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Need help compiling a Doom 64 EX macro

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When I try to compile a simple script in Doom Builder 64, this error message always appears no matter what I do: Expected a colon, but found: Open (11 : 4) (line = 1, pos = 7)

This is literally all i have in the script:

   #include "common.txt"
   macro 1
I have no clue what's the problem here. Can someone (maybe Kaiser?) tell me what's wrong? It would be greatly appreciated.

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Are you sure it's named Door_CloseWait30Open and not, say, Door_CloseWaitOpen? The parser complains about "Open" which do me would seem to imply it doesn't recognize Door_CloseWait30Open as a single token. I kind of get the feeling (perhaps wrong) that it understood it as "Door_CloseWait(30) Open" which is why it says it expected a colon but found Open.

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Yeah, I tried it without the "30" and it says "unknown identifier". I was thinking the error message might've had to do with line 1, but I've tried placing a colon there and it didn't work.

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Here's mine:

#setdir "D:\Games\Doom\Doom64\Builder64\Compilers\Doom64"
#include "common.txt"

macro 1
    Sector_CopyLightsAndInterpolate(4, 3);
    Sector_CopyLightsAndInterpolate(7, 3);
Not that your error points to this, but try specifying your compiler directory.

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The error happens even with my directory being correct. If it helps any, I find no problems compiling when I don't have anything between the brackets of macro 1.

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Sounds to me like it's not including common.txt, does it actually exist at your #setdir path?


//** common.txt

#define PushVar(var) 204:var
#define Delay(tic) 203:tic; wait

#define Door_Open(tag) 2:tag
#define Door_Close(tag) 3:tag
#define Door_Raise(tag) 4:tag
#define Door_CloseWait30Open(tag) 16:tag
#define Door_RaiseFast(tag) 108:tag
#define Door_OpenFast(tag) 109:tag
#define Door_CloseFast(tag) 110:tag

#define Floor_Raise(tag) 5:tag
#define Floor_Lower(tag) 19:tag
#define Floor_RaiseToNearest(tag) 30:tag
#define Floor_LowerFast(tag) 36:tag
#define Floor_LowerChange(tag) 37:tag
#define Floor_LowerToLowest(tag) 38:tag
#define Floor_RaiseCrush(tag) 56:tag
#define Floor_Raise24(tag) 58:tag
#define Floor_Raise24Change(tag) 59:tag
#define Floor_RaiseToNearest2(tag) 119:tag
#define Floor_MoveByValue(tag, value) PushVar(value); 212:tag
#define Floor_MoveByValueFast(tag, value) PushVar(value); 228:tag
#define Floor_MoveByValueInstant(tag, value) PushVar(value); 229:tag
#define Floor_SetHeight(tag, height) PushVar(height); 244:tag
#define Floor_MoveByHeight(tag, height) PushVar(height); 247:tag

#define Stairs_Build(tag) 8:tag
#define Stairs_Build16Fast(tag) 100:tag

#define Ceiling_RaiseCrush(tag) 6:tag
#define Ceiling_RaiseCrushOnce(tag) 25:tag
#define Ceiling_LowerToFloor(tag) 43:tag
#define Ceiling_RaiseCrush2(tag) 44:tag
#define Ceiling_StopCrusher(tag) 57:tag
#define Ceiling_SilentCrusher(tag) 141:tag
#define Ceiling_MoveByValue(tag, value) PushVar(value); 210:tag
#define Ceiling_MoveByValueFast(tag, value) PushVar(value); 226:tag
#define Ceiling_MoveByValueInstant(tag, value) PushVar(value); 227:tag
#define Ceiling_RaiseCrushOnceFast(tag) 232:tag
#define Ceiling_SetHeight(tag, height) PushVar(height); 245:tag
#define Ceiling_MoveByHeight(tag, height) PushVar(height); 252:tag

#define Plat_DownWaitUp(tag) 10:tag
#define Plat_RaiseChange(tag) 22:tag
#define Plat_PerpetualRaise(tag) 53:tag
#define Plat_Stop(tag) 54:tag
#define Plat_DownWaitUp24(tag) 66:tag
#define Plat_DownWaitUp32(tag) 67:tag
#define Plat_DownWaitUpFast(tag) 121:tag
#define Plat_UpWaitDown(tag) 122:tag
#define Plat_UpWaitDownFast(tag) 123:tag
#define Plat_DownUpByValue(tag, value) PushVar(value); 236:tag
#define Plat_DownUpFastByValue(tag, value) PushVar(value); 237:tag
#define Plat_UpDownByValue(tag, value) PushVar(value); 238:tag
#define Plat_UpDownFastByValue(tag, value) PushVar(value); 239:tag

