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Scariest Doom monster?

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I have to say the scariest one is the lost soul...

Cause im just walkin along in the level then like 10 lost souls appear out of nowhere!

What about you?

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The only Doom monsters that were scary would be... any of the enemies when playing shareware Doom five years ago :)

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well when I was 11-13 I thought the Cacodemon's hiss was the scariest damn thing...now I think they are just lovable balls of red fuzz

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Fucking Archviles are the only enemies which are real pains in the ass in AV Map32, so that's my pick.

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Archvile. High damage taken after every attack, unlimited attack range, high pain tolerance, resurrects others, 'nuff said.

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Lutarez said:

Archvile. High damage taken after every attack, unlimited attack range, high pain tolerance, resurrects others, 'nuff said.

Stupid bastards...........grr couple loads of buck shot should knock it on its ass lol

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The cyberdemon. It is most scary when it is out if sight and you can only hear it's dreadful "kathunk! kathunk!". I always keep imagining that it is behind me or is going to catch me off-guard in a narrow alley.

Once it is in sight it becomes much less frightening as you will be able to actually evaluate it's threat.

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None of them really scare me anymore. But the ones most likely to make me go "oh shit, not one of THOSE" in a level would probably be the pain elemental.

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None of them are scary. If it had been 5 years ago, maybe. But nowadays, the only people that would be afraid of them are soccer moms, politicians, and just plain wusses.

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When I first played Doom, I found it was more the atmostphere than the critters, but it was seeing that first Demon charge out from the shadows that made me...well, not jump...I think there was only one game that made me jump, and that was Blood and Blood II. But it did catch me off guard.

And then there was the Archie. Didn't think much of 'im when I first saw 'im...until he started resurrecting shit and crisping my ass.

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When I first played Doom, I found it was more the atmostphere than the critters, but it was seeing that first Demon charge out from the shadows that made me...well, not jump...I think there was only one game that made me jump, and that was Blood and Blood II. But it did catch me off guard.

And then there was the Archie. Didn't think much of 'im when I first saw 'im...until he started resurrecting shit and crisping my ass. Never underestimate an opponent, ever.

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when I wuz 7 None of the monsters were scary, but there were a slight execption when a Revenant Does his Screaming thing when he sees u when hes right behind u...that and opening a door and right there is a Arch-Vile waiting for me...damn Bastard

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They can all still be scary if they pop up unexpectedly in an awkward place and pose a real threat to your life, especially if you're not playing with the security of a recent savegame.

The monster that took me longest to get used to was the Class II Imp in STRAIN. One of my first encounters with them freaked me out so much that I broke some keys on my keyboard in the panic to escape.

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Only really nasty things are "scary" to an adult, like having one's head in the wanted list of the authorities or a criminal organization (yeah, I know, it's often hard to distinguish these two.) Even a game with better graphics is still a game and it will eventually lose its moody frightfulness, especially when you get to know its quirks and concentrate more on actually playing it (as opposed to getting familiar with it.) But, as Grazza pointed out, DOOM monsters can still make one nervous in a "uh oh, I think I'm gonna get my ass kicked here" way. Revenants and Arch-viles are among the ones that can cause the most worry, but it depends on the circumstances, others can be a pain in the ass too. Also, unusual things can happen then and then; once I was in a rather dark map and as I walked off a set of stairs a Demon grunted in my face out of the shadows. I literally dropped the keyboard on my lap!

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I used to have this weird fear of demons and spectres. I guess its how they rush at you instead of dilly-dallying around like the rest of the cast.

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The footsteps of the Cyberdemon.

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You don't see him immediately in E2M8, although you hear him because you probably have to shoot a lost soul. So yeah, Cyberdemons are pretty scary (in comparison to the other Doom monsters).

Scary/hideous monsters in other video games?
- Xenomorphs in AvP1/2 and in Alien: Resurrection (PSX)
- Half-Life's Head Crabs and the Big Momma
- What else?

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Well when i play DOOM I dont get scred i get a adrenaline rush!

Like when i here that imp i franticly 180 turn (if its behind me) and blast its ass with a ssg... and i say "phew" same thing goes for arch-vile and revenants but there harder to kill, need to plasma rifle for them

I remember when i was 8 i was playing the doom Mega-drive(genenis) game and i turned a corner and saw some cacos all the way down the hallway and i immedialty swithced it off and i had nightmares about cacos and imps for weeks

(true story)

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Laughing Arch-vile.

First time i fought one, i was absolutely terrified.

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