Fantastic start to what could have been a legendary megawad. Hopefully Mr. Alm gets around to finish it.x
Getsu Fune
*waits for new episodes and collapses*x
very good levelx
Pure eye candy as usual with the scythe series, although it doesn't reach the immersion level of Scythe 2. Of course, the gameplay is high quality, with one caveat: whereas the first two Scythes are known to be amongst the most grueling megawads out there (I'm ignoring super-slaughter collections like Sunder or Chillax as those target a niche audience),most of this one is two easy. Only the last 2 maps throw on brutal challenges out of nowhere (do consider that I had to utterly butcher MAP10 to clear it).x
It's a shame that Erik Alm didn't end up finishing this. Feels like Scythe 1's gameplay mixed with 2's aesthetics. Great overall.x
Short to medium-sized mapset. Layout is overall good, but misses a wow-factor. Texture use is ok but varies too little, it gets monotonous after some maps. Same counts for decoration. Gameplay @ UV starts good, but gets after a while dominated by very predictable monster popups. At the end the levels look, besides the layout differences, quite identical, which makes the set imho too large. Overall: 4/5, but not interesting enough for a replay.x
Amazing 10 map but amazing!x
My car broke down and I played this while waiting for the tow truck. The time flew by and it was a more challenging and enjoyable wad than 99% of the stuff I've played before.x
Not as superb as the first two installments. However, the author manages yet again to create super-detailed maps with great lay-out and an atmosphere that I don't experience a lot when playing WADs. I'm hoping for the last 20 maps to be released, but I highly doubt it.x
What a treat, I never knew there was another Scythe!x
Erik Alm strikes yet again. This is just superbly honed gameplay and design through and through. I can only hope that he releases more wads in the future because he is one of the most consistant of all. 5/5 no question. -TRRobinx
Small and focused maps. Could easily have worked as a 'mission pack' to the original Scythe, arguably most of it would fit right in, as a matter of fact. I like the name 'Scythe X' rather than 'Scythe 3' since Scythe 2, while an excellent wad, changed up the style some. So this is more of a true sequel to the original, and I like the idea of considering Scythe 2 independently. Now only if the author would show up again and work release some more episodes...!x
Well, as always with this, i am going to love it and try it. 5/5 for win!x
Scythe = Small levels with perfect monster and pickup placements for the ultimate thrill and nice architecture, cant wait for the whole thing, and i hope Erik will bring some Sympony x back in this masterpiece :P 5/5 -Archy-x
Well, the gameplay is fantastic, I was just gonna test it for atmosphere (idclev) and I ended up zipping through the first 5 levels without saving. I like the shorter maps, as well as, the shorter mapsets. That having been said, the theme and atmosphere (probably my personal most precious factor in a levelset) was unchanging and redundant, and that really hurts your score. Since everything else was really well done... 4/5x
The new enemies are interesting, and I like what Erik's doing with the glowy green and dark metal color scheme of the levels.x
The texturing SUCKS. Erik Alm, what did you smoke when you textured this? Big disappointment after Scythe2. 2/5x
Man, I love how Erik Alm just keeps outdoing himself. This tiny collection of excellent maps needs to be completed, considering it has the potential to become one of the best wads of all time. Looks like the Scythe series keep getting better, the first Scythe was awesome, Scythe 2 was even better (legendary status), and this one would be utter perfection if it was complete. The map design is so superb I can't even describe it. It's been way too long since he started this wad, I hope we'll see more of it.x
Phenomenal maps, hopefully they get finished ;)x
A disappointment compared to the first two parts. Only ten maps. Design is very beautiful, but gameplay and difficulty are a bit poor. Only maps 8 and 9 are very good. 3/5x
Erik Alm is GOD. This is the only conclusion you can come to after seeing the levels. Only a GOD can create something this perfect... even Jesus is jealous.x
This almost seems like a sort of cross between Scythe 1 and 2. It has some slightly bigger levels than Scythe 1 but overall they're smaller than Scythe 2. And the 5-map episode structure reminds of Scythe 2. This is easily, easily another awesome wad from Eric worth all 5 stars. I almost feel robbed it may never be finished.x
awesome wad!!! erik is the master 5/5 is a shame that is incompletex
this was an outstanding wad had fun playing it i really like the space like feel to it and Erik should really consider making more of these great MEGAWADS there really good.x
Great mapset. I have no idea why, but I think it lacks the x-factor of the other two Scythes. "Technically" there's nothing wrong with it though, and I can't think of any kind of rational reason why I think it isn't as good as the other two. =p 4/5x
I dont know. As I really enjoyed Scythe 1 and most of Scythe 2, these episodes didnt do it for me. Good gameplay yes, but the levels looks amazingly bland coming from Erik, and there is something I cannot put my finger on. Overall; good, but nothing more, unfortunately. 3*x
Erik Alm combines great visuals with smoothly flowing gameplay, but I couldn't help thinking that some of the early maps have gone to waste because they're over so quickly, and they're also very easy. The only remotely challenging maps are 8 and 9. I would like to see what the author can do with those custom monsters that appeared at the end of map 10, they are...interesting. 4/5x
^ Dang, I disagree. This is the best "Scythe" for me, by far. Excellent graphics, awesome music, great game play, and tons of originality. It's highly entertaining and loads of fun, all the while making you bust your butt to survive the maps. Personally, I'd rather see more "Scythe" WADs like this one. My only complaint is that it feels unfinished. I hope episode 3 comes out soon. 4.5/5x
