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dobu gabu maru

The DWmegawad Club plays: 3 Heures d'agonie 3

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What is the DWmegawad Club?

This is a place where we settle down, have a cup of tea (or drink of your choice) and take a month to play through a megawad on our own, together! Any keen observations, criticisms, or frustrated ranting about it goes here in the discussion. As long as you want to say something about what you've played, feel free to speak your mind.


Can I join?

Sure. The only rule is that you have to play at least some of the levels in our monthly megawad to contribute, but you're generally encouraged to finish the whole thing, even if you've played it before.


What levels am I allowed to post about?

Whatever day of the month it is, is the upper limit for the map you can post on. So if it’s the 6th, you may discuss up to MAP06.


Do I have to post an entry every day?

Nope, not at all. This is only for our more enthusiastic members. As long as you play through it with us you’re part of the club.


When do we vote on the next month’s megawad?

Voting begins on the 25th of the current month. Remember to add one “+++” before your vote to make it easier to count. For example:


+++ Ultimate Doom


>>>DOWNLOAD 3 Heures d’agonie 3 HERE<<<


Bonjour! This month the French are claiming Doom from the Russians and the Japanese with the vanilla-compatible 3 Heures d’Agonie 3! Each map layout was constructed in 3 hours, with additional time allowed for detailing, balancing, bug fixing. Enjoy!


Author & Maplist:

MAP01 - “Négligence” by FranckFRAG

MAP02 - “Atterrissage” by Roofi
MAP03 - “Serena, reviens, on t'aime” by Jambon
MAP04 - “Réacteur Chimique” by NilsTheRed
MAP05 - “Violently Imply” by Necrotikflesh
MAP06 - “Ombres Boueuses” by Datacore
MAP07 - “Six Seulement” by Oxyde
MAP08 - “Storm Warning” by Memfis
MAP09 - “Entrepôt” by JC
MAP10 - “Jessie” by [WH]-Wilou84
MAP11 - “Ca tombe Satan s'en tape” by Jambon
MAP12 - “Spirale” by Ch0wW
MAP13 - “Funeste Rendez-vous” by FranckFRAG
MAP14 - “Epsilon indi” by Datacore
MAP15 - “Ile paradisiaque” by Roofi


MAP31 - “Eau trouble” by Roofi
MAP32 - “Doom deux” by Oxyde

MAP16 - “Infligeance” by FranckFRAG
MAP17 - “Chlorophyll” by Datacore
MAP18 - “Nassima” by [WH]-Wilou84
MAP19 - “Deficience Aigue” by FranckFRAG
MAP20 - “Donjon sanglant” by JC
MAP21 - “Apero d'enfer” by Roofi
MAP22 - “Autel Ecarlate” by NilsTheRed
MAP23 - “Hemoglobin” by Datacore
MAP24 - “Les terres de l'enfer” by JC
MAP25 - “Helldoors” by Ch0wW
MAP26 - “Empire of Dirt” by Memfis
MAP27 - “La Géhenne Rouge” by FranckFRAG
MAP28 - “Véro” by [WH]-Wilou84
MAP29 - “Serment de Noirceur” by Darkwave0000
MAP30 - “3 Heures d'Agonie 3” by Franck, JC, Wilou84












Edited by dobu gabu maru

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Oh cool ! I will follow this thread closely. :)


It will be cool to read some reviews of my very first maps.

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01 - Funny to hear one of the longest Memento Mori 2 midis in a super short level. Maybe a bit too short? Even for an opener, an area and a half doesn't seem enough. The interpic kicks ass.

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MAP01 - “Négligence” by FranckFRAG


There was some negligence in the ammo distribution of the starting fight! Oh! (I'm like Andrew Dice Clay here). It feels artificial to me when you have exactly the amount of shells to do the thing without missing pretty much, though I do have some pistol bullets. My opinion is the player should never not have shotgun shells, they should be plentiful like candy on Halloween. And fighting these enemies with a pistol would be boring. I did get the [blank] later, and the ammo situation was better later.


