Just plain awesome. It's got some nice humor there, too.x
Getsu Fune
it was too short and too easy to be really good. plus unskippable cutscenes.x
Good hub design, and the X-Files theme. I WANT TO BELIEVEx
One of the best wads ever made.x
This is really, really good! My only complain is the very long, unskippable cutscenes and the fact that second level looks a lot like Doom II's MAP07. :/x
If I could meet the good Sam Ketner, I'd buy them a beer (or coffee, if they wish). This is the best wad I have ever played, seriously. x
I appreciate it for its innovative qualities, but it does play rather stiffly, and the looks are fairly bland. Granted, this was made 11 years ago now, but still, I feel as if this one sort of missed the mark. I do like the rush out of the nuclear plant, though... and in spite of its odd placement, I'm a fan of The Cure, so props there :) 3.5/5 -Snakesx
X files theme is DUMBx
Mediocre level design and looks, but it actually plays decently. And it was a classic for being the first of a new generation.x
In terms of actual quality, it's probably 3 or 4 stars - it's enjoyable but it's nothing special, but how could you miss this?! It's the mother of all hub-based wads, the first one to exist. Without it, there'd be no Trust, no Hell Factory, no Daedalus,etc.! 3.5/5 for the wad itself, but 5/5 for its legend!x
Really nice man....4x*x
Well, I think a lot of people just love this and others simply think it is mediocre. I think it is good. It is the first hub made and I don't have anything serious against its design. I give it a 5.x
I didn't mind the music except for the X-Files theme, which made me turn the volume off. Other than that, great wad, 5 stars.x
My complements for the pioneers work! Within that context, I consider the somewhat boring music as completely irrelevant. Legendary, so 5/5.x
Wow. Lots of work must have gone into the making of this. Tei Tenga definently needed to be in the Doom storyline :) 5/5 -r_rr.x
if Dr. Seuss reated Chex Quest, it would look like this lol. 5/5x
A mix of Doom and the classic System Shock.! If I could give 6 stars, I would! Awesome work!x
^and it happened to be the first zdoom hub too. If it weren't for this we wouldn't be seeing the cool new crap coming out now, besides I don't see how you can dis it, its actually pretty good for its time.x
I dont get how the hell this thing got 4 stars. The levels were boring and looked ugly. The new graphics were crappy and ugly too.x
Awesome, totally worth playing.x
keep up the good workx
This was pretty good! My only complaint was that it was way too short NOW GIVE US TEI TENGA 2! 4/5 Craigsx
Hub.. That is all it;s there for, giving Zdoom a life of it's own. 5/5x
it's good for the time it was made in. but now it would kinda suk. but its good anyway. 3/5 Xolzox
This is the scariest Doom .wad I've ever played.x
Hey! Who be dissin' my TMNT? - Cren :Px
Good missions, story, etc. just the music sucks! -duducrazyx
Excellent Work there, Sam! 5 stars! -Kristian Arox
crappy level design. midi conversions of popular music really don't fit in here, and a ninja turtle computer?? the missions were pretty interesting though. *** -sargebaldyx
Good hub considering it is the 1st ever!!x