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[McD] James

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To quote from Minty Comedic Arts:


Back in the early 80s Atari was the bomb, it seemed that all the biggest movies at the time would get their own Atari games, including E.T., Indiana Jones, Halloween, Ghostbusters and Gremlins to name but a few, and it seemed that with the arrival of the third Superman movie, it was finally going to see Superman fly high in 10-bit graphics, and thus the Superman III game was greenlit with even some prototypes of the game being produced, but the production of the game was ultimately cancelled.


Ironically in Superman III there is a scene where Superman is flying for the Grand Canyon, where the main villian tries to fire missiles at the Man of Steel, where he views Superman from what looks like a video game screen, complete with score points which is really weird. And for a while fans thought that this was the failed Atari game, and it was snuck into the movie as a sort of advertisement, which is not true, because look at these graphics here, and then look at the graphics on the actual game, Yeah.


Maybe Ross Webster is so eccentric that when he kills his enemies, he views their deaths by a video game format? Though I don't know.


Edited by Wadmodder Shalton

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Coding my own Wolfenstein 3D-like in C:




Really love making this as practice for my upcoming C project.


EDIT: 19 hours later update:



Edited by MrFroz

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Attention all Windows 10 users: We might never see it again, so make sure to take note of the odd, penis-shaped ice cream cone in the "image that changes every day" feature located in the search engine on the far-left side of your task bars today.



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