Other than that, charming map.

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Cool, I'll try to do it this month. At least since the maps are pretty short, It won't take too much time during the school week. And who knows, maybe it'll help me in French class. I'll post about the first level tomorrow, when it's actually November here in the U.S.


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i hope you enjoy this one guys; there's something for everyone in this set

ive already played most of this so ill be watching my demos and posting them up with some comments.

i played the first 7 maps in RC1 so ill attach it in the demo zip (i hope no one minds that?)

i also never finished the WAD saveless as i got stuck on m29, 30, and 32 - i may try again :o


UV pistol starts, no saves


map01(rc1) fda

+ the midi is lovely

+ despite the small size, the map feels like a playground, and there are a few switches and changes that make it feel longer and larger than it actually is

+ thank you for including a berserk (even if i found it too late :'( )

- a bit too bite-size in truth

- berserk might be more fun if it was out in the open

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Tomorrow I will start this! I love this threads! :D Never heard of this wad before too, so Im excited.

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I'll give it the old college try- nothing fancy like screenshots this month, so I can focus more on feedback and writeups. HMP pistol starts, GZdoom w/ proper compatibility and no mouselook


MAP01: Négligence, by FranckFRAG|100% kills|0% secrets|


What a great INTERPIC, I love it! As for the map itself? It's cute and compact. The gameplay focus of this one is tight, controlled movements with speedy pace. If you stick around for too long, you're dead meat, so it's best to just rush for switches until your arsenal is well-stocked enough. The revenant chaingun trap is lovely, but that's the only standout moment in the map as far as I'm concerned. Not that it's a bad thing, seeing as how I enjoyed the armor bonus cross and other little aesthetic details. The outdoor section is adorned pretty nice as well, but the ending just felt really short. Jusssst when it was starting to ramp up! 



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Bonsoir! 3ha3 was played on TNS when it was released, but I've forgotten quite a lot about the middle of this WAD. Playing in QZDoom, UV continuous and with saves, but I know how this WAD ends so I'm sure I'll be switching to a lower difficulty at some point.


MAP01: Négligence (FranckFRAG)

Time: 01:30 | Deaths: 0


Before we even start I see in a screenshot above that my memory of the opening map was in fact that of 3ha2. Oops! Memory derp aside, I remember how this one plays out. franck is of course, best known for Swift Death, a megawad of tiny maps that swiftly kill you. For me, the most chaotic part was the very start as I'd forgotten about the shotgunners - because of this I could sort of tell this came from the SD author, and this map leaves the impression of how a SD map would look without the teeth.


Beyond that, the map is quite trivial. First-time players may be spooked by the revenant, but beyond that and the two sergeants at the spawn point, the threat here is minimal IMO, and it stands out from quite a few other openers of recent megawads to me because of just how easy it is. Love it or hate it, the piss-easy MAP01 seems to be dying out, but franck keeps it on life support here with this fun and aesthetically pleasing bitesized map.


Apparently négligence translates to English as negligence. Who'd have thought? :)



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oh damn already?

Map01 'Negligence'

Glboom+ - UV Pistol Start - Saves (Not that I needed any)


A very short intro to this mapset. It's a little tricky and I died a few times, but that's more to careless play than anything else. The hitscanners will rapidly plink away at your health so it's best to get rid of them as soon as possible. Most of the other monsters are just sort of there. Overall, this map was a pretty good starter to the mapset.


Also, I like the intermission music.

Edited by Spie812

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All right, let's do this.  ZDoom, Hurt Me Plenty, continuous play.


MAP01: Negligence


That's a fairly significant number of monsters for a small slice of real estate that's pretty much divided between two courtyards, and there isn't much room for surprises in the map's compact footprint and modest running time.  The pop-up revenant (a suitably spooky skeleton for the time of year, I think) is about the most devious trick the level has to offer, and between the shotgun, chaingun, and secret berserk pack, you've got your choice of options for dispatching him.

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HMP, continuous, no music, PrBoom+.



