These are a good few fun levels to play, but not as high standard as Alex would do later on. -TRRobin.x
Getsu Fune
impressiveness, and the gameplay is fine while enjoying the architecture.x
An amazingly beautiful but deasolate map. Made me feel almost lonely.x
Detail-wise, I've never seen anything like this before. Eternal's style of detail is very interesting and unique, giving the level a certain special look that just needs to be seen. The gameplay was good too, but I expected it to be harder. I guess that wasn't the point though. All in all, I'd say it gets 4.8/5 stars.x
From now on. Eatch and every time I hear the song from Memento Moray Map 09. Ill go to this place in my head. ~Tyrian x
a nice, pleasant dooming experience that allowed me to admire some very nice designs against a peaceful backdrop of blue skies and green hills, just don't expect to be challenged too much by the gameplay.x
Feels a bit desolate in places, but looks great and plays just as good. 4 well-earned stars. - Obsidianx
Beautiful maps! It use big areas very good! Now i recording a speedrun for map01.x
Gorgeous. Dinged one star for only having two levels, but 4/5 is 4 well earned. Please make more. Seriously.x
Simply fantastic, made me enthusiastic easily - Cell.x
I love Eternal's maps, but these have dissapointed me. Music is horrible, first map boring and easy. The second is very very good-looking, without zdoom effects, only old-style, but short, bad gameplay, music sucks. Only 3.5 for visual criteria.x
wow. i mean iv seen deathzor and tormentor667's work but this is just as good as some of their levels, your levels are as good as even scuba steve and maybe vader.5/5x
The second map reminds me of map cyb made which was inspired by undying. For once gameplay wasn't that important for me. Memento locus coldfusio x
Two interesting maps with a classical visual style, I'd agree that the gameplay is a tad inconsistent only in the contrast between the conventional inner areas and the unexpected bare outdoor ones. Monster placement and the flow is spot on however, 02 feels awkard due to fighting hellspawn in a very realistic environment - not a complaint but a testament to the real world appearence. A fine example of using colour and shape to portray good aesthetics with creative gameplay. 4/5 - B.Krypto.x
Pretty awesome, especially map01. Map02's music sucked, and it was hard to figure out what to do in some places (mostly near the beginning), but great use of empty space and towers (asdflj;kldsaj;hfajg sa snipers). x
A fantastic wad with a very nice soundtrack. Very creative, airy design, although the basic concept doesn't vary much throughout the course of each level. Also, the difficulty skyrockets from easy to preposterous in one room with an Archvile. Turned me off completely.x
Wow, that was just awesome. The second map was just epic, and the first one was sugar sweet too. Absolutely 5/5.x
Strange. Seems like you were bored making this, just chucking designs into the map editor, and couldn't choose between elaborate gothic castle and flat cutesy JRPG. I've loved curved doors since Heretic E1M1 and by god this map has alot of them. Goes from easy sparse battles to an Arch Vile and a bunch of Revenants in the face. The music is awful. Weakest release yet. 3/5x
Everyone who wants to design a wad should have to play these maps first.x
Amazing architecture.x
Not too bad but seems kinda inconsistent, like a mix of huge bare areas and detailed buildings/structures . Gameplay wasn't all that interesting. The music made my ears bleed too. 3/5.x
These two levels are dated October 2008. The first is an attractive open-air courtyard map, that starts out deceptively simple and then turns into something akin to Super Mario 64, but less cartoonish. It's easy, but great fun, and what's wrong with that? Map02 is similarly modest in terms of gameplay and monster count; it's no Deus Vult, instead it's a masterclass in polyobjects, a gorgeous castle that makes an interesting comparison with the old 1994 CASTLE.WAD maps.x
Wow, best architecture design ever!!! 5/5 - Optimusx
that was really fun. I'm looking forward to playing more of your levels. I really liked the music and enviroment. Level 2 was my favourite. This is a very original and creative level set. 4/5x
Superb look and wise gameplay. The only disadvantege for me was the slowdown in map02. But that is fault of my maschine. ;) - 5/5 - Damnedx
Loved the graphics, mehhed the gameplay.x
I would have to say this is a very swell made map set :D The detail in Map 02 is kick ass! 4/5!-Candle Mx
2nd map is fucking nuts in terms of detailx
Simply awesomx
Beautiful work. x
Beautiful. 5/5x
Well I liked the music! Map01 is delightfully quirky and the music fitted it perfectly. Great maps Deadall, you are thnking outside the box with these. Perhaps develop Gravity into a full episode length? ~ pritchx
Stunning work. Map 02 is just stunning, maybe the most beautiful Doom mapping I've ever seen. Gameplay is nice as well. Map 01 has great music, map 02 has a bad AC/DC midi (I recommended idmus01 while playing 02). 5 stars. - Jute Gytex
Nice wadset but there is a bug in map 02. Depending on what port you use there is an issue with sector 387. Its linedefs have missing lower textures, causing a visual glitch.x
Excellent map set - very well detailed, fun and concise, which in itself is an improvement over some of Eternal's other works, which can leave you lost or bogged down for too long. 5* all the way for this one.x
Has a very classical kind of style. A work of art, no doubt. 5 stars. x
Two great levels that are extremely well detailed. The music fits the maps, and is worth not being muted and listened to, although the "guitar solo" in the second map sucked. 5/5x
Well... honestly... isnt that good. But the 2nd map was pretty. Have to appreciate the dedication to detail. But this map is no more than that. Not really fun to playx
5/5 looks great!x
Very good, very hight details, and good gameplay even if eseay. 5/5 x
Meh, judging by the DW review I was expecting more. Map02 had some nice ideas in it, but overall this map is sub-par concerning visuals and especially gameplay IMO 2/5x
Perfect in multiple ways. A true testament of how to make a great wad without fancy features. 6/5 -EarthQuakex
visually amazing with good gameplay.the music fit the theme,I guess.what sux though,is taking a rocket to the face cuz ya slowed down to check out the attention to detail. 5/5-d.d.koopx
Amazing, that's it. Great style, atmosphere, gameplay. I don't even think I'd like to see more; these two maps are just enough to impress and not to tire. 5/5 - Jekyll Grim Paynex
The best wad from Eternal.x
This was okay to look at, map01 wasn't that good but map02 was nice. Unfortunately the music selection sucks and the gameplay is very boring.x
fun 5/5x
Pretty cool. The music isn't that great, but the level design is amazing. I love the lighting in the levels. This is worth checking out.x
I played this with Beautiful Doom and enjoyed every single minute. Maps were amazing, gameplay wise and looking wise. I expected Map02 to be a little longer though. I didn't like the music too much... But that doesn't stop me from giving this wonderful wad 5/5. Recommended. - Motix
So, so But is very good for the Detail hight ;)x
Awesome looking map. Had some slowdown issues on map02. 5/5x