Basically nice set of levels with one big problem: there are only two themes, and all maps except 31 & 32 are small variations of those. Therefore overall gameplay feels like playing two very large levels, after some maps there aren't any surprises anymore, so while playing it out I had to fight against boredom. Also monster placement @ UV tends to feel more and more uninspired. As-is: solid 4/5, but no way legendary, as I won't play it again.x
Nice small levels, gameplay and monster placement good. Only I was waiting for some climax as the description said something about the rebirth of the demons, so I guessed that something is different when they are reborn. But it was "only" good nice standard layouted maps. :-)x
Getsu Fune
this is a very well done old skool mapset!gameplay at least remains fluid throughout although a lot of maps are forgettable (excepting the secret maps, which are must plays!)x
Your level design wasn't the best but it was fun to play. Kill all the Mancubus in a room and then put an Arch Vile in between me and their corpses? Intentional or not, your enemy and barrel placement was incredibly mean to me (that is not negative to your score, however :D)x
Vile Flesh has aged poorly. However, this wad has not. x
Yet another impressive megawad for Doom II. Once again, great layouts and challenge. 5/5x
12/21/2013 It was great years ago, unfortunately it hasn't aged well. Still worth a download if you get tired of the vanilla maps though. x
Good,solid megawad.Worth the d/l and playthru.x
nicolas monti
Solid Masterpiece 5/5x
Very well donex
Fun fights that scale up as you go. Lots of ambushes. Levels that are interesting and aren't too complicated. It's a perfect wad and the best I've played so far.x
Real solid megawad that promises an arcade-like experience. Levels don't drag on like in some megawads, thoughtful level design and great gameplay. 5/5x
Great job, I've always loved this wad, excellent gameplay and sweet maps, also, I love ya man because you let us use the resources! :D anyways, great wad, 5/5 -deathknightx
While most of the maps look pretty nice, the gameplay is very repetitive. 3/5 x
this is good, real good!x
Great wad! Nice title screen and headless human sprites. 4/5!x
wow wowwowowowowowowowow owowowowowowowowowow owowoowowowowowoiowo wowowowowowowowowowo woowowwowowowowoqwow owowowowowowowowowow owoowowowowowowowowo wowowowowoowwowowowo owowowowowoowowowowo wowowoowowowowowowoo wowowow WOW!x
fuck SOPA! 5/5x
^^^^ I've played most of the violent, manliest games in the universe, used phrases like "prepare your colon, Imma fucking stomp it" casually at church, and still live a happy life. Jelly? BTW, 4/5 for the wad, map06 is a huge letdown - I mean, what the fuck was that all about?x
5 stars - legendaryx
THAT'S how you implement difficulty levels without placing hordes of enemies! Here, they are strategially placed throughout the usually small to medium-sized maps. Gameplay is great and the new monsters fit in nicely - wouldn't have needed the new weapon sounds, though. Secret levels are also rewarding since they offer unique design, something often forgotten in megawads. Still great nine years after its release. Recommended! 5/5 - NightFrightx
Simple yet beautiful, it's the way Doom should go on. There's some problems with ammunition if you play the maps from pistol start, so I guess author didn't tested them that way. So, 4/5.x
one of the best megawadsx
No. Boring, cramped and sometimes even ugly. Though this author had vastly improved his skills after a while and brought to us mortals some really impressive works, this wad is below average and feels like it was crafted by different man, not that Vader we all know (different nickname is an omen, haha!) 2/5 - Demonologist x
Decent megawad, but nothing special. 3/5x
Good megawad. 4/5x
I still love this so much. Best megawad evar. 5/5x
Good short-oldstyle mapset, but some of them are very simple or boring. Map 16,17,29,32 are very good. Others are decent. Map06 seems a noob map. 4/5 for this irregular megawadx
definitley not a total conversion, two enemies looked different, few sound effects and some flats, that's it. Great maps and all dont get me wrong but definitley not a tcwadx
Excellent! Map31 pwnsx
This is so much better than the Zdoom stuff Vader eventually went on to make. 5/5x
Awesome oldschool action right here. - 5/5x
Absolutely stellarx
Great stuff!!! One of the best wads I've ever played! 666/5 ~ DeathevokatioNx
Brilliant. The look and feel of these levels is worth the effort alone.x
A fantastic megawad from the most talented Doom mapper alive. 5/5x
