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Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory GPL source release
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is a free release, and can be downloaded from This source release does not contain any game data, the game data is still covered by the origi...Date:08/12/10
Size:5.96 MB
Author:Splash Damage

Wolfenstein 3D source code
We are releasing this code for the entertainment of the user community. We don't guarentee that anything even builds in here. Projects just seem to rot when you leave them alone for long periods of time. This is all the source we have re...Date:10/14/96
Size:563.38 KB
Author:Id Software

Return to Castle Wolfenstein single player GPL source release
This source release does not contain any game data, the game data is still covered by the original EULA and must be obeyed as usual. You must patch the game to the latest version. Note that RTCW is available from the Steam store at http:/...Date:08/12/10
Size:3.56 MB
Author:Gray Matter Interactive

Return to Castle Wolfenstein multiplayer GPL source release
This source release does not contain any game data, the game data is still covered by the original EULA and must be obeyed as usual. You must patch the game to the latest version. Note that RTCW is available from the Steam store at http:/...Date:08/12/10
Size:3.17 MB
Author:Nerve Software

Quake utilities
This is the latest version of all released quake utilities as of september 13, 1996. Each utility has a seperate directory and VC++ project file. Be sure to pkunzip -d to get all the directories. Precompiled versions for win32 are also included. ...Date:10/14/96
Size:700.03 KB
Author:John Carmack

Quake source code
This is the complete source code for winquake, glquake, quakeworld, and glquakeworld....Date:12/21/99
Size:3.06 MB
Author:id Software

Quake III Arena GPL source release
While we made sure we were still able to compile the game on Windows, GNU/Linux and Mac, this build didn't get any kind of extensive testing so it may not work completely right. Whenever an id game is released under GPL, several projects start making...Date:08/19/05
Size:5.46 MB
Author:id Software

Quake 2 source code
This is the complete source code for Quake 2, version 3.21, buildable with visual C++ 6.0. The linux version should be buildable, but we haven't tested it for the release....Date:12/22/01
Size:1.41 MB
Author:id Software

Quake 2 source code
This is the complete source code for Quake 2, version 3.21, buildable with visual C++ 6.0. The linux version should be buildable, but we haven't tested it for the release....Date:12/22/01
Size:1.41 MB
Author:id Software

GtkRadiant source code
Following last summer's release of Quake III Arena source code and tools under the GPL license, id is now placing GtkRadiant and q3map2 under GPL license. We are also providing in this release a number of Quake II tools that never made it under GP...Date:02/17/06
Size:5.21 MB
Author:id Software

DOOM source code
Size:354.2 KB
Author:id Software

DOOM serial / modem driver source
This is the source for the DOOM serial / modem driver....Date:10/14/96
Size:10.47 KB
Author:id Software

DOOM IPX network driver source
This is the source for the DOOM ipx network driver....Date:10/14/96
Size:8.95 KB
Author:id Software

Doom 3 GPL source release
Size:9.01 MB
Author:id Software
This is the source for the setup program included with DOOM, final DOOM, strife, etc. Unzip with directories....Date:12/03/96
Size:1.48 MB
Author:John Romero

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