The music was cool, and its a neat idea: running along the shops next to the seawall, but is that a picture of you in the opening screen trying to look bad? Ha-ha. Tool.x
A map with high replay value which is needed as you'll die often. It's all about finding a route to the weapons and powerups while the monsters are chasing you. Gameplay is excellent, this map gives me an adrenaline rush. Monster placement might seem crude but it turns out to be sophisticated. 5 stars coldfusiox
Fun to IDKFA at the start and attempt to clear the level building by building, step out too far into the street and you're very dead though. Alternatively run up and down in the sea and watch the gigantic infight. The level is nicely made, hardly any custom textures, and it takes skill to make a convincing "city" without them, you can more or less tell what everything is representing, and it really has a sense of place. One to explore on -nomonsters if you're not interested in an endless killing spreex
The level looks pretty cool but I hated the monster placement. It seemed really noobish. Wtf is up with the cyberdemon in that tiny ass room?!x
I liked the design. I agree with horrible monster placement. 4 stars.x
Good try, nearly excellent :) If you want gameplay playtesting I'm sure some of dw's finest can help. -pritchx
"There isn't any editor able to move the whole level". Did you try DoomBuilder, guy?x
so are youx
Sucks. Nice design, but monster placement is terrible.x