Lightning Hunter
| A nicely detailed map with a unique non-linear layout. The strength of this map is without a doubt the challenge it presented. The ammo balance was absolutely perfect, and I found myself on my toes the whole time. In order for your ammo to last in this map on UV, it is almost necessary to pit the monsters against each other (something I enjoy doing immensely). There is nothing better than watching a Cyberdemon take down Barons. Great fun. | x |
| The author's other work Shock em Down is better but it's worth playing. | x |
| This is dated December 2000. It's an update of those old "REoL Tough" levels; the originals were mediocre, this is pretty good, although it has a schizo feel. The map starts as a kind of interactive arena slaughter-fest - this bit is very entertaining if you attack all the monsters at once - and then turns into a decent 1995-era map, with tougher baddies than usual but lots of rockets. Design, layout etc vintage 1995, nicely nostalgic. | x |
| Only a total noob (unable to build single room) or hopeless retard can write 'worst map ever'. Perhaps too many doors in the map, but it reminds me of Cobra episodes I used to play in '95. 3/5 | x |
| Good looks, average gameplay. 3/5 | x |
| It's ok. 3,5/5 | x |
| worst map ever
| x |
| Superb remix. Get this, and don't touch the
1fiffy's!! | x |