Only drooling idiots hate story in Doom wads.x
It was ok. Does not end in modern zdoom. The Ghost with the Most.x
Wow great map! Awesome level design Story Long x
This is dated August 2008. It's a detailed wrecked techbase in the modern style, with 179 baddies and less puzzliness than the previous instalments in the series. Great use of ambient sounds. Feels a bit of a let-down, though - the detailing and design work clothe a modest set of pretty simple fights (e.g. the yellow key fight has a spooky build-up, but it's easy). A bit buggy; had to noclip through the bit after the red door until that bit worked.x
Good music and appearance, but very simple and easy. 3/5x
Who cares about the beginning? The map itself is what matters!x
very good x
I liked it! I did notice a funny glitch though; when in the outside area with the acid pool, if you follow the walkway to the left of the imp cave and attempt to jump onto the next plateau it shoots you about 60 feet away across against the building! Fun stuff, man. 4/5x
stupid and unskipable intro in two full minutes is awful! /4-1=3x
It's OK, but I liked the theme, design and gameplay of the original sin city a whole lot more, I must say. This is alright, although the lifts took too long to get up and I got stuck as well so finally I lost my nerves and idclipped through to the exit. The usage of zdoom features was nicely implemented, though. 3 stars. -TeH NexuSx
Intros and storylines/plots suck. This is DOOM!x
Pretty good map with nice detail. The non stop shaking got to me and it can be confusing at times. 8/23/07x
I did not like having to sit through that boring cutscene. Also, this map is buggy. The shaking effect won't stop after the explosive barrel is destroyed. I got stuck after getting the red key. 2/5x
good -3/5 Daimonx
jumping jesus on a pogo stick. 5/5x
I liked the first one a whole lot more. The lifts take too long to starts moving again, I never figured out what the fuck I was supposed to do outside the red-keyed door with that switch and the thingy that moved from the ceiling. I really hate puzzles. But some effects were nice, like the explosions that cracked the floor and cracks on the walls and the layout wasn't that of a typical map as were the details. 3/5x
The best map i've ever seen. all the effects and cutscenes were awesome, though that marine walking around isn't very smart. 5/5x
I dont care, its great. 5 stars 5/5 *****x
Top tier stuff.x
it wood be fun if you didint have to sit threw an hower of talking befor the game begins! i wood have givin it a 5/5 but now it gets a 3 x
excellent map, 5 stars. although i do prefer the first sincity. --sargebaldyx