#define Teleport_ToDest(tid) 39:tid
#define Teleport_Stomp(tid) 249:tid

#define Thing_ModifyFlags(tid) 93:tid
#define Thing_Alert(tid) 94:tid
#define Thing_SpawnDart(tid) 202:tid
#define Thing_Spawn(tid) 224:tid
#define Thing_SpawnTracer(tid) 231:tid
#define Thing_SetReactionTime(tics) 233:tics
#define Thing_Dissolve(tid) 242:tid

#define Sector_SetFloorColorID(tag, id) PushVar(id); 205:tag
#define Sector_SetCeilingColorID(tag, id) PushVar(id); 206:tag
#define Sector_SetThingColorID(tag, id) PushVar(id); 207:tag
#define Sector_SetUpperWallColorID(tag, id) PushVar(id); 208:tag
#define Sector_SetLowerWallColorID(tag, id) PushVar(id); 209:tag
#define Sector_CopyFlags(dsttag, srctag) PushVar(srctag); 220:dsttag
#define Sector_CopySpecials(dsttag, srctag) PushVar(srctag); 221:dsttag
#define Sector_CopyLights(dsttag, srctag) PushVar(srctag); 222:dsttag
#define Sector_CopyTextures(dsttag, srctag) PushVar(srctag); 223:dsttag
#define Sector_CopyLightsAndInterpolate(dsttag, srctag) PushVar(srctag); 235:dsttag

#define Line_CopyFlags(dsttag, srctag) PushVar(srctag); 218:dsttag
#define Line_CopyTextures(dsttag, srctag) PushVar(srctag); 219:dsttag
#define Line_CopySpecials(dsttag, srctag) PushVar(srctag); 230:dsttag
#define Line_TriggerRandomLinesByTag(tags) 240:tags

#define Elevator_MoveByValue(tag, value) PushVar(value); 214:tag

#define Pillar_OpenByValue(tag, value) PushVar(value); 241:tag

#define Camera_Clear(tid) 200:tid
#define Camera_Set(tid) 201:tid
#define Camera_MoveAndAim(tid, nexttid) PushVar(nexttid); 243:tid

#define Macro_Suspend(id) 248:id
#define Macro_Enable(id) 250:id
#define Macro_Disable(id) 251:id

#define Player_Freeze(tics) 233:tics
#define Quake(tics) 225:tics
#define SetLightID(dst, src) PushVar(src); 234:dst
#define Exit 52:0
#define ExitToLevel(map) 124:map
#define UnlockCheatMenu 253:0
#define DisplaySkyLogo 254:0
#define No_Op 0:0

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Sorry for the late response.

I have confirmed that my #setdir line is right. The problem is the code itself.

I copied and pasted your script into DB64 and it compiled without fail.

Perhaps the syntax is incorrect? Where do I find the thing ID of something?

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Figured it out...

The BLAM compiler is reacting badly to any definition in common.txt which has a number in its name:

#define Door_CloseWait30Open(tag)                       16:tag
#define Floor_Raise24(tag)                              58:tag
#define Floor_Raise24Change(tag)                        59:tag
#define Floor_RaiseToNearest2(tag)                      119:tag
#define Stairs_Build16Fast(tag)                         100:tag
#define Ceiling_RaiseCrush2(tag)                        44:tag
#define Plat_DownWaitUp24(tag)                          66:tag
#define Plat_DownWaitUp32(tag)                          67:tag
As a workaround, use the corresponding number of the action. In your case, simply putting 16 will work instead of Door_CloseWait30Open.
   #include "common.txt"
   macro 1
I'll post a bug report for Kaiser/DotFloat...

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No problem, I love this port and I'd like to complete a mapset myself, so it's handy to figure these things out.

Looking forward to what you can do with it.

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iori said:

Figured it out...

The BLAM compiler is reacting badly to any definition in common.txt which has a number in its name

So you could also do something like:

   #include "common.txt"
   #define Door_CloseWaitThenOpen(tag) 16:tag
   macro 1

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