Title: Pot City
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/p-r/potcity.zip
Size: 102.07 KB
Date: 02/05/02
Author: Brendt Pantley a.k.a. Megalyth
Description: Doom II deathmatch wad taking place in a strange hellish base sort of thing... This began as an experiment of the mind and it's ability to conjure up alternate realities and such. I sat for an entire day smoking myself euphoric and editing levels, and this is the result. I threw some small monsters in as well, if you like something besides fellow marines to slap around.
Base: sort of thing... This began as an experiment of the mind and it's ability to conjure up alternate realities and such. I sat for an entire day smoking myself euphoric and editing levels, and this is the result. I threw some small monsters in as well, if you like something besides fellow marines to slap around.
Build time: 10 hours
Editor(s) used: DCK v3.62 Wintex v4.3
Bugs: With Doom II you will experience VPO errors and visplane related crashes. Running this in any limit-removing source port should be fine, but you know how bugs can be. Email me if you find any.
Rating: (3 votes)
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Glad to provide some troll-bait. I haven't smoked weed in a long time, but even stoned off my ass, I was still more intelligent than the lot of you. This map sucks, 0/10, wouldn't smoke again.x
Weed is for fags. x
i was bout to cleen mai r00m, but den i got hi wait how did i end up herex

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