When posting a WAD or Mod in this forum, it's crucial to provide context. Don't expect people to download unless they know what they're getting into! Here are a couple of checklists that, when followed, will end complaints about the what-ifs and get that vital feedback loop up and running immediately.   Strongly recommended: Screenshots, screenshots, screenshots. Even two or three will do wonders in attracting attention. What port(s) did you test with? Nevermind if it's supposed to be vanilla, limit-removing or Boom-compatible - if you tested in GZDoom then write that. What map format did you use? Common formats: Doom/Doom2 format (vanilla or limit-removing), Boom, UDMF, and Doom-in-Hexen. For advanced ports (e.g., GZDoom) does your map/mod expect any of the following: Freelook? Jumping/crouching? Specific compatibility settings? Software or hardware rendering? If your file's meant to work in simpler ports (e.g., PrBoom+) and you're unsure, then you can probably disregard these. Which IWAD did you use? Doom II is assumed, but if you used Ultimate Doom, TNT or Plutonia then please mention it. Mapsets are assumed to start on MAP01 (or E1M1 for Doom1 maps) and play continuously until reaching an unedited map. If one of these isn't true, explain exactly which maps are in your set so players don't have to hunt around. When you post updates, update your file in the opening post. Go ahead and make a new post to bring attention to the thread, but point people back to the opening post so that everyone downloads the most recent version.   Other suggestions: How much content is there? For maps: Is it a single level, a full 32, or something in between? For mods: Are there new textures? Enemies? Weapons? Gameplay features? If your file is supposed to follow a certain limitation, like vanilla or Boom, that is probably worth including: just don't write it instead of which ports were tested. Does your map contain specific gameplay themes? Maybe it's a sandbox/city map, or a slaughtermap, or it's puzzle-oriented, or it's run-and-gun. (If you don't know these terms, don't worry about it). Roughly how difficult is the gameplay? Mention if map difficulties are implemented; compare to Doom1/2, Plutonia, or other well-known wads (e.g., Scythe, Alien Vendetta, Valiant).   One last important note: Before releasing your wad to the world, create a text file containing all relevant information using one of the following .txt templates: 1 2 3. This text file should have the same name as your wad file does. These text templates have been used since 1994 to ensure all relevant info about your wad stays packaged alongside it as it is transferred from site to site. You must do this before uploading to idgames.     Thanks for reading!   Changelog: