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Rebirth MIDI Pack - COMPLETE.

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This should be interesting alongside the existing tracks that Vader made. I suspect I'll end up trying to gel whatever I compose with those numbers in some way.

13, 22, 28 and 31, please!

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Nice! I was wondering when another one of these projects was going to pop up :) Not joining, but as a player and a mapper, thanks for keeping the music scene so active!

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i was itching to get a few tunes out of the way for a Doom project.

i'm thinking this moody cover i made might fit map 14, perhaps? https://www.dropbox.com/s/20qswvifxt8vdo4/Night%20Music.mid?dl=0

for map 23, i have this rocking cover of an Undercode song, although it may be a bit short and repetitive. https://www.dropbox.com/s/5eaaqs02lk7y4vx/freedom%20is%20mine%20%28serious%20sam%20edit%29_3.mid?dl=0

i also have this track i could donate to a slot, but the MIDI file is excessively bloated and i don't have the know-how to fix it myself. https://www.dropbox.com/s/73fobto0g9q8ro6/Sunfall%20Valley%20%28Open%20Fire%29.mid?dl=0

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Alfonzo, AD_79, and DoomLover234, consider your slots claimed. o/ Welcome back!

Viscra Maelstrom: "Night Music" is a good track but a bit too techno-y for Doom, I feel, and honestly I certainly wouldn't say it fits the gritty underground aesthetic of MAP14.

"Freedom is Mine" is certainly short, and I do think it suffers a bit from its repetitiveness. MAP23 isn't a terribly long level though, so maybe with some sprucing up this would be a good candidate.

"Sunfall Valley (Open Fire)" on the other hand is long and pretty epic - guitar-centric but there's lots going on in it, with moments of calm and chaos in pretty much equal measure. Did you have a map in mind for this? I could be persuaded to include this but wouldn't know what slot to give it.

Thanks for your contributions!

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hey Jimmy et al. thanks for doing another of these, you're doing God's work, just brilliant stuff all round; i cant even play Plutonia anymore w/o PLUTMIDI :D

i must ask, why did you pick a project that already had custom music? you dont have to explain yourselves i just thought that was a bit odd.

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Rebirth is a megawad with tons of character by itself, but is definitely let down by only having six custom music tracks to it. Vader's tracks are staying in their rightful places, so it's nothing against his ability to compose or his taste in music selection.

Honestly I see the mapset as having many of the same properties as Revolution!, due to its custom content, its short-ish maps, and its nature of being by a now highly accomplished mapper at an early point in their community tenure.

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oh ok i see now; i thought you were replacing his custom tracks. adding to them is a good idea (a little less work to fill a 32map wad also ;)

good luck. i only wish i had any ability at all and i could contribute!

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Jimmy said:

Viscra Maelstrom: "Night Music" is a good track but a bit too techno-y for Doom, I feel, and honestly I certainly wouldn't say it fits the gritty underground aesthetic of MAP14.

"Dark Arena" is certainly short, and I do think it suffers a bit from its repetitiveness. MAP23 isn't a terribly long level though, so maybe with some sprucing up this would be a good candidate.

"Sunfall Valley (Open Fire)" on the other hand is long and pretty epic - guitar-centric but there's lots going on in it, with moments of calm and chaos in pretty much equal measure. Did you have a map in mind for this? I could be persuaded to include this but wouldn't know what slot to give it.

Thanks for your contributions!

hmm. maybe move Night Music up to map20 then? or if not, have it be a wildcard for now. i'll see what i can do with map23, most of the Undercode tracks for Serious Sam were short loop-y tracks anyway, so it shouldn't be too hard to extend it by splicing in another track into it.

i was actually gonna suggest Sunfall Valley for Withered Fields, but Alfonzo already claimed that one, heh. i don't have a set level in mind that i'd want it on, maybe one of the later Hell levels? or one of the city maps? preferrably one with open, outdoor spaces.

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I guess I'll throw my figurative hat at the intermission music.

Rebirth has always been a favorite!

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I've never played this wad, but I'm interested. I'll give it a playthrough this week and see if I want to make a MIDI for any of these maps.

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Eris Falling and TheMionicDonut, your slots are claimed. :) I also pencilled in stewboy for MAP11's slot, via IRC request.

Not Jabba and rehelekretep, thank you for your words, by the way! Good to be doing another one of these.

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Pencil me in for map02, I'm good at making brown notes as you all know so it should fit nicely!

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Well i guess i should give some nore definitive thoughts on my tracks. Sunfall Valley can be added to map20, i think it fits the slot well, and Freedom is Mine i'm still jotting down on map23 as a claimed slot, with the promise that i'll extend it to be more awesome and less repetitive. Night Music can probably remain a wildcard for now.

Does that sound okay, Jimmy?

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Ahhhh, so another MIDI project initiated by Jimmy!

I think I could contribute with a custom GENMIDI lump for this (like I did for the Plutonia midi pack recently), for those who like the oldschool OPL synth sound.

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okay, so i've been a bit flared up today, but i think i did a okay job at extending the Freedom is Mine MIDI: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hinzmainr5by8kc/freedom%20is%20mine%20%28serious%20sam%20edit%29_5.mid?dl=0

added a whole new part based on the Fight 1 theme from Serious Sam TSE, to go along with the already covered Fight 2 theme (no idea who did the original Fight 1 theme, but i'm gonna guess it was also an Undercode song.) hopefully this should stamp out the repetitiveness of the track a bit.

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Viscra Maelstrom: Thank you, I dig it! Great solos especially. My only point of contention is that it's very heavy, instrumentally, pretty much right out the door, too. I think I'll add this to the roster proper, but if you could soften the mix a bit or thin out the power chords enough to make it sound less "saturated" I guess, while keeping the melody and harmony intact, that'd be swell.

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hmm, you mean like lowering the note velocity of the heavy parts, or just lower the volume of the guitars to make them be less overpowering?

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ClumsyDoomer: Consider it done. Welcome back to the project!

Viscra Maelstrom: It's not so much volume, although that may be a contributor. It's more the fact that the instruments seem to be doubled up, i.e. overdriven and distortion guitar playing together, and I'm almost positive there's some sawtooth as well in there which is thickening the sound even more. Just a thing that's likely to make your track stand out in terms of overall volume and heaviness - that said, I might possibly go over the submissions later in order to balance them out evenly.

And just to let everyone know, I've claimed slots 4 and 27 for now.

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Jimmy, I'm sorry. I have no inspiration whatsoever, and that shouldn't be happening. I relinquish all of my slots.

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Text screen is unedited from Doom 2 and I can't really understand why anyone would want to spend their time writing something for that. Spoke to this about Jimmy already and now I present you...

Ludum Suite Part V (01:12)

Basically, it's a MIDI conversion of an excerpt from this soundtrack I wrote recently for a game my friends were making, but they never actually finished the game so it all went unused. Part V was intended to have that bombastic/victorious kind of feeling so I guess it's a good a fit as any...

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Eris Falling: As I stated on IRC, this is great, and furthermore would work a charm now that I've heard the MIDI rendition. Thanks for your contribution! To the OP it goes.

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