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More Qestions We'll Never The Answers To!

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More questions regarding Doom:
Why are the Demons' eyes yellow instead of red?
How tall are the Barons of Hell?
How hot is an Imp's Fireball?
What does the Cacodemon most remind you of?

*Keep in mind these are just mere questions. I am not serious in my asking them in way, shape, or form.*

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More questions regarding Doom:

Why are the Demons' eyes yellow instead of red? they wouldnt be as cute with red eyes

How tall are the Barons of Hell? about 8' include the horns and they are 8'2"

How hot is an Imp's Fireball? not quite as hot as the plasma used to destroy them

What does the Cacodemon most remind you of? Albert Einstein

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Red is too stereotypical, it automatically looks cheesy.

Cacodemons remind me of disorder.

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Why are the Demons' eyes yellow instead of red?
How tall are the Barons of Hell?
How hot is an Imp's Fireball?
What does the Cacodemon most remind you of?

1. Because that's they way ID drew it.
2. Approximately 73 pixels.
3. Hot enough.
4. A Cacodemon.

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how about this, how come when you shoot a baron or hell knight, he bleeds red, but when he dies, he has green blood, hahahahahahahahahahaha. heh

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>Why are the Demons' eyes yellow instead of red?

That's the stupidest question I ever heard.
Wait, here's another one: Why are the Demons' eyes yellow instead of dark blue?

>How tall are the Barons of Hell?

Jeez, open Wintex and find out yourself!

>How hot is an Imp's Fireball?

Who said they're hot anyway?

>What does the Cacodemon most remind you of?


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1. They're red when they're angry, but they're yellow when they're pi**ed.

2. 7'8''

3. 2104° F

4. Tomato

Ok, done.

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Score: -1, Troll


Maybe these forums should have a thread rating option.

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More questions regarding Doom:
Why are the Demons' eyes yellow instead of red?
How tall are the Barons of Hell?
How hot is an Imp's Fireball?
What does the Cacodemon most remind you of?

1.Ask ID
3.356 degrees farenheit.
4.A big red beachball with horns, an eye and a big mouth.

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My question is why DooMBoy can't spell "questions" right in the topic for this thread, but then gets it right. Anyway, here's my answer to these qestions...

More questions regarding Doom:
Why are the Demons' eyes yellow instead of red?
How tall are the Barons of Hell?
How hot is an Imp's Fireball?
What does the Cacodemon most remind you of?

*Keep in mind these are just mere questions. I am not serious in my asking them in way, shape, or form.*

Demons are genetically engineered - why shouldn't they have yellow eyes?

The Barons are 6'5" tall, based on the (probably mistaken) standard of 10 vertical map units = one foot. This makes the Doom guy 5'7".

An Imp's fireball is somewhere between 800 and 1600 degrees Fahrenheit. A Cacodemon's "fireball" is not actually fire, as can be determined by its getting cooler as you approach the center. It is presumed to be some form of ball lightning, but this is not sure.

Oddly enough, a Lost Soul's exhaust burns slightly hotter than an Imp's fireball, at something between 1200 and 2200 degrees Fahrenheit.

As for what the Cacodemon reminds us of, this has been made an official part of all new TASC employees and answers cannot be revealed.

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An Imp's fireball is somewhere between 800 and 1600 degrees Fahrenheit. A Cacodemon's "fireball" is not actually fire, as can be determined by its getting cooler as you approach the center. It is presumed to be some form of ball lightning, but this is not sure.

I found out the Cacodemon belches Ball Lightning to begin with. The Ball Lightning projectile in DOOM 64 is more freaky, though.

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I found out the Cacodemon belches Ball Lightning to begin with.

That's been known since Doom was released.

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More questions regarding Doom:

Oh fucking hoohah I can hardly contain myself. Whoops, I can't. Shit, I need a towel.

Why are the Demons' eyes yellow instead of red?

