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More New Doom III Shots

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In anticipation of this weekend's annual QuakeCon, id Software has released two new screenshots from their upcoming oeuvre, Doom 3. What, do I really need to write anything more? Blah blah blah filler space, I know you don't care so click the link and see the pics.

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I think the Imp is an older model which will be replaced. What is wrong with the pinky? These shots are great, imo. This is a single frame, imagine it in motion. BTW. The second shot has monitors with the old Doom font on them.

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Hey, some of those pannels have "UAC" written on them! They stole that from Doom, dammit! FUCKING WHORES!!!


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The first shot is the worst we've seen so far. 2nd is fine, at least there's some nice lighting.
Overall, nothing more impressive than the stuff from E3.

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The last 4 shots Activision released seriously didn't impress me, not as much as the official release from both videos: macworld & legacy. I am not going to complain and go under the details about shadowing and such. Obviously, in the first shot the imp model is lacking enough of smooth polys. Second shot is all right.

What it really disappointed me is the new design on the Imp model, just like how Ebola thinks so. I'm certainly not going to be pleased with seeing an 8-eyed Imp in Doom 3. I mean, how'd id come up with this such a ridiculous idea. That 8 eyes look would be more logical if it was on an arachrotron or a spider mastermind.

Actually, original imp must be one of my most favorite demons throughout the entire Doom series. Look at how nasty it can be in the official fanart and the perferct & utlimate pose of an imp should look like at http://zdaemon.com. Now I hesitate if I'm going to be able to love Imp as much as I used to do anymore.

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I don't understand how people can complain about polycounts. Current hardware can't run this at 60 fps and you are already bitching.

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Btw, nothing stops you from exporting the models to any 3d package, smooth the mesh once or twice with just 3 clicks of your mouse, and then re-import them into the game. Skin parameters will remain the same. Of course that means polycounts will be 4x - 10x bigger so don't expect it to run decently. But I assure you the stencil shadows will look incredibly good.

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ooh! THE SECOND SHOT OWNS ME, IT OWNS ME BAD! If you can bitch at the second one, I hate you, I can understand a little disapointment with the first one, but the freaking second one OOOOOOOH. It made my head ache go away, I love it, the nice shadow, all that detail in the back, pure horror scene.

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Hey 999cop...is the imp playing with himself in that picture or something? :) anyways, I wasn't too impressed with these pictures, the imp did look slightly jaggy too me, but I really don't have a problem with the eyes or anything. I'm sure they'll smooth it over anyways, heh, like I'm even gonna be able to play it...The second one...I've seen the pinky before, this one is nothing special.

Update: This doesn't have anything to do with the doom shots, but these wolfenstein PS2 shots were released at Quakecon as well.


Just try and tell me these don't look like ass. I was shocked...well...considering it's PS2, I wasn't really that shocked ;)

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What's that on the crate in the second shot?

It's the old UAC logo! The cool logo which I thought they got rid of and replaced with that triangle thing! Woohoo!

Oh, and the rest of the screenshot is cool, too. :) Not as impressive as the first videos we saw, but still cool. And I can just imagine what it'll look like running at full-speed. wĂĽt!

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Mongo like candy!

The polycounts don't bother me, but that first monster is the least scary enemy i've seen in a long time.

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I thought the monster in the first pic was something of an archvile as well. I guess the long fingers reminded me of an archvile. The monster does make a low-poly impression, but that's probably because the "cameraman" is standing right on the monsters' toes.
The second pic is badass. Very badass. The new pinky model is awesome, lighting looks very real and surroundings are detailed and interesting.
My favorite doom3 screenie is still the bathroom scene, though.

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what happened- are sprites out of style??...oh well...the first pick has sort of a Batman angle and the second one has detailed radios in the back and a monster that could chew at my ankles

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I don't understand why people bitch about the imp having ten eyes - come on, it looks a lot nastier with thouse ten eyes. If it had only two eyes like in the old game it'd look too similar to the old one but without spikes.

And I don't know know why you start bitching about those eyes NOW since you've all known that the new imp has ten eyes since E3.

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Who said anything about wanting more or less eyes? The point is, this spider-like eyes look completely does not fit in a proper image for the imp. Imho, it didn't freak me out at all when I first saw it, it was just simply ugly, that's all. I'm positive that most people would rather have the ordinary look of just a pair of eyes for an imp. It may look too original and plain, but I'm sure I could think of some other cooler features to add on instead of having those weird alien eyes.

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dsm said:

I don't understand why people bitch about the imp having ten eyes - come on, it looks a lot nastier with thouse ten eyes. If it had only two eyes like in the old game it'd look too similar to the old one but without spikes.

And I don't know know why you start bitching about those eyes NOW since you've all known that the new imp has ten eyes since E3.

ITS A FUCKING NALI(with more eyes and two arms)!! NOT AN IMP!!!

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I can't see how anyone here can say that anything they make is 'wrong', as it's their game in the first place. They might have meant the imp to look like this in the first game, but didn't have the ability. Saying it doesn't look like an imp is like saying 'that dragon doesn't look like a dragon'. Just because somethings name is the same as another thing, doesn't make them the same. Orange the color and orange the food are two... diffrent... mmmm.... fooodddd.... *munching sounds*

Ahem, ahhh, where was I? ^_^; Oh yeah, the name game. :D

I kinda find it interesting and funny, telling the people who made the game in the first place that they made their own monster look 'wrong'. :)

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If you're saying the characters aren't supposed to be looking as their names implying, then a zombie could actually have a pair of wings or a horn on the top of its head? I don't think that's how it works.

This argument may somewhat involves with the idea of the new design of Hell Knight as well. Some people have been complaining about it that it does not look anything alike the original at all. Well, theorectically, there is no basic/definite idea of what a real "Hell Knight" seems like. It was only one of the inventive demons created by id. Unlike imp, imp actually has its own traditional theme and style. id should have realized better.

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I'm glad they ditched all the European Gothic stuff, and went for a more Lovecraftian approach, yet not too bizarre. Reminds me more of Quake 1's monster design, and I really admire the work they did on them.

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