Great 3 map set with good encounters and a nice BGM to back it up. 5/5x
Top notch. Well placed ammo, monster, and health placement. Match that with great architecture, and great music too. Challenging, but so so fun too. 5 stars. -TRRobin.x
Aeternum is a 3-map venture of tight gameplay that pulls you on a thread til the very end. I enjoyed the length of MAP02 while MAP03 suited a tension-filled finale. Play this w/Complex for a brutal challenge of your wits. Health & ammo were sufficient when needed, while I never got a sense of boredom playing this. Architecture is basic, yet detailed with care.x
Its Meh. To busy constantly running to pay attention to anything, the combat isn't paced well, and the unpredictable spikes in difficulty are highly annoying. +1 point for keeping ammo scaled with the combat, +1 point for the musick.x
Getsu Fune
ultra hard three-level set. more difficult than most AV maps, especially the beginning map. I had to play at a lower skill level. love MAP02 and the music it is accompanied by.x
Less polished than Skillsaw’s later work but still great. First map is a Plutonia-like arena, second is an epic-length journey with a couple slaughter moments, third is… a secret. A must play for those who like Alien Vendetta, Resurgence (though this is easier), Skillsaw’s other stuff, or all three. Works fine with PrBoom+ if you follow his advice above. x
This is very nearly as good as Vanguard or Lunatic, so go get it and don't leave this gem behind!x
Extremely well made material. Ammo a plenty, but you will be using it ALL. Quite challenging, But not frustratingly so. Maps are intricate and memorable, but not overtly complex. I'll be coming back to this on harder difficulties.x
Nice bit of fun - second map felt like a never-ending adventure and all three maps ended up swamping yuo with low-level mobs at some point. In particular MAP02 with the seemingly endless number of imps near the end. Recommended to all of you who like a good challenge in a nice environment (or three). 4* -Phobusx
Pretty damn good! 5/5x
Superb mapset, 5 stars easily, the only thing I wonder is why Map02 wasn't split into more than one map, because it's like five to ten times the size of any other map from this author. It doesn't affect wad at all though. I look forward to seeing this guy's latest work, Vanguard, on here - this should have received a 2007 cacoward so Vanguard ought to get one in 2011! 5/5 May 7, 2011x
The maps do work on prBoom+ but you have to make sure to enable "Walk under solid hanging bodies" and "Use passes through all special lines." They do play best with ZDoom though. -skillsawx
Probably the "Zdoom needed" stipulation is the main reason this impressive-looking wad has received so little attention. As far as I can tell, the decorate and mapinfo are cosmetic, and the maps work fine without Zdoom - maybe they need just a limit-extending port. But before playing them, it would be nice to know whether Boom or "Zdoomism" features are used.x
Nice maps. I got here after trying the newest wad by this same author, Vanguard, on DW. 5/5x
Very good! It definitely reminds of AV, in fact these maps could probably be placed within AV without the theme or quality going out of sync. I wonder if this guy would be capable of AV2, but I doubt that will happen. Anyways, go get this wad. 5/5x
Very good! AV-style indeed (not everywhere, but it's here), good challenging gameplay, nice atmosphere. I liked all the maps, but map03 is the best one imo. Only one major complain from me - IT'S TOO SHORT! =) 5/5 - Demonologistx
the first two maps have that magic that makes Doom so timeless 5/5x
Sweet music but too hard for my lame ass.4/5x
Wow - these 3 maps should go in place of three of the weaker AV maps! They feel just like AV!x
map3 is one of the best[if not the best]hellish themed maps I have ever seen/played. gameplay was top notch with ammo never in too short of supply. 5/5-d.d.koopx
very good. the second map was a bit long, but the action through out the set of maps was top notch. i hope to see greater things to come from skillsaw. -JOKER-x
Very nicex
The maps border between disappointingly easy and frustratingly unfair. It has a sine difficult curve. It goes from boring to frustrating over and over again. For example, in map 2 it goes from a few imps in an open area to hell knights and other big monsters in cramped hallways with insufficient ammo, tand Trying to pacifist is suicide. Progression is linear. Most of the secret areas are jokes and the wad shouldn't even require ZDoom- the maps appear to be in BOOM format. 2/5 - Soccerghoulx
Effin' sweet.x
I like it too! 5/5 Make more levels :-P !x
Wow, very nice looking. Maybe in the first map looks crappy IMO, but hey is cool. 4/5 Daimonx
This is the author's first release since 1998 (id 9745). You get 3 action packed levels for Zdoom. Before I downloaded this I had a funny feeling that these levels would have the E4 sky in it. The gameplay, the architecture (which reminded me of pe4_Dt3 and av.wad) and the music was top notch. Overall this was amazing. Even better than lethe.wad. Wad of the year! A must play! 5 Stars (plus another 5) -PCx
Map03 is excellent and you can play with the latest prboom plus. Map01 starts really well and apart from a few small issues can be played in prboom plus too. Only in the second map you have to idclip one door (red key part, after bfg turn to left enter the room and that door won't open). Overall a little bit too much switches for my taste, but great combat. If you're good with the bfg/rl then the first map will be rather though. Recommend coldfusio 5x
Excellent maps! It was very intense for me. It felt like an Alien Vendetta mapset. MAP03 wasn't my favorite, but I loved MAP01 and MAP02. The music was really cool too.x
Wow this guy is so awesome, these maps are a killer. Personally, I liked the first map the most because its layout was both dynamic and memorable. The other two maps were also really nice, though I did die quite a lot in the last one :) Paul, I'm glad that you decided to make a few more maps.x
This has a latin name, so you know it's classy. All three maps are very good and tricky. Map01 has a hectic start and then mellows out; it's a compact map with almost perfect ammo balance (very hard to get 100% kills though). Map02 is huge (700+ baddies) but feels relatively easier, perhaps because of all the ammo - it's a meaty, manly feast. Map03 is hellish and I wasn't as fond of it, but the first two are killer.x
really good.x