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Kontra Kommando

Game Engines for Commercial Use/ Gloome

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What are the game engines one could aquire/purchase for commercial use? I know Unity3D is one of them. But are there any others? Specifically, engines that have FPS mechanics readily available.

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You can use any GPLed program for commercial use provided you also make the engine source code available.

* Doom
* Doom 3
* Heretic
* Hexen
* Quake
* Quake 2
* Quake 3

But if not, these engines are popular for licensing:

* Call of Duty 4 through 11
* Doom 3
* Quake 3
* Rage
* Source (Half-Life 2)
* Unity
* Unreal

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If it's a GPL version of GZDoom that you're after, I suggest taking a look at GZDoom-GPL. It keeps in line with regular GZDoom, so it's quite easy to expand any mods into full blown games.

Just keep in mind that making a game using any Doom port is never going to be as straight-forward compared to something like Unity. I think it's fair to say that the Doom engine does one thing really well, and that's straight-forward FPS games. If you have ambitious game-ideas, you probably have to jump through some hoops to get it working the way you want it to. Though... With the current development of ZScript, they might make me eat those words.

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Agentbromsnor said:

If it's a GPL version of GZDoom that you're after, I suggest taking a look at GZDoom-GPL. It keeps in line with regular GZDoom, so it's quite easy to expand any mods into full blown games.

Just keep in mind that making a game using any Doom port is never going to be as straight-forward compared to something like Unity. I think it's fair to say that the Doom engine does one thing really well, and that's straight-forward FPS games. If you have ambitious game-ideas, you probably have to jump through some hoops to get it working the way you want it to. Though... With the current development of ZScript, they might make me eat those words.

Great, so I can just use my own assets; create my own maps/music/etc. Then sell it via an LLC as a standalone game on steam for example, than.

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Kontra Kommando said:


So I downloaded the GZGPL-1.0-2225-g8e0f919 (x64).zip

from: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qiu95ksnw0c1w7n/AADvArljSlR3Sp51ljICTOkga?dl=0

So essentially, the game I want to create, would be the IWAD file it will run on, I think.

I would need to make an IWAD file from scratch?

Yes, you would. I recommend using PK3 instead of WAD, since PK3 allows you to use your own file-structure (for the most part).

I suggest you follow this little tutorial to get started: http://www.lofibucket.com/articles/modding_doom.html

Good luck!

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3 hours ago, dugan said:

I know of two such projects: GZDoom-GPL and GLOOME.

Not sure why you decided to ressurrect this old topic, but since you did I might as well update this subject: GZDoom itself is now completely GPL compliant, which means that GZDoom-GPL and GLOOME are pretty much obsolete.

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