Interesting question but even more interesting is the underlying details they speak. First of all, the eyes seem to contain no pupils whatsoever. This seems, to me anyway, to clearly state that they don't "see" in a traditional sense (ie, picking up reflected light from objects like we do). I think that their eyes are more of a hunting sensor than eyes. Their eyes seem to glow, so there's clearly a lot of energy being fed to them. What kind of sensual organ would require it to be fed with enough blood and the right type of cells to give it luminance? Even more confusing is the fact that, because of this luminance, it makes these creatures easier to see in low light and thus harder to stalk prey in low light or even making them easier targets for a larger, hungry Demon.

Aside from the luminance issue it still remains to be seen how the Demons use these "eyes". Do they sense body heat? Not likely. After all, they're from Hell! It is also worth noting that the creature doesn't seem to have any visible nostrils either. More than just using these to sniff out odors and scents these organs, with their size, could clearly detect trace chemicals in the air to their advantage. Such advantages, like the fact that humans release small amounts of ammonia through the skin when afraid, could easily help the creature to decide the best way to strike. With a powerful enough nose, stereoscopic no less, one could easily get a three dimensional field of vision lining out living and non-living things.

Maybe its an all-in-wonder organ. Maybe it sees reflected light, given heat and even takes in smells with the same organ. Other portal creatures literally exhale fire so its not that hard to believe... this simplification in design could help us understand this creature. If it is this simplified on the outside what other measures were taken on the inside?

There are other questions about this creature as well. Such as the fact that it has arms but never seems to use them, not even to help it scale an obstacle that's obstructing it from an easy meal. Are these arms only used to hold down prey while taking massive bites?

What is more, I say, we know why the Demon's teeth are stained. We can even see why its feet are stained. But then, why is it, do its horns seem to be bleach clean? Given this, and the sheer power of its mouth, we can safely assume that these horns are not used offensively but defensively. Defensively from what? Or, even, are they merely 'motorcycle handles' for a mate?

Do we even know if the Demons reproduce sexually or asexually? None of them seem to have external genetalia, but then again, neither do reptiles. Given this fact, do they lay eggs or birth live young? We have seen no young and given their group patterns, Demons from Hell seem to be good parents.

Perhaps the females are the 'Spectre' breed of Demon. The ones we see are the 'bulls'. Horn size could be used to attract mates as well as the powerful bellows it can create with it's powerful lungs (as crocodiles and many other creatures do). If the Demon cannot see it's mate then it must attract it to it. It must lure it's mate.

Another hypothesis... perhaps the Spectres are merely adolescent Demons? They have not developed all of their muscle or speed yet and thus rely on stealth to help bring down their prey, and this gift of flesh that can bend light disappears as they reach sexual maturity.

The Demon is truly a simple in purpose but complex in design creature. If only we had time to study them before we shot them in the face with a double barrelled shotgun.

How tall are the Barons of Hell?

Dunno, I never asked one.

I would assume between seven and nine feet, but they never seem to walk fully upright so the only way to tell would be to measure one while it sleeps or simply drug it and measure it while it was down. Then shoot it in the face with a double barrelled shotgun.

How hot is an Imp's Fireball?

Hot enough to maintain it's fire over a great distance. The question is, what is the fireball? It couldn't be a simple 'ball of flame' for it would dissipate into the air. No, it must be more than that. Perhaps an Imp's fireball is merely a secondary salival gland... a saliva that immolates with contact to the atmosphere. Because of this we can assume that Imps themselves are greatly resistant to fire, or at least their mouths are. Have we seen one eat a creature that is still engulfed in flames?

Of course we haven't because every Imp we've seen we shot in the face with a double barrelled shotgun.

What does the Cacodemon most remind you of?

A gigantic floating red, bumpy and horned cycloptic creature with a humongous mouth that can expel concentrated electricity in orb form and an exceptionally large hole in it's lower back. What else would it remind me of, summer at the Hamptons?

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