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Wolfenstein: The New Multiplayer

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So many of have played The New Order, and many of us would say it was a superb shooter. The shooting mechanics were great, the weapons were powerful, the level design better than most modern First Person Shooters, it was a great FPS, and it didn't even have a multiplayer!

But what if? What if TNO did have a multiplayer based around the mechanics you get in the single player? Would there be lodouts? Nazi robot killstreaks? Ammo pickups? Would there be vehicles? Who knows, it'll probably never happen, but what if? How would you make a multiplayer component for a Wolfenstein sequel?

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I'd steer clear of Wolf 2009's multiplayer and head more towards Enemy Territory: Quake Wars style and have it be objective focused mass warfare but with specific roles for specific units.

An example would be Alpha Squad taking out anti air so air units could be deployed with Bravo focusing on bunker busting and Charlie focusing on munitions sabotage (each one progessively making life easier for the others). Only problems would be A: one squad is useless, B: nobody is playing the game so rip you. I guess if one squad completes their mission then they can help out with the others.

I'd also avoid the hell out of the whole pushing of E-Sports bullshit every online game has forced into the basic modes (that just pisses me off) and avoid skill matchmaking for core and keep it its own thing (a standalone mode) so you can just play the god damn game without keeping track of some worthless leaderboard rank if you so please.

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I didn't really enjoy TNO's premise nor the narration, I would've preferred BJ remain the silent type of protagonist.

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I can't really imagine TNO having multiplayer aside from maybe a coop mini-campaign.

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The main reason I want a multiplayer is because I just want something more to do with the game instead of playing the campaign over and over again.

If I were to have it my way I guess I would want a battlefield like multiplayer with map pickups, that would be pretty cool

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I imagine the multiplayer would be pretty basic arena shooting. Fun, sure, but it wouldn't be anything to special or non-generic, given the weapons and how the player could move. I suppose things could be tweaked, of course.

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MFG38 said:

I can't really imagine TNO having multiplayer aside from maybe a coop mini-campaign.

Considering how Enemy Territory was the multiplayer portion of Return to Castle Wolfenstein it could be possible to give TNO a similar kind of multiplayer.

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