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what monsters are going to be left out

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Seriously even the oldest pappy in the world would love to see the cyberdemon and the archville again, i was only kidding with u all, THEY SHOULD COME AND ANYONE WHO THINKS OTHERWISE SHOULD BE SHOT AND HUNG SIMULTANEOUSLY...but a more imoprtant question cmes to mind? how many times should both of these badasses come? once twice? thrice? i say once because it will keep that awesome factor at the highest...
Maybe they might include new demons...you never know...maybe a four legged minatour looking creature, or one that has a horses body...or maybe the might have dsm as a demon...that would be interesting...

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Was under the impression that since its a remake of the first Doom that it'd be on Phobos and Deimos... I must've missed where they told us it wasn't, sorry. But still the archie shouldn't show up until later on mars then.

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The_Aeromaster said:

Was under the impression that since its a remake of the first Doom that it'd be on Phobos and Deimos... I must've missed where they told us it wasn't, sorry. But still the archie shouldn't show up until later on mars then.

Well, Doom 3 is a retelling of the first Doom game - that means that the story will be very similar but not identical.
The story is still about the hero being transferred to Mars where they conduct research on interdimensional gateways, but they are doing that on Mars. Hmm, I wonder if both gates are located on Mars though - how could one gate be sucked into Hell if it's on Mars like the other? Unless of course they have taken a totally different approach to this gateway thing.
And you don't need to apologize, I didn't correct you with the intention of making you look stupid or anything, I corrected you to do you a favour and enlighten you on the track that Doom 3 is taking.

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Ct_red_pants said:

The Cyberdemon better make a return for doom 3, or SOMEONE WILL DIE... probably me. :(

lol...yeah, you AND everyone else once we all come face to face with the newest Doom badass (he'd better be a badass if he's replacing the like of the cyberdemon)...


Here's hoping that id throws the cybie in there for all his faithful fans.

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Everybody who wants id to include new demons....say I
everybody who wants one of those demons to be DSM....say I

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doomedout said:

everybody who wants one of those demons to be DSM....say I

I can't be a demon - I'm the friggin' Doomguy, that's why I'm such a hardass ;-)

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