Lightning Hunter
Just another good level by Chris Hansen, which is to be expected. The level is not as epic as some of his other work, but still holds up well on its own. As others have mentioned, the yellow skull key could be grabbed through the wall (in Risen3d). 4/5x
It didn't work, trying testing it sometimes. ~1/5x
Suffers from some zdoomisms (blocking hanging corpses, last trap is broken in prb+) and the music is indeed unfitting (so I used idmus20), excellent otherwise. Deserves 5 stars for the color changing teleporter alone. :) Really, that was a very cute and original trick.x
Excellent map, 5 stars, and who the f**k cares about the metalica music? Just idmus something else, or load up your favorite music wad to overwrite the midi. Plus I liked the midi anyways, a lot in fact. As for the map itself, the previous review has it all right.x
It's a Chris Hansen wad, so of course it is great, but I must take off a star for that Metallica midi. Metallica midis were annoying in 1995 and they're outright unbearable now (and why always Metallica? Megadeth, Testament, and Overkill are feeling so, so ronery...). Please don't use one ever again. 4/5 --Wooliex
This isn't bad, although the mazy height variation feels kind of random and makes killing many of the semi-helpless foes rather easy, and the music was loud and annoying. In addition to the issues with the yellow key and its switch under vanilla behavior, the lowered nukage area before the baron section crashes Doom-plus (unknown special 3341). Use -complevel 2 when testing non-Boom WADs with PrBoom, at least.x
Nice map! 4/5!-Candle Mx
AWESOME map!!! And I can't explain why it awesome... :P 5/5 - playerlinx
5/5, Very well done, Kept it classic, Amazing architecture and a healthy amount of enemies and its very very fun. Keep up the good work (Oh and good song lol)x
It looks great, it plays good. Has brilliant design and layout. The only thing I didn't like was the music but who cares. She's still getting a 5. -P.Cx
Cool, a bit low on ammo. 4/5 - Optimusx
Not bad, but I played on skill 1 and it was too hard for me. So, the difficulty settings are not really implemented (played on ZDoom). Nice graphic details! I give this 4 stars.x
It had the potential to be more challenging. I mean, I played awfully, hit by nearly every revenant, but I still came out with lots of health. But yeah, a well designed map!x
I liked it. Very nice level design. Plenty of close quarters combat.x
D*** Good! **** 5/5 5 STARS actually 6 starsx
Very good! It has all the markings of a good map: nice layout, fun gameplay, cool aesthetics, and intelligent secrets. Highly recommended. 5/5x
great 5/5x
Rough,tough,said enough 5*x
Play this with zdoom 2.2.0 and the yellow key switch works. As for the map it's excellent it has a great layout and mostly close quarter encounters. 5/5 x
In prboom-plus you can bump the yellow key and finish the level really quick. Also, after pressing the yellow key switch, the bars blocking the imps don't seem to open and show a missing texture.x