A decent pair of fights over the same arena, basically, with the other area only holding the exit, an insta-revenant, and the switch to open up the second fight in the main area.


Made the map rather more challenging than it needed to be by initially missing the easy-to-grab-shotgun.  Conversely, managed to find the secret almost immediately.

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I do not know how far I'll get with this one, but we'll see. ITYTD continuous, why not.


MAP01 Négligence


Remember one thing here, HITSCANNERS FIRST. Have to get rid of those. The berserk secret can be pretty rough to figure out but I don't believe you have to shoot to get it, and it helps out a ton early on. Getting a chaingun on the first map always makes me happy too.

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Still had to play this, I remember that I liked the previous wads of the series despite that I don't recall so much of them.


MAP01: Pretty nice and short start. I liked the sky, I didn't notice at first the camouflaged tombstones.

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That's a lot of people posting, I wonder how many of them will still be here by the end of the month. I know I will, and if I'm not, someone change my title to "Does not keep promises" or something.


Anyway, MAP01 : Négligence


Alright, simple enough level to write about. What is there even to write about? It has 23 monsters and is the size of a postage stamp compared even to midsize IWAD levels. I guess it works, though. The ammo balance was a bit tight until I got the box of shells and the Chaingun, and having to use a regular shotty on a Hell Knight isn’t the most fun thing in the world. Other than that, it wasn’t too bad, for what it was.

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02 - the initial impression with that pleasant gray and blue combination is very good, but then you realize that there are barely any other colors and the excitement dies down somewhat. The key area stands out in my memory since it also uses green. The map ended a little eairler than I wanted, but overall it works as a Map02 better than the previous one worked as Map01, if that makes any sense. I assume the music is by Cyber-Rainforce.

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MAP02: Atterrissage (Roofi)

Time: 03:18 (04:48) | Deaths: 0


Well, that definitely isn't an E1M1 homage at the blue key.


Atterrissage. That's something I'm still waiting for.


Grey and blue is a nice combination indeed, but as memfis notes, there's a real lack of variety in colours here. Far too much grey, and a lot of brightly lit areas with little contrast make for quite a bland looking level on the whole. It's to be expected with speedmapping projects, some people work better under these time constraints than others, and my memory tells me that Roofi himself has more interesting looking levels later on in this set, notably MAP15 which is one of the maps of this WAD that sticks out in my memory the most.


Gameplay is again quite easy, although I nearly died about halfway through where my hands became quite disorientated and instead of moving sideways to dodge projectiles, I was instead toggling autorun on and off. Decent enough for the most part, but no part of the combat really stands out, and the journey from the blue key to its corresponding door is an uneventful bit of backtracking. It's sometimes nice to have a break from the norm of predictable traps after taking keys, but I feel in this case it was needed, probably in the form of some repopulation of that northern room.


Overall, not bad, but apart from that E1M1 room, it's honestly pretty forgettable in both its visuals and gameplay. Certainly not Roofi's strongest offering here.



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MAP02: Atterrissage|98% kills|0% secrets|


The MIDI's super bangin', if there's one thing I can greatly commend this map on it'd have to be that. The map itself is a grey Doom1-styled techbase, optional areas and all. Nothing special, an easy short map with no real trip-ups. Have fun slogging things down with the pistol until you finally get the shotgun. :(



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3 Heures d'agonie 3
MAP01: Negligence
HMP difficulty, using GZDoom and Brutal Doom.


We started this beautiful month with a very interesting and promising megawad! The first map is this, simple and fast, I can tell that the maps will have a certain touch of difficulty, starting from the first moment with advanced enemies such as the Hell Knight or the Revenant. The premise of the map is that each must have been created in 3 hours maximum, this seems very interesting and I can assume that they must have some difficulty, the first map is beautiful, although I do not think it is something '' innovative '' , but it is entertaining and does a good job in introducing us to this French work.





PS: Haha that intersmission screen.

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map02 "Atterrissage"


I'm not really too keen on this one. The map is mostly grey (STARGR1, specifically)and blue, and can be finished extremely fast if you know where to go (a quick run gave 17 seconds.) I can't really give comments on gameplay given how short it is.

