Getsu Fune
the classic short but hard megawad.x
Not too bad, but the maps are too short. 07.11.2015 Flammable4444x
i got quite excited after finding a adam's megawad...but bit disappointed as it seems 32 mini-level megawad..very short...lots of doors...but gameplay is cool here...not what i was expecting in terms of size but apart short scaling..nothing to complain about.....x
On the first blind run go full speed ahead. Only replay value is if you are to do pistol starts. Overall, worth a play through as a nice change, but you won't be returning to it afterwards. x
An excellent collection of snappy mapsx
This is a really fun megawad that you can jump into and crush over one or two nights of game play. Non-stop action, fast paced maps, no complaints! Dick tested, Cock approved!x
Some fun little maps in here, but the first third is fairly irritating due to all the goddamn doors. Too short a mapset to really criticize too much, just quick little maps with a few decent fights.x
Is this really Adam Windsor? 5/5.x
Certainly not as well aging as Scythe and the like, but it isn't bad for a small map megawad either. And it doesn't take very long. 3 stars.x
The only maps which are a bit bigger are MAP20 and MAP29. Most others can be finished in about 2-4 minutes each. MAP22 seems to have a glitch with the bridge before the exit (HOM, doesn't lower). If you don't mind finishing this in no more than two hours without any significant challenge (but still with decent fun), you should check this out.x
Fun to play through. 3/5. - Netherstormx
Not the biggest of all WADS I've played but it is a fun WAD to play. Would be better if the levels were a lot bigger but at least it isn't sloppy and rushed. 4/5 - General Mikex
Not bad but not great either. No real outstanding levels, just a bunch of decent ones. The maps are smaller in the style of the 1024 wad, but not as good. Nothing really challenging either. I beat it on UV in just over two hours. I guess if you really like smaller maps, give this one a shot. Otherwise you can probably live without. 2.5/5x
Gameplay is good. Levels are short (this you already know), and levels, despite the fact that they were intended to be visually impressive, are very very far from it. 2/5x
Might've been great in its time but man, it has not aged well.x
Totally surpassed by Scythe, Mini-level Megawad, etc.x
Fun megawad; nice short mapsx
I don't know why some people expect detail from this, it's from 2000, after all, but i agree with everyone who addressed the doors thing, way too many. Gameplay, a little easy. 3/5x
Seems like a bunch of Deathmatch levels to mex
It might just be the first megawad ever created considering this one is from 1995. Keeping that in mind, this wad is not that bad. I liked it, sorta. 3/5.x
Too much "realistic" and cramped architecture with randomly placed monsters. I can't stand it anymore after beating level 7. But if it is really from 1995 then it is not that bad. 2/5x
pointless stuff. scythe so much better than this. 2/5x
good maps, but damnit, I hate megawads with no new music 4/5x
I can't figure out, why people like this stuff. Boring, easy, small, not worth to play. Katamorix
Great stuff if you're after a few short bursts of energy. Nothing too difficult, just a decent runaround.x
Nice short fun. 4/5x
This megawad is actually from late '95, it was just re-released in 2000. Considering that fact, I wasn't as critical when I gave it a second chance. It's simplistic, but fun enough to keep you playing. It's best when played after a really hard levelset. 4/5x
Garbage. Scythe is much better. This is very lame and forgettable. The maps aren't very well done either. It doesn't even have an own intermission screen, and uses the same music and map titles as Doom 2. A big mess, but thankfully it's short, so I'll give it 2/5.x
Pretty overrated. x
Good mapset. Maps are short, so it's not very tired. Some maps are too easy in UV, but others are hard. The map 30 is very good final. 4/5x
Awesome little levels. INSANELY fun to speedrun and lots of clever house-type constructs.x
Basically a bunch of cramped levels filled with too much "realistic detail" like beds, toilets, chairs and over 9000 doors in small house-like levels with nonsensical key and switch usage. The battles can get busy but there's alot of health, armor and Rocket Launchers around so you're never in too much danger. I can see how this was popular back in early 2000, it's basically TNT but done right, moving forward to 2010 there are way better offerings out there. 2/5 jx
Probably the classic early "small but quality map" megawad; Scythe and the two 1024 megawads (and maybe even Scimitar and to an even smaller extent, Revolution!) are its successors. While it has some battleground maps that just seemed to bit useless in that you can run to the exit, and the overall visual quality is better in each of the above-mentioned later wads, there are some nice small maps in here and it's not one to miss if you enjoyed the later wads of this kind. 4/5x
decent but don't expect anything groundbreakingx
I'm sorry but this "megawad" is horrible. The maps are extremely small, and so is the playing area. Enemies are poorly placed (randomly placed) The level designing is the biggest downfall in this PWAD. The texture choice with this pico sized mapping is terrible. You will NOT have a problem getting to level 15 in less than 10 minutes on Ultra Violence on this one. This gets a 0 from me.x
Good detail, way too many doors though, i mean, woah! In level 4, there's like 20 in that small of an area. I'm not saying it's bad, i'm not saying it's good either, i'm saying, use less doors please. 3 stars overall.x
Judging from the comments, I think this should be quite nice. But it is still way below my expectation. Its weird that... well.. can i say the creator like doors? there are a hell lots of them leading to the same place over and over again... I got so irritated with those doors at the first few stages that I feel like stopping. This map should get better as it goes though. *** x
these maps are super tiny and super under detailed and boring. it is functional and all, but its not on my top 10. 1/5x
Hey! I like this one. So many wads don't work... sweet.x
This becomes too short and simple for me to truly enjoy, feels more like a populated set of deathmatch levels. Some okay designs now and then, and I suppose what little there is to play through isnt disasterously bad in the gameplay departement either. It totally lacks the immersion and exploration element however. 2.9/5 stars. -Johnsenx
This maybe boring for single play, but awesome for fun multiplayer cooperative games. 4/5 - Memfisx
Download, play and learn. If you don't understand this wad, go play quake or similar. 5/5x
Meh. Too easy, bad visuals, and I beat it in one day. 2 stars.x
I don't know about visually impressive, but it's definately fun to play. 4'd.x
Nice bite-size levels, fun. ****x
This wad rocks.x
Is this really Adam Windsor? 1/5.x
I would have liked somewhat longer levels, but this WAD is still great. Challenging and yet lots of fun!x
Soild 2, way too simple, but the levals show good building skillsx
i noticed a few textures that dont match with others in the room, the levels are really cramped, and the gameplay isnt all that grreat. ill give it a 3. if you make another mod, please make it bigger!x
fun nice and short and the levels have a story line sort ofx
perfectly balanced mod that i completely enjoyed!x
The levels are too small. And easy -Evil Homerx
"I aimed to provide 32 short, sharp shocks for Doom 2 that were both highly playable and visually impressive. I hope I've succeeded." Is what the Author said above. Well from playing this I have to say they are very short levels. Visually impressive, hell no. Could of been much better. I was disappointed after downloading this megawad.x
This is the inspiration for "Scythe". Dmonfear has fantastic gameplay in short maps which I keep coming back to over and over.. to bad that there is no real demopack for this...x
This rocksx
Alright levels, a bit small, bit to too small.x
If I remember correctly, this was the first megawad that really amazed me, mainly because the levels were both short and fun. You won't get bored by this one!x