Fucking doesn't work without the Dehacked SHIT. 0/0 x
Not entirely perfect but very realistic. x
sv_cheats true and idfa ... game will begin!x
Interesting mod. Especially with AEOD. A bit too easy because gives you a lot of weapons and ammo and enough health as well. I only died once (in MAP02), damn that Quake 2 shotgunner, I didn't see him. Where is the challenge? I thought at end there will be a cyberdemon or something hard to fight. All were mostly zombies and probably a mancubus at end too (that was in previous maps). 3/5 -Doomer95x
5/5 for ya brox
interesting concept, poorly executed modx
It plays out very well and quite simply great to keep around. The only gripe I can get is the blocking bushes, which you have to jump over and stuff. It's kind of like Unreal (w/ some eye puzzle stuff). Things get quite bleak @ map09 (last level). ~4/5x
This is great fun. Some nice ideas though hardly realistic. If it doesn't work in zhexen / skulltag then that's just too bad (and that's their problem) just use a port that is true to Doom and it works just fine i.e. Choco / prboom-plus. 5/5x
For some reason this wad won't work properly in zdoom or skulltag. If you try to run it in one of those ports it will be all fucked up as reviewer 13 pointed out. I ran it just fine in a doom 2 control centre in 2001, but I can't remember its name.x
utter garbage. 0/5. x
wow. 2 words: epic fail. i think the worst part was the weapons. i mean for christ's sake the shoutguns looked like a machine gun! and the bfg was a sniper rifle! and grenades would not be thrown in a stright line, why didnt they just lave the rocket laucher in?x
Good, but way too short. The makers should've used more realistic textures than the stock Doom 2 ones, though. 4/5x
This is dated December 1998. It's a TC that tries to turn Doom into a kind of Rainbow Six clone; the jungle textures are elaborate, but a pain to navigage (I ended up jumping over a lot of the bushes), and the town levels tend to be very square. The ship was fun, although again it feels like a child's copy of e.g. the first Soldier of Fortune game. Map10 is theoretically good but you can run straight to the exit.x
2 words : KICK ASS. This is so realistic, that i'm interested more in the special forces! -Ghoul Hunter *****x
one word wickedx
I agree with reveiwer 7, there are too few levels. More levels would be well done, still it is EXTREMELY good! 999/5x
Damn, this is such a fun TC. I especially love the jungle levels and the oil rig level. My only complaint is that there aren't enough missions; 10 levels of this unmatchable balance of graphics and gameplay seems like far too few. Despite this, it still gets the coveted honor of 666/5 stars.x
It's a shame when a lot of work clearly went into something that's not really all that fun in final result. Give me Batman Doom any day.x
Wow... duuudex
The sound is really bad. At lease get non-clipping sounds. The Db rate on the pistol blast is off the scale! The custom guns were good. The maps are fun. I give it 3 stars!x
TW is one of the best TC wads for Doom 2. That's all I have to say... ;-) Download it NOW...!!!x
Pretty realistic for a Doom tc.x
VERY Realistic!!x