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5 hours ago, bioshockfan90 said:

Have fun slogging things down with the pistol until you finally get the shotgun. :(


I agree with the shotty loving sentiment but as a continuous playa™ I still have mine. (also playing on HMP, plus I have the thing that makes Chaingun guys sound like Macho Man Randy Savage, and SmoothDoom)


MAP02 - “Atterrissage” by Roofi


I enjoyed this quite a bit, fun map. Reminded me a lot of early Vanguard in how it played. Looked good, played good, fast paced, fun stuff, thumbs up!


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White startan is my least favourite startan. At least in large, uninterrupted swathes like we get here. I think it tends to work better when mixed with other textures.  Either combine it with the other startans (I'm especially fond of bracketing it with starg3 or startan3), or break it up with high contrast options like compblu, the various metals, etc.


The blue armour secret here seems a bit OP given the resistance you're facing. The sector's also so narrow it is likely not to register that you've found it (which happened to me).


I do like the secret near the start, though: it gives a completely different way to approach the level, which is a neat touch.  Also saves a lot of pistol plinking for those who aren't playing continuously.  Though that wasn't a factor for me :)


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I globally agree with your reviews , this level lacks terribly of  interesting traps and variations in the detailing. I started Doom mapping thanks to 3 heures d'Agonie 3. This was my fifth level for the project  (I have made 7 levels for the project but we kept four  of them) , I was still not very familiar with the builder so that making a simple trap took me a lot of time and I had a lot of problems with textures misalignments. Indeed , the grey startan was overused and that one was particularly hard to align than others textures


However , I wanted to make a gameplay similar to E1M1. The lack of traps was intentional in this level but now I realize that this is maybe too simple and kinda boring , even for a MAP 02.  I've made a lot of progress since I've made those maps so now I always put at least some little traps to keep the player in suspense .


Also , the title "Atterrissage" is very random and means nothing but the level was originally named "Base"... xD


Thanks for your feedbacks in all cases. It's cool to see so many people paying a lot of attention to small beginner maps. :)

Edited by Roofi

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10 hours ago, Anidrex_1009 said:

The premise of the map is that each must have been created in 3 hours maximum, this seems very interesting and I can assume that they must have some difficulty...

Well, as usual, not everyone took that rule so religiously. :) In particular, Wilou always wanted more time. Check 3ha3info.txt for some details.

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MAP02: Atterrissage


This one has a significantly different feel to it, with a generally brilliant light level and a preponderance of pale concrete and panelling creating a sense of a clean, almost sterile environment - at least until the player's rampage strews splattered zombies and impish entrails all about the place.  None of the secrets here are especially tricky to find but there's quite a few of them for such a compact footprint, and I found that hunting them down provided a large part of the map's draw, when its population of imps and zombies otherwise makes for pretty east chaingun fodder.  The courtyard area with its bridged nukage pit beneath the deep blue of the night sky adds a nice bit of variety and stops things from feeling too clinical, and I like the fact that a player may well approach that encounter from two very different angles with equally different loadouts.

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GZDoom, mouselook, UV, pistol start.


MAP01: Negligence


Kills: 100%

Items: 100%

Secrets: 100%




Things I like:

  • Fun opening fight
  • The map has a little bit of everything: switches, platforming, a trap, a damaging pool
  • Flickering sectors near the exit
  • The berserk secret incentivized me to replay the map
  • MAP01 revenant

Things I dislike:

  • The second major fight is trivialized by the chaingun + ample ammo and your location
  • A little bit small, even given the three-hour restriction
  • The texturing in the alcoves is a bit awkward

Overall, not a bad little map. It's certainly got me curious about the rest of the WAD.


