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Things you've been mispronouncing for so long like god damn idiot

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My biggest problem is not knowing if words like often or castle should be with a soft or hard T sound.

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Do you reckon in the comic the bird was pronouncing it as "s-word"?


So what is the correct way to pronounce "Paladin"? Pall-adin or pal-a-din? I hope it's the latter

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Up until high school, I called venitian blinds "vandemission blinds".


I still pronounce "gib" with a hard G.


I also still pronounce "Cthulhu" as "cuh-thoo-loo".


My wife always says "see-en-tent" when she tries to say "sentient"

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id software. I keep saying eye dee even on streams and podcasts and I always realize it a picosecond too late.

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I didn't know how to say the word "heretic" when I first saw the game on a shelf. I kept saying putting the emphasis on the second syllable, like "ha-REH-tic".

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If anyone worries about mispronouncing H P Lovecraft monster names, don't. Lovecraft himself pronounced them differently every time someone asked him, to preserve the "lost ancient civilization no one really understands" effect of his creations. So if any hipster tries to correct your pronunciation of Cthulhu, Nyarlathotep, Yog-Sothoth, etc, enlighten them with that bit of trivia. Cos they're full of shit.

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1 hour ago, YukiRaven said:

I also still pronounce "Cthulhu" as "cuh-thoo-loo".

I thought this was the common pronunciation? Or apparently it's "Khlûl'-hloo", though I've never heard that one used.

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Grow-sir-ease / Grow-shrees

Element-air-e / Elemen-tree


Apparently this is so egregious to my wife, it might lead to our divorce.


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English is my first language, and there are still words out there that I don't know how to pronounce and that I'm constantly Googling "how to pronounce x", and running it Incognito so anyone who sees my browsing history doesn't see me as a retard.


Anyway, just today I got a drink from the grocery store called Kombucha which is like a carbonated fermented tea. Is it Kom-Boo-Ka? Kom-Buck-Uh? Kom-Buh-Chah? People ask me what I'm drinking and I just tell them some shit from the organic aisle at Stop & Shop. 


Other words I've mispronounced were chitin (pronounced kite-in, always thought it was chittin like kitten); facade (thought it was fack-aid); and lithe (always thought it was lyth (like myth); English is hard.

Edited by stru

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1 hour ago, stru said:

Anyway, just today I got a drink from the grocery store called Kombucha which is like a carbonated fermented tea. Is it Kom-Boo-Ka? Kom-Buck-Uh? Kom-Buh-Chah? People ask me what I'm drinking and I just tell them some shit from the organic aisle at Stop & Shop. 

At least in Chile (Spanish), we say "Kom-Buh-Chah", so I guess it should be the same in English.

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2 minutes ago, KVELLER said:

At least in Chile (Spanish), we say "Kom-Buh-Chah", so I guess it should be the same in English.

As if spanish weren't bad enough with some words and start messing up with english (not as awful as "spanglish") XD

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5 hours ago, YukiRaven said:

I still pronounce "gib" with a hard G.


Uh, it IS with a hard G though, isn't it? I was certain the word was pronounced like giblets, without the lets.


If not, then include me in the mispronounciation team.


Also on the same topic - GIF is pronounced with a hard G. Disagree? Fight me.

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2 minutes ago, Dragonfly said:

GIF is pronounced with a hard G

gif? or jif?

debate of the century...omg

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19 minutes ago, Dragonfly said:

Uh, it IS with a hard G though, isn't it? I was certain the word was pronounced like giblets, without the lets.


If not, then include me in the mispronounciation team.


Also on the same topic - GIF is pronounced with a hard G. Disagree? Fight me.

I remember AltimaMantoid went over the whole Gib/Jib in his stream one time, because he always said Gib with a hard G. Apparently someone corrected him, and since then everybody says Jib. I still say Instagib with a hard G, and nobody could stop me. 

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4 hours ago, Voros said:

Apparently Linguica is not pronounced as lin-gui-ca.

Yeah, just recently learned that "Linguica" is pronounced "lin-GWEESE-uh", and not "LEAN-gwick-uh".


1 hour ago, stru said:

English is hard.

That's because we have mutt language, so some words come from Latin, French, Spanish, Norwegian, German, or just about anyplace else. Since each of these languages has its own set of pronunciation rules, our language tends to have more exceptions to rules than words that actually follow the rules. I feel sorry for people who try to learn English as a second language...


Funny thing about me: I was homeschooled, and homeschoolers are notorious for knowing a lot of words but not knowing how to pronounce them correctly. We didn't have teachers -- we learned everything from books. If you never hear the words pronounced, then it's easy to suppose that the word

  • "superfluous" is pronounced "super-FLU-ous" rather than "su-PERF-lu-ous".
  • "subsequent" is pronounced "sub-SEE-quent" rather than "SUB-seh-quent"
  • "viscount" is pronounced "VISS-count" rather than "vie-CONT"

These are a few that come to mind, but I know there have been a lot more.

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16 minutes ago, 42PercentHealth said:

I was homeschooled, and homeschoolers are notorious for knowing a lot of words but not knowing how to pronounce them correctly. We didn't have teachers -- we learned everything from books. If you never hear the words pronounced, then it's easy to suppose that the word

Holy shit, you just opened my eyes. I never thought about that before. 


And wait, Linguica is not Lin-gwih-ka? What does Lin-gweese-uh mean anyway?

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