I have to fight one, no matter the gun I have. Sticking to simple animal mimesis worked very well for Adrian in Baron's and Cyber's case. This one indeed looks overdone. And what it is with his horns? They should point forward, to serve as a potential weapon. The rearward ones are useless and too big to boot. Still though, nice for him that he got varied attacks, it was long overdue. The Doom 3's Cyberdemon is a better iteration by far, speaking of morphology: more adequate, slim bulid, properly shaped horns and still not-derpy-face. However, his fight sucked, unfortunately. So I guess that Cyberdemon from Doom 4 came out better here. - Spiderdemon, on the other hand, looks good. Prominent brain matter, white-clad armour that makes for nice chromatic contrast against the rest of the demons that lack white in their colour scheme, and that impressive acrobatics she can pull off make Spiderdemon look well designed, better this time than the Cyber. 0 Share this post Link to post
Unterspahgenzich Posted July 13, 2016 I love all the monster designs EXCEPT for the imp... As has been said a million times before they look like goofy aliens, their texture seems really slimey and icky and I really don't think that's how a hell demon should look like. I miss the imps from the e3 2015 demo, there they had a more grotesque and disturbing design akin to hell knights, which I think would have fit better with the rest of the bestiary and tone of the game. Keeping that design would have also made the fact that summoners are evolved imps more believable, the new imp designs look nothing like summoners whereas the e3 demo imps look like close cousins. The cyberdemon is terrible, too, obviously. The baron of hell looks nice but I think they could have been improved. I think the brown on their legs could have been a tad darker, it seems to blend in too much with the rest of him which makes him look really bland. I think the snout could have been a bit more prominent too. 0 Share this post Link to post
Almonds Posted July 13, 2016 I hate the base mancubus design. I really fucking do. Cyber variant is cool tho. I was really up in arms about people being so overly critical and harsh over the design of the cyberdemon but I've grown to dislike it deeply too. Every other monster looked ace to me, though. The baron, SM and cacodemon all share some pretty memorable design language and that's all that matters to me. 0 Share this post Link to post
Pencil of Doom Posted July 13, 2016 I like them all, except maybe the cyberdemon, he doesn't look very mechanical, i like the imp and the revenant the most, when the imp appears, it looks really pissed, i like that, the revenant has a jetpack, makes for a interesting foe and it's my favorite monster for all doom games. So overall ID did a great job at the designs and the baron of hell surely looks intimidating. 0 Share this post Link to post
Riccardoman Posted July 13, 2016 Every demon that has crab or insect armor on it didn't feel much doomy to me, so: 50% meh 50% Doom Don't know who's better between the Cyberdemon and this random crap I googled one minute ago at least this guy has some muscles and isn't fucking FAT! Now I'm mad angry However, best monster designs in the game: Revenant and Spider Mastermind by a country mile 0 Share this post Link to post
Moon Marin Posted July 13, 2016 dislike - soldiers, zombies, lost souls. (not the hellrazer soldiers though, they actually look and feel good to me) like - pretty much everything else is spot on or well designed imo. wtf? - hellguards. about the only thing that just doesnt look right to me. 0 Share this post Link to post
Camahueto Posted July 13, 2016 I like them. A bit overdesigned in general, but maybe that's just the contrast between them and the old designs. The Cyberdemon looks kinda boring though. 0 Share this post Link to post
Gusty Posted July 21, 2016 I freaked when I saw the Cacodemons; some lovely designs for them, though I still like their classic appearance more. The Hell Knights make me think of the ones from Doom 3, and the Barons look great. I didn't like the Cyberdemon when I first saw him, but once I finally got to his fight it really grew on me. But the Spider Mastermind...I love her look in 4! She looked absolutely fantastic <333 0 Share this post Link to post
VGamingJunkie Posted July 21, 2016 I actually think the Archvile's ("Summoner") design is pretty cool. Looks more demonic than the original that, when you look at the high res model it was based after, looks more like an alien monster than a true spawn of Hell. 0 Share this post Link to post
Unterspahgenzich Posted July 21, 2016 MetroidJunkie said:I actually think the Archvile's ("Summoner") design is pretty cool. Looks more demonic than the original that, when you look at the high res model it was based after, looks more like an alien monster than a true spawn of Hell. Agreed. The archvile never really gave off that "sorcerer" vibe either, whereas the Summoner has a really fucking cool design with the unique head and the levitating things on its back. The archvile's design always seemed to me like it would be a lower ranking demon in hell. 0 Share this post Link to post
Linheli Posted July 21, 2016 Spider Mastermind and Baron of Hell are perfectly designed. However the Zombies or The Possessed is not fitting with the horror theme of DOOM, it should be more grosteque / being gnawed - missing boday parts - crawling or whichever more resurrected dead bodies 0 Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted July 21, 2016 Linheli said:However the Zombies or The Possessed is not fitting with the horror theme of DOOM, it should be more grosteque / being gnawed - missing boday parts - crawling or whichever more resurrected dead bodies I think they are not supposed to be classic zombies, they are mutants transformed by evil energy. 0 Share this post Link to post
Unterspahgenzich Posted July 21, 2016 Tetzlaff said:I think they are not supposed to be classic zombies, they are mutants transformed by evil energy. Yep. Lazarus wave exposure did weird shit to their bodies, like melding together their flesh and any weapons or armor they were carrying with them at the time. Very Doom-ish if you ask me, a combination of flesh and metal. 0 Share this post Link to post