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SlaughterMAX. Now on /idgames!

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8 hours ago, tourniquet said:

- Skill settings


Failed first attempt on hntr.

Gorgeous map. All IWAD walls/flats too, great.


11 minutes ago, mArt1And00m3r11339 said:

Once there is a UV-max demo for your level, that is the final version of your level.

So if somebody records a map by exploiting a bug/oversight that makes it much easier than it should be, the bug has to remain? This seems suboptimal.

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12 minutes ago, RjY said:

So if somebody records a map by exploiting a bug/oversight that makes it much easier than it should be, the bug has to remain? This seems suboptimal.

We've stretched that rule a little bit already ;) I didn't want anyone to be robbed of their UV Max by changes that desync their demo and close exploits that they might have used, especially since finding exploits can be one of the fun aspects of speedrunning. But if the maxer agrees that changes should be made, or if the mapper beats the max time without making the map easier/faster, it should be fine. The rules are meant to prevent actions in bad faith, but we're all decent folks and if the involved parties are in agreement, I don't see why the rule shouldn't be bent.


It was also intended to be a very casual project, where people are encouraged to not hold their maps too dear, so that if it ends up being a bit broken and exploitable, oh well! But at some point while making Last Light, it became quite dear to me, so I also understand that an ugly exploit or bug can be a tough pill to swallow.

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Second "final" version of my map. After much debate with myself, I have decided against reducing the monster count in the final fight. Instead, I have the cybers released as soon as both switches are hit, in order to reduce the "grindyness" of cleanup. The early phases of the fight require some careful crowd manipulation, and I like it this way.


Changes to this version:

  • Several changes to the RK room, in order to reduce cheesability
    • Moved back wall further back, in order to prevent infinite-heigh-splash-damage attacks against the AVs
    • Made the floor pits deeper, so the player will have a harder time sniping AVs from there.
    • Recessed the two side switches into the walls so the player can't activate them from inside the pit.
    • Put the teleporter destination behind the walk trigger line, so it can't be easily skipped
  • Release cybers in the final fight after both side switches are hit (also lower the inner "fortress" walls at that time, to speed cleanup)
  • Change all switch textures to the "off" setting (since the alternative apparently bothers some people)
  • Maybe other tweaks I'm not recalling right now.

Also, the attached zip file contains a demo, exactly twelve minutes even.


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Not really. There's not really a setting or theme that could make the naming easier, so I'm considering something just silly like "Megasphere, Por Favor" or "Dang!". :-P


... 'Cuz that's the kind of stuff I say while playing it.

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45 minutes ago, 42PercentHealth said:

Not really. There's not really a setting or theme that could make the naming easier, so I'm considering something just silly like "Megasphere, Por Favor" or "Dang!". :-P


... 'Cuz that's the kind of stuff I say while playing it.

I would've named it "Corridor of Hell." If I designed the level, I would've added more than 4K enemies at the end, consisting of 2K revenants, 2K cacodemons, 200 cyberdemons, and 200 archviles.

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5 hours ago, mArt1And00m3r11339 said:

It can be whatever you want to be. It needs to be Boom-compatible and be a slaughter level. You can only include IWAD textures with the exceptions of the liquid falls that Benjogami has mentioned. Once there is a UV-max demo for your level, that is the final version of your level. I'm pretty sure that Benjogami is clear about the regulations (go to the first page of the forum and you should be able to see all of the regulations posted).

what is the due date? and okay I wont use custom textures ;)

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Doggonit! Ancalagon noticed my map... there goes my chance at having a world record! :-P


Nice job pal! One question -- how did you pull off that lineskip in the RK room? Is that something I need to address, or did you just get lucky?

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2 hours ago, 42PercentHealth said:

Nice job pal! One question -- how did you pull off that lineskip in the RK room? Is that something I need to address, or did you just get lucky?

Its possible to avoid the linedef . Simply open the door to the red key ,straferun as fast as you can whilst making sure you are in contact with the door or hitting the door . 

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ritournelle_v4-sk2-dead-3847.lmp / ritournelle_v4-sk2-cont-dead-4929.lmp / ritournelle_v4-sk2-cont-exit-5024.lmp


ritournelle_v4 HNTR, continued twice because having died after 38 minutes I didn't feel like restarting.


