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Errors and Warnings!

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So I'm adding a bunch of decorate items to a file. Everything seems to work, but I get a bunch of errors. After going through about 130 I narrowed it down to 15, but it's actually just 2 issues.

GLDEFS object "BlueCrossKey" references undefined light "HEALTHPOTION"
DECORATE warning in "tcproject3.wad\DECORATE:4", line 4282. Unable to find "CustomInventory" class to inherit from, while parsing "MutantSphere:13365".
DECORATE warning in "tcproject3.wad\DECORATE:4", line 4247. Unable to find "PowerupGiver" class to inherit from, while parsing "HasteSphere:32602".
DECORATE warning in "tcproject3.wad\DECORATE:4", line 3844. Unable to find "Key" class to inherit from, while parsing "YellowCrossKey:132".
DECORATE warning in "tcproject3.wad\DECORATE:4", line 3820. Unable to find "Key" class to inherit from, while parsing "BlueCrossKey:130".
DECORATE warning in "tcproject3.wad\DECORATE:4", line 3734. Unable to find "CustomInventory" class to inherit from, while parsing "BloodlustSphere:10077".
DECORATE warning in "tcproject3.wad\DECORATE:4", line 1810. Unable to find "PlasmaRifle" class to replace, while parsing "SwarmPG".
DECORATE warning in "tcproject3.wad\DECORATE:4", line 1740. Unable to find "Ammo" class to inherit from, while parsing "FragGrenadeAmmo:11908".
DECORATE warning in "tcproject3.wad\DECORATE:4", line 1632. Unable to find "Weapon" class to inherit from, while parsing "FragGrenade:11907".
DECORATE warning in "tcproject3.wad\DECORATE:4", line 1517. Unable to find "Shotgun" class to replace, while parsing "EgoSmasher".
DECORATE warning in "tcproject3.wad\DECORATE:4", line 1457. Unable to find "Chainsaw" class to replace, while parsing "Axe".
DECORATE warning in "tcproject3.wad\DECORATE:4", line 1391. Unable to find "Chaingun" class to replace, while parsing "Autogun".
DECORATE warning in "tcproject3.wad\DECORATE:4", line 1350. Unable to find "Pistol" class to replace, while parsing "AngledPistol".
DECORATE warning in "tcproject3.wad\DECORATE:4", line 1312. Unable to find "BFG9000" class to replace, while parsing "FlashlightCentered".
DECORATE warning in "tcproject3.wad\DECORATE:4", line 3832. Unable to find "Key" class to inherit from, while parsing "RedCrossKey:131".

The issues are about finding classes. I assume this has to do with Weapon/DoomWeapon/Ammo... I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

The other issue is for a GLDEF
GLDEFS object "BlueCrossKey" references undefined light "HEALTHPOTION"

I think I can figure out the GLDEFS one, but I'm not sure about the Classes issue. I'm not sure how to do this correctly.

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I'm still unable to figure this out. Looking around the forum and using google I've saw MaxED say that I needed to add gzdoom.pk3 to my resources, but when I do that I get almost triple the warnings. These ones don't say unable to find class to replace. (Is it supposed to be Weapon or DoomWeapon? ...and is this what takes replaces the items in the editor?) 

The new warnings are in GLDEFS and say, "GLDEFS warning in "EMPTINESS INTERLOPER.wad\GLDEFS:6", line 403. DECORATE class "SSGZombie" does not exist." But it does it exist.

Everything seems to work fine (for the most part) I can summon all the monsters, items and powerups, but these errors are really annoying me. Would someone with more experience be willing to look at my .wad and guide me in the right direction?

I've done a lot of work on this and I think that I've compiled the beginning of a cool TC, but I don't know if I'm wasting my time.

BONUS QUESTION: When making a project, should I use my wad as a resource or should I put my maps in it and compile it as I go? (I would like to turn my wad into a compressed file, but then you can't open it in GZDBBF.) I was unhappy with the way that I had organized my file to begin with so I started from scratch and really tried to organize the file. There should be no problem in finding anything specific in my wad. I've added comments to each whole ACTOR in the file, organized the credits and info lumps to be very easy to navigate and followed that convention with GLDEFS, DECORATE, SDINFO etc. all the files have been consolidated and I've gotten rid of any unnecessary double entries of START/END lumps. There was a double entry for a Sprite. I got rid of that. I hope that will work out.


Please help.

Here is a preview of what's included (for hype purposes?).:


Cast and Weapons.png

Edited by everennui

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About the 1st GLDEFS error, you apparently has this setup:



object BlueCrossKey
    frame ****A { light HEALTHPOTION }


But you also should have this following. Either it's missing or there's a typo:



PointLight/FlickerLight/.../SectorLight HEALTHPOTION
    color 1.0 1.0 1.0
    size 10
    offset 0 0 0


About the class errors. See:
https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=32392&start=255#p637834 and it's next reply from Maxed



To try get rid of those errors: Remove all your resources from the Edit/Map Options. Then reload them again with gzdoom.pk3 first. (This did the trick with GZDB some years ago. Your resouces are inheriting from the game resources, if there's nothing where to inherit yet it gave an error. This thing might be fixed in the new GZDB-bug fixes but they've other problems.)

