Title: Perquisite Strata X
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/psxconvjm.zip
Size: 12.35 MB
Date: 05/29/23
Author: Various. Original levels by Williams Entertainment. Compilation handled by Jakub Majewski
Credits: * id Software for the original game, Williams Entertainment for the port, American McGee for Hell Gate and Hell Keep, Randy Estrella for the Marshes, Tim Heydelaar for the Mansion, Aubrey Hodges for the music and Danny "Technoman" Lewis for the Club Doom song. * Kaiser for making the PSXMake tool. * I.C.H.I. Znot and Impboy4 for providing the music in MIDI format along with the soundfont for it. * Roger Motzkus for the cover art. The M_Doom graphic uses the Saturn cover art instead. * Fabien Sanglard for providing the code for generating the fire effect. * The authors behind the Nightmare Demon sprites and sounds, from Eviternity, by Dragonfly et al. * PsyDoom for making the game playable on PCs, so it could be used as a reference point. Relevant links can be found in the Doomworld thread.
Base: WADs converted from the PSX version's original files, retouched.
Build time: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ask Williams, and the reverse engineers. Took me a few weeks on my part.
Editor(s) used: SLADE, Ultimate Doom Builder, Adobe Photoshop CC, Audacity, Whacked4, OpenMPT, PSXMake by Kaiser, Playscii. For the fire effect, a combo of Notepad++, Chrome, ShareX and VLC.
Bugs: None
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