This is awesome. Attractive location, great variation in design, tricky traps and consistently tough gameplay without being stupidly difficult like so many others. Almost no annoying crap like chaingunner spam or Revenant snipers. Some of the best outdoor areas I've ever played, way better than Doom 2's efforts. Most definitely my favorite megawad of all time. 5/5x
Holy crap, you mean that a person's work CAN pale in comparison to work it predates by six years? Thanks for the hint, Alia. (unrelated note: this WAD is boss, 4/5)x
This is a cracking back-to-basics wad. Love it!x
This an awesome one-man megawad, definitely among the better in that category, so 5/5 is a given. Ironically, however, these maps pale in comparison to his ZPack/standalone maps, Thunderpeak and Blackrock (and his other map, Castle Nevermore, is every bit as good as the best Rebirth maps). Still, I always judge wads separately, and as such, this megawad is awesome. Mostly nice to look at, and the gameplay is hard to fault. A must download, provided you aren't spoiled by his later maps.x
Awesome megawad using new sprites, textures and sounds for various monsters and levels, introducing two new themes to Doom2 and producing 32 short-to-medium sized good looking oldschool maps. 5*x
Awesome for chocolate doom coopx
100% perfection. Kinda sucks that some maps will make the game crash out, but I suspect those are VPOs and nothing can be done about them. *****! ~Csonx
Five stars just for the headless zombie alone.x
Good level set. Its design and texturing theme is reminiscent of DOOM II but with its own "ancient" theme. The difficulty is medium but gets tougher at some points (Map09, the 2nd half of the 3rd episode). You can get stuck in Map29, and Map30 is broken in Doom2. Map28 has a superb layout and game play. Oddities: the Baron has wings but won't fly, and the rifle zombie is headless but screams! [3/5] ~Chain Mailx
I'd like to thank everybody for their comments and the fact that they actually tried this wad. Thanks :) -Vaderx
Excellent wad. I've spent many hours playing this in co-op, and it was overall a memorable experience. 4/5 ~Mike Reinerx
I remember, about 2.5 years ago, when this wad came out by complete surprise. As I loaded the homepage, I expected a pile of junk - it was the author's first wad after all. As I looked at the screens, the expectation began to change, as they looked nice. When I played through, I indeed found that this was not junk, but instead another awsone wad!x
Incredible quality for a one man megawad!!! Great architecture, great gameplay, a lot of fun... What else?... Oh yes: a must!!! ;-) - Jivex
An incredible one-man megawad. I especially liked some of the enemy replacements.x
Nice one. Nice in the same way DOOM feels nice compared to DOOM II when going back. Maybe this feeling is related too some overly complex PWADS Ive seen. Like when makeing music, all things u throw in has to have some sort of function - otherwise its useless. x
Incredible. - BBGx
Good traps and surprises.x
5 stars, especiallt for the author's 1st wad. One of the great megawads of 2003, the others are Scythe 1, Daudelus (TC/Megawad), Com. Chest 1, and HR2 (almost an 04 wad), but the great megawads from 04 still include Vile Flesh, Com. Chest 2, and Super Sonic Doom (TC/Megawad). From 05 (so far through 6/19) we have already seen two great ones, Kame Sutra and Scythe 2 (real shame Scythe 2 was released at only 29 levels, but it's fantastic anyway). Enjoy!x
Great stuff! -apdoshellx
Whoah, simply amazing. Not the best, but it's definitely worth playing, you gets teh *****!x
Perfect in CoOp mode, best for 2-3 players - Ramirezx
Nice wad.x
excellent wad, very "oldschool" but still rather nice looking. Gameplay is on the medium difficulty (similar to Doom 2) 5/5 for the one man achievement x
this is a true classic. -denizenx
Great wad. And a great classic -Dronx
decent classicx
just great... a classicx
great great WAD, very impressive for a one-man WAD. I'd put this one in the best 2003 wads and even as an all time classic. Great gameplay, nice looking maps, and coop is just pure fun ! - PerOxyd 5/5x
Absolutely excellent wad! I loved the level structure and balance...I played it on HMP, and the difficulty level was perfect. Another strong point was that the maps were not filled with hundreds and hundreds of mosters, but still challenging. I think the only weak point was the end (the boss room) seemed a bit could've looked a lot more hellish (perhaps windows that would show towers and hordes of monsters outside?). 5 stars!x
very nice job :)x
This rocks!x
good stuff! **** -sargebaldyx
very good wad, most maps are really good. Only weak point : coop support (not enough ammo and health and map18 is lacking player 2 start)x
not badx