So far it looks to be the worst Scythe for me. The levels aren't aesthetically pleasing, and the gameplay is uninspired. And the music is shit. 2/5x
Great level design, great gameplay, nice music, and perfect pacing. It doesn't get much better than this folks! The atmosphere is great too. The last map had my heart racing! Lighting in Software mode is orgasmic. x
These maps just don't do much for me. the theme is too monotonous, the battles are not particularly memorable, the health is too skimpy, and the powerups are too rare. I like more variety in all accounts. 2/5 NTx
The levels themselves are very "meh". Very gray and dark most of the time, except for the last 2 levels. The layouts were also very meh. It was also incredibly easy. I know it was only a few levels, but I was able to blow through them on UV in about 45 minutes with zero deaths. I miss the "Man against all Hell" feeling of the previous scythes. The music was pretty grating too. I had to turn it off after a few levels. This one doesn't live up to the scythe name. So far.x
When it comes to one-man megawads, Erik Alm is king. This, the first two Scythes, and the two levels he contributed to Plutonia 2, they're his best accomplishments so far. Design and gameplay is top notch. Can't wait until it's released as a full 32-level megawad, but I bet it's gonna have levels with AV/HR slaughter, hopefully not as brutal as Scythe 2. Scythe X truly deserves a Cacoward. (5/5) T-Rexx
Lovely stuff. I hope there'll be an update soon! ;)x
It's rare to find such a great balance of wonderful aesthetic and architecture, with fun (fair-minded) gameplay. Great music, too.x
Maps 01-05 were all pretty awesome, but 06-10 made me fucking cream my jeans. Goddamn.x
Awesome!! Fucking awesome!!! But I hate those new monsters last section on map10...they're kick my ass... :( 4.5/5 for that defect. But it still 5/5 for Doomworld rating system, isn't it? :p -playerlinx
Wow, Scythe, Scythe 2 and now this one?! Very good wads Erik Alm!!! The ultimate! 10/5 (Okay, fine, 5/5) Killer11223346x
Loved it. Looking forward to the next installment. -sargebaldy (1-9-10)x
Just finished testing the wad (ie passing through in god mode :P) A really great wad I can barely wait for the whole thing *¬*x
When is the next episode being released or a director's cut version of the whole thing?x
Absolutley awesome!The level design is so good,and theres even a couple more monsters to fight!Bring on more episodes!x
Good fun action and very well detailed. 5/5 -MaxSpeeDx
wonderful~ fun!!x
Great atmosphere, good design, awesome gameplay, short levels, the kind of doom multiWADs I enjoy playing! 5/5 - Optimusx
Episodic content, for all its upsides, doesn't address the massive blue balls one gets once they're done and are stuck waiting for the rest. Then you replay Scythe 2. Erik Alm may well be a magnificent bastard and advertising genius. 5/5x
This is one of those wads which I will keep on my Computer 5/5x
Superb gameplay, i really like it! Thanks for all the hard work. 5/5x
WOW........if this project gets finished, it might get a caco. brilliant work. 50000/5 -JOKERx
5/5 Looking forward to the rest of the series. eschx
There's a lot mappers can learn from Erik's maps. Everything revolves around gameplay. The levels have a fantastic flow, battles are very challenging but winnable. The theme consistency, attention to detail, superb texturing and architecture are just breathtaking. The levels are short but action packed - just the way I like them, for there are few things that I hate more than long boring maps full of backtracking. That's why I love the Scythe series. Thank you Erik. 5/5x
Absolutely stunning, can't wait to play more levels of Scythe X!x
More great maps from Erik. I particularly like the thematic change at the end of the last map. Looking forward to Episode 3 5/5 FPx
Most wads on Doomworld are 'play and throw away' or worse, this however is one that will go into my collection. I cannot wait for the rest of the set. 10/5x
Very good looking and cool new monsters 5/5x
Erik you are a sexy beast. 5s all around! -Mekx
So good I played it thrice. 5/5 -Huy Phamx
Decent quality overall, have yet to notice a stand-out flaw in design. 4 out of 5, for now: hopes to see more in Episode 3 (including those new monsters I saw at the end of Episode 2).x
Good quality maps, but most of the music was pretty bad IMO, and the grey tech panel theme of the first two levels looked a little ugly, otherwise, excellent stuff as alwaysx
A great atmospheric map set. I get the impression that this scythe will be the most creepy of the lot, but I hope not to see hell again in episode 3 (hell has already received favoritism, jeez). I wasn't too crazy about maps 5, 7, and 8, and the final arena in map 10 perhaps should have had a place or pillars to use for cover. I really liked the other maps. I hope to be put out of my comfort zone more often in the slimy, harsh landscape of episode 2 :))). Thanks yet again, Erik! x
Excellent ... now will the level names end up in the deh file when this is complete ?x
The levels were great. Lightning was really dark in some places and music wasn't so nice (being original doesn't automatically make it good). Still, gameplay is fun and well balanced, this is worth 5/5 easily.x
WOW best Sythe PERIODx
Awesome! I found the new monsters a little stupid though... still 5/5x
Great mapset. Erik delivers quality once again.x
Good short (or barely medium) levels with quality gameplay/architectur e and fitting music. Erik delivers once more, good luck on future episodes! 4.5(5)/5x
Outstanding quality levels, very fun gameplay, surprisingly tough challenges at times, well hidden and clever secrets, interesting new monsters, amazing work with themes... the list just goes on. 5*, no questions. -Phobusx
Awesome levels, great gameplay and very good music too. Recommended!x