4 hours ago, everennui said:

BONUS QUESTION: When making a project, should I use my wad as a resource or should I put my maps in it and compile it as I go? (I would like to turn my wad into a compressed file, but then you can't open it in GZDBBF.)

It really up to you. ;) What you prefer and find the best. Editing the same wad with Slade and GZDB can be tricky. (Make backups!!!) With ZDoom based maps IMO it's easiest to keep the resources (gfx/tex/flats/lumps/maps/etc.) as a plain folder system and convert the whole thing into zip/pk3 when needed for testing elsewhere (in an other computer) or when it's some day finally done.


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As always, reminder that SLADE has an "open with Doom Builder" option for maps (right-click on the map header to get it in the context menu). That's the only approved way to edit a wad in DB and SLADE simultaneously.

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3 hours ago, Gez said:

As always, reminder that SLADE has an "open with Doom Builder" option for maps (right-click on the map header to get it in the context menu). That's the only approved way to edit a wad in DB and SLADE simultaneously.


I don't have any maps. Am I doing something wrong? I was thinking I'd load my WAD as a resource for any maps I build.Should I go about this another way? Can I edit a loaded resource wad while having it open in GZDB... or is that a no go, too.


4 hours ago, dl_simc said:


PointLight/FlickerLight/.../SectorLight HEALTHPOTION
    color 1.0 1.0 1.0
    size 10
    offset 0 0 0

I'm not well versed in GLDEFS/DECORATE and I could not get this to work for me. How would this code point to BlueCrossKey?

This is the full GLDEFS entry for the problem area.

    frame CROSA {light HEALTHPOTION}
object RedCrossKey
    frame CROSB {light REDKEY}
object YellowCrossKey
    frame CROSC {light YELLOWKEY}

Are the objects for Red/Yellow cross keys going to have the same issue? Does GZDoom find the first error and stop or does it find all the errors?

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The HEALTHPOTION thing is basically defining what color, type, size the light should be. Without it, there is no HEALTHPOTION.

You first have to define the light if you want to use it. Once defined, you can use it on pretty much anything of your choice.

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Ok. I figured it out, but I don't understand why BLUEKEY doesn't work (for defining GL light) but YELLOW/REDKEY does.


There is no Entry in GLDEFS for REDKEY or YELLOWKEY yet they work. BLUEKEY does not work. I thought it was CARD not KEY. I'm confused. It works now.

object BlueCrossKey
    frame CROSA {light BLUEGLOW}
object RedCrossKey
    frame CROSB {light REDKEY}
object YellowCrossKey
    frame CROSC {light YELLOWKEY}
pulselight BLUEGLOW
    color 0.0 0.0 1.0
    size 16
    secondarySize 18
    interval 2.0

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10 hours ago, everennui said:

I don't understand why BLUEKEY doesn't work (for defining GL light) but YELLOW/REDKEY does.

There is no Entry in GLDEFS for REDKEY or YELLOWKEY yet they work. BLUEKEY does not work. I thought it was CARD not KEY. I'm confused. It works now.

You probably also have GZDoom's lights.pk3 as one of your resources. In it's GLDEFS both YELLOWKEY and REDKEY lights are already defined. But your BLUEGLOW is not.





// Yellow Keys
pulselight YELLOWKEY
    color 0.6 0.6 0.0
    size 24
    secondarySize 27
    interval 2.0
    attenuate 1
    offset 0 10 0
// Red Keys
pulselight REDKEY
    color 0.6 0.0 0.0
    size 24
    secondarySize 27
    interval 2.0
    attenuate 1
    offset 0 10 0





10 hours ago, everennui said:

How would this code point to BlueCrossKey?

The object BlueCrossKey attaches a light (BLUEGLOW) to the frame (CROSA) in decorate:


        object BlueCrossKey { frame CROSA {light BLUEGLOW}}


The pulselight BLUEGLOW defines the properties of the light itself. It's type, color, intensity etc.


        pulselight BLUEGLOW { color 0.0 0.0 1.0 size 16 secondarySize 18 interval 2.0 }



Edited by dl_simc : (was not relevant)

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9 hours ago, everennui said:

I don't have any maps. Am I doing something wrong? I was thinking I'd load my WAD as a resource for any maps I build.Should I go about this another way? Can I edit a loaded resource wad while having it open in GZDB... or is that a no go, too.

You can, but you need to tell DB to reload resources every time you save changes to the resource archive.

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4 hours ago, dl_simc said:

You probably also have GZDoom's lights.pk3 as one of your resources. In it's GLDEFS both YELLOWKEY and REDKEY lights are already defined. But your BLUEGLOW is not. 

I actually tried using, "bluekey" the same way I used red/yellowkey. I then tried, "healthbonus" because "healthpotion" isn't a thing. They both didn't work.That's what I'm confused by.

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