Looks pretty nice but aside from a few traps, the monsters just fill the space rather than put you in dangerous situations. Not too bad for one playthrough.x
A good-looking map that doesn't quite make the mark in terms of gameplay. Just a walk through a base without many options as to how to approach a fight... makes it feel redundant. 3/5 -Snakesx
This is undobtedly a great map, but I must restrict it to 4/5, because JM2 is just SO much more.x
Looks good. Very easy. 3/5x
While it doesn't hold a candle to the grandness of its sequel, this map is still stellar in every way. 5/5x
This is a short but intense map. Are you kidding? Anyway this map looks good but the gameplay completely SUCKS. Really it's just a tedious SSG killfest. 2/5 for boring me x
Not a bad little map. I'm going to keep this one. I always did like the moon base theme. 3/27/07x
This is a short but intense map. The layout isn't too complex, but it's all looking quite nice. And it offers a good challenge, especially with a hectic Archvile fight near the end. 4/5 -Milianx
Considering its time frame itīs a decent map that will provide 10-15 minutes of fun gameplay. Good architecture bits and a very clean layout. Difficulty increases as the map goes and turning into a very repetitive battle with big demons towards the end. If played slowly wonīt give any trouble with the possible exception of the arch vile. 3 Stars.x
Utterly boring ssg fest. 3/5 - Belialx
Little e1 styled map, detailed. Lots of sg action for aiming learning =). Good traps here and there. Before the YK door gameplay becomes repetitive with barons and more barons :P:, Ssg fest just that :P. Average+x
I too must say this is nice looking but nothing special combat-wise, if played with a bit caution itīs actually a pretty easy map, but the progression is well done, nice second secret too. But still, something is missing. 3/5x
I found the fights average. A RL should be provided against the fatter demons. x
Solid map. Not as good as the new Jagermorder 2, but a good blast nonetheless 4/5x
5 red communist starsx
whoa man this is legendary 5 stars-Tangox
A very high-quality map indeed, but somehow it doesn't excite me too much. I'll assume that's my fault and give it five stars anyway.x
Looks great, but nothing special.x
I'd give it 5 stars except that he made this require Boom to accomplish things that could have been easily done in vanilla. **** -sargebaldyx