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How do I link an ambush teleport to a trigger?


As of late, I've become interested in mapping in Doom Builder, so I've taken to creating my first Doom Map! Things are working out smoothly, as I've learned many of the basics via Doom Builder (doors, secrets, rising stairs, teleports, etc.) but at the moment I'm at a stand still in my map because I can't figure something out.


I have four branches leading to a central raised platform, and with the line triggers, I have these four branches raise to the center platform where a Super Shotgun lies. I have this concept in mind where the player will go on to the central platform, pick up the super shotgun, and then monsters teleport at destinations I set. I've read here that it's possible to do this via a sound trigger or sound piping of that nature. But I just can't see to get it right. Monsters either don't respond fast enough to the speed I want them to, or they just don't teleport at all.


One method I tried was merging a distant disconnected room from the current room to the central platform so they act as one sector. After that, I place a Zombie soldier on the central platform with the SSG, so when you shoot it, it alerts the enemies I have to start patrolling in the distant room to walk over the trigger which teleports them to the main room. I've cross referenced another thread on doomworld which referenced the map Spiralunky, and looking at it via Doom Builder I was all sorts of overwhelmed. I sort of got what was going on, but I just haven't been able to execute what I want exactly.


tl;dr I want enemies to teleport to platforms when I pick up a SSG on a central platform, how do I do this with a disconnected room?

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27 minutes ago, Jawsh said:

One method I tried was merging a distant disconnected room from the current room to the central platform so they act as one sector.


This is the best way to do it, but it sounds like you've got it set up so that they will only hear you when you shoot a particular zombie and then teleport as soon as you do that, which is awkward. Basically, you want their monster closet to be tied to a sector in a prominent area of the map where fighting is pretty much guaranteed to take place, so that they will be sure to hear you *before* you enter the SSG platform. The second thing is, you don't want them to teleport as soon as they hear you, you want them to teleport when you enter the SSG platform. The basic process looks something like this:


1) Have your ambush monsters in a box off-map (which you've already done), and have a small wall between them and the teleport line so they can't reach it yet. As I mentioned, your monsters should hear the player pretty early on, so they're all running around mad inside their box/boxes, but they can't do anything yet.

2) When you cross a line to get onto the platform, it lowers/raises the wall out of the monsters' way. Then they can reach the teleport line, and since they're already aware of you, they'll start crossing it and teleporting in at your set points.

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Setting up a teleport ambush is pretty simple. My teleport setup can be seen above the playable area you see in the image. The highlighted sectors in the playable area and in the teleporters are joined together. That way, the monsters in the teleport rooms can wake up once you start shooting the former humans. In the middle is a square containing a super shotgun. It's linedef action is:

(38) W1 Floor lower to lowest floor

It is tagged to the floor that lowers in the teleport rooms (tag 5) so that the revenants inside can teleport to their designated teleport destinations, which are basically teleport destination things within sectors tagged 1, 2, 3 and 4.

I hope this isn't too confusing, so here is a little test map for you to look at how it's set up.

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In case you want to apply the above mentioned method in future maps, where there may not be any monsters to begin with (up to a certain point), you could simply force the player to use a gunshot-trigger to open a door or something like that. Basically all you need to make sure is that the monsters are "active" one way or another.

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Hey I just wanted to let y'all know that based on the info given here, I was able to get my teleporter ambush working A-OK! The four revenants I wanted to spawn in the places I told them to are now activating properly because of it, as I was able to direct the sound properly.


I'd like to thank everyone who's responded as it immediately clicked when I got the chance to read through the comments.

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Also just a note, it may be possible to grab the item in question without triggering the line. If the line is too close to the item, you can sneakily grab the item and never trigger the line. Lines and other actions don't trigger until the actor triggering it hits the line at the actor's midpoint. So if you have an actor with a radius of 16 like the player, the line won't trigger until the line is at the middle of the actor's diameter, which would be 16 from any side of the actor. A good way to stop this is to experiment until you find a good distance to where the player HAS to cross said line in order to even take the item.


Later on once you make more maps, other formats like UDMF support ACS scripting which isn't hard to learn. Then you can script an action on the shotgun itself to just "spawn" enemies anywhere you want and then alert them automatically all in the same script. Really powerful.

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