MAP02: Atterrissage


Kills: 100%

Items: 100%

Secrets: 100%




Things I like:

  • Fairly big, complex layout, all things considered
  • The secret near the beginning of the map. I like secrets that can drastically change how a level is played, and I also like how the secret can be accessed from two different ways.
  • Quite consistent in theme and texturing
  • Pinkies interspersed among other monsters every so often
  • The blue chandelier thingie in the upper room
  • You have to put yourself in danger to get the shotgun
  • The map does a fairly good job breaking up the monotony of gray in the interior areas
  • The way the secrets were marked, but subtle
  • Awesome midi

Things I dislike:

  • Several doors aren't the correct size for the door texture, including the exit door
  • A few of the windows are the wrong shape to expose you to enemy fire
  • A bit too easy. It might be better with some chaingunners, and letting the poor revenant on the box roam free
  • Lack of contrast in lighting, especially in areas it would make sense like the first secret area
  • The courtyard could use some more variation in texturing
  • Monsters are placed somewhat haphazardly; there's a lack of unique encounters
  • Lack of switches, ambushes, monster closets, or a feeling of progression. You can grab the blue key and get out pretty quick.

All in all, an entertaining, if not easy map. After that bite-size first map, I was fairly impressed with the size of it. There was nothing glaringly off-putting about it, but I wish it would have done more to challenge me.

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MAP03: Serena, Reviens, on T'aime|96% kills|100% secrets|


Having the added context that these maps are speedmaps now, something I should've noticed earlier, I find myself liking these maps a lot more than if I was looking at them through a normal lens!


And even if I hadn't known this fact before playing this map, I still would've been impressed. This is a pretty long affair, requiring you to take your time, head back and forth and gradually unlock the level with a lot of incidental combat in-between. I guess to some you could call this a bad layout, and while I'll give you that it's kiiinda confusing sometimes, I found it fun to go through. The aesthetic and design is pretty clever too, mostly relying on squares to make its layout for efficiency while still being able to add in detail. Things like that I wouldn't have paid a second thought to if not for the fact that this was made in 3 hours (more or less).


Difficulty's a pretty rough son of a bitch, and the beginning is rough. If you don't dispatch some certain hitscanners right away, you're toast. Other than that, this map actually isn't too bad, it's just a fight for health if you do happen to lose it and the occasional revenant or mid-tier enemy standing in your path. The one secret in this map really isn't needed, but it can come in handy towards the end if you wanna speed things up a bit. All in all, pretty entertaining level to go through, my favorite in the set so far.



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MAP02: It makes sense that the author was still a beginner when he made this. It feels like a 90's map overall (Doom 1 homage, the gameplay), it was only missing a more varied texturing.

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3 Heures d'agonie 3
MAP02: Atterrissage
HMP difficulty, using GZDoom and Brutal Doom.


I have a sense of cleanliness when playing this map, I mean it looks pretty solid and I like the placement of the enemies, the combat is fast and fierce, the design of the map is beautiful in itself, with a field and a river in the middle, the truth is nothing special in terms of its design, however we can not expect much from the first 5 or 10 maps, things are going pretty well for now, the map also highlights its music, it is quite frenetic And fast, it's not metal, at least I can tell you that, but it's fun. In short, we have a clean and fun start that looks promising, each map supposedly was made in 3 hours, so I have to say that it is a very interesting job that we have here, let's continue like this.






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                                 3 Heures d'agonie 3… say what now? Oh, it’s french.




                                 There’s a french doom community? Huh. Neat. Let’s see how they did!



MAP01 - “Négligence” by FranckFRAG

gzDoom - UV – pistol start/saves


Kind of a different start. Lots of angles and not much to work with sends you zipping around trying to figure out how to get out of dodge. I liked the back area. Looks cool enough. Nice sky. The rev scare on a map 1 is always good. Zombie guard at the end made me laugh. I blinked and it was over.



MAP02 - “Atterrissage” by Roofi

gzDoom - UV – pistol start/saves


Not bad. Lots of wide open space and wondering nobs looking to get popped. Really not a whole lot that makes this notable though. The opening hallway looks nice and bright. Interestingly designed steps and a Doom 1 callback for some reason.


So far, this is underwhelming but it's incredibly early yet.

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