MAP01 DEAD 1393/1566 173 93/100 2/2 38:47+32

38 minutes of cowardly hiding and waiting for monsters to kill each other, before I was caught by a rocket, disoriented by full intensity red palette flash, and hit by another. Obviously I could have killed the sniper cyberdemons myself, but as players these days complain if they have to tedious things like kill the monsters themselves, I was expecting a crushertastic or supertelefragilistic way to remove them, so I had left them alive.

MAP01 DEAD 1624/1566 22 98/100 2/2 49:29+24

Couldn't be arsed to start all over again, so democontinued (joined, recordfromto'ed, whatever you want to call it) from a few seconds before the incident. Died right at the end of the map. I had barely survived the blue door barons / imps / cyberdemon (7% health) then no room to dodge cloud of revenant missiles + chaingunners. I think this part needs more health on Hey Not Too Rough. As it stands, I think it is, in fact, Too Rough.

MAP01 EXIT 1646/1566 0 100/100 2/2 50:24+08

Once you've resorted to democontinue once, a second time is nothing...


I expect this recording of no interest to anyone except possibly the author, if he is interested to see how a slaughter-incapable player might approach his map. If you bother to watch, if using pr+, as usual I suggest pressing Numpad+ a few times to speed up playback.


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thx for the demos RjY always interesting to watch players cheese one's map in the most unintended manner :D


I sense that the lack of health in the final fight is not only an issue on HNTR but on all skills, i'll try to find a proper solution for this.

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3 minutes ago, UAC-Janitor said:

Any available slots? can't guarantee ill do something, but i wanna try.

Looks like it. Even adding up all the currently accepted + pending submissions, it's still only 29 maps.

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3 minutes ago, Spectre01 said:

Looks like it. Even adding up all the currently accepted + pending submissions, it's still only 29 maps.

Are there secret maps? If so, I'll just make a regular themed one. I've never made a slaughter map so i want to like try it out, ya know?

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So i have a new version of my map that mostly nerfs 1 fight and adds some health pick ups to another fight or 2..also kind of buffs one part so u cant run out of the lock in as easily..but I dont want to post it yet unless i get a max for it first (could change more if i still cant max it). If you have interest in the new version/maxing it then just message me and ill send it to you.

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2 hours ago, tourniquet said:

sorry benjo, another update, spotted various minor bugs in RjY's demo's


also more health for the finale on all skills



Just played on UV. Really good map and I didn't notice any problems/bugs. I was looking for soul sphere secret for 10 min (!) and found just some small floor texture mistake on nukage near the start thats all. I think that this map will be fun to max since there are cell ammo everywhere and I left more than 1000 after end of the map

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43 minutes ago, A7MAD said:

@DanielAlexander Canyon base is good . But too difficult for a max , reduce the number of archviles in each area . I might give it a go.

Thanks for playing my map.

I think the number of archviles its not the problem, you need to find a good way to kill them. For me, the final cyberdemons battle is harder.

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13 hours ago, Player177 said:

just some small floor texture mistake on nukage near the start


Thx, could you pls specify where exactly because i can't find anything near the start.

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17 hours ago, tourniquet said:

sorry benjo, another update, spotted various minor bugs in RjY's demo's


also more health for the finale on all skills



Played through this map (on stream). Seems like there's a possible softlock in co-op game at the point player uses switch to get the yellow key. The other minor suggestion is to add fake floor to sector with enemies, that appear from under the nukage, so the player would not see moving floor.

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Ah bummer that i've missed the stream just woke up but i'll gonna watch the VOD now.


I've added some COOP only voodoo stuff to prevent lock ins but the fake floor is definitely a good point, thx for the feedback.

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Well played @Archi and also very helpful stream




- fake floors as suggested

- fixed several sound progression bugs

- green armor near SM is now blue on UV

- teleports don't lead directly on the BK Pod any longer to prevent players from triggering the finale unintentional

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8 hours ago, tourniquet said:


Thx, could you pls specify where exactly because i can't find anything near the start.

Only realized




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