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Percentage of classic DOOM compared to new DOOM

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I just got the game today and I'm only on the second level, so my opinion is early so to speak. Anyway, what percentage of classic vs new DOOM do you feel this game is?

My current opinion: 40% old DOOM/ 60% new DOOM

It seems the game (early impression) is a bit arcadey. It's fun, but it is lacking some old school elements. I do miss the old school former humans/zombie men/chaingunners. I think the imps are cool though. I also feel the game is lacking the catchy music that loops throughout each level. These are just a few things that come to mind.

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I wouldn't have minded an option in the settings menu to toggle a static soundtrack either. I get that it's fine as is since the music is dynamic and changes based on your gameplay style but I would've supported it fully. would've been fairly cool, and certainly innovative in a sense.

I get it would easily become tiresome, though.

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I'm also with 40% old DOOM/ 60% new DOOM.

Though in my opinion, that's a good thing.

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Trycon said:

I'm also with 40% old DOOM/ 60% new DOOM.

Though in my opinion, that's a good thing.

I agree, the mixture is perfect and I think that's what guys at id were aiming at - some clearly classic elements, but with lots of modernity too. I reckon the new Quake game will aim at similar percentage.

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