I honestly would have paid money for this one. Speed of Doom is one hell of a trip.x
Pretty good wad with some annoying traps / monster pop-in. Map 28 also runs like crap and is needlessly large. Lacks in atmosphere and memorability aside from the music.x
Would be better if every key wasn't a deathtrapx
I had to play it on hurt me plenty and still had difficulty to go through and couldn't beat map30 without cheat. This said, I still enjoyed the whole thing because imo the maps layouts are clever, it's a good wad doing it's work at being "challenging" without being unfair. Also, rating it bad just because the style of mapping doesn't suit you is uncalled for. x
Seems like most folks consider this to be a modern classic. I really gave it a chance, but aside from few early map I really cant find any enjoyment here, only annoyance and tedium.x
Getsu Fune
"Difficult wad =/= good wad." amen to that. a lot of people give this one a lot of good ratings because of the semi-slaughter gameplay that turns into slaughter. but when you have maps like MAP24 and MAP30 (how the fuck do you even beat that) which go over the top, it's more frustrating than it is fun. good music and design though.x
I wanna download it for all the convention goers to enjoy ^^x
Absolutely loved it! 5/5x
I am baffled by the high ratings for this WAD. It's often aesthetically ugly (lots of flat greens and browns), the music is generally dull, every switch and item pickup is a trap or mass teleport trigger, and, worst of all, a large proportion of your adversaries appear out of thin air right in front of you, which to my mind is unforgivable. Most maps feel like empty shells, with rooms populated by scripts rather than actual monsters. It's like playing through a dress rehearsal: there's no atmosphere.x
"Starting at Map 5, it goes downhill completely. Plutonia is easily one of the worst things to happen to Doom. Instead of crafting well-designed levels, we get nonstop waves of powerful enemies crammed in small environments. It becomes a chore to play when enemies spawn in your face. It's simply not fun." Couldn't agree more.x
A contender for best megawad ever, along with Alien Vendetta. Joshy and Darkwave0000 are incredible.x
One of the best mapsets to ever grace the doom community. x
Starting at Map 5, it goes downhill completely. Plutonia is easily one of the worst things to happen to Doom. Instead of crafting well-designed levels, we get nonstop waves of powerful enemies crammed in small environments. It becomes a chore to play when enemies spawn in your face. It's simply not fun.x
A modern classicx
Amazing and well-worth playing wad! :)x
Deserves a spot among the great slaughter classics, together with HR, AV, Scythe and the like. Unable to play map 28 due to game breaking lag, but the rest blew me away. Can't wait to replay!x
Not my favorite type of gameplay, but come on - This set definitely isn't bad by any means.x
5/5 like skyrim with gunsx
Awesome design and gameplay, but I didn't like map03, 09, 16, 21 and 30 (fucking Icon of Sin!). 5/5 at all though.x
The architecture and the challenges in the first half of the maps are okay, but the traps become predictable and repetitive.x
I didn't like map27.x
Played with Brutal Doom. Started off promising but became a thoughtless monsterfest in arena type maps. Next time I want to run around like a headless chicken ill play COD.x
Difficult wad =/= good wad. I'm all for challenging wads, but between constant monster popup, hordes of barons and hellknights, ridiculous amounts of revenants and hated archviles, and every so often being thrown into heavy action right at the start of a map, this just ISN'T FUN.It isn't fun when I lost count how many times I saved/loaded before end of a single map. I feel like some doomers automatically give high ratings to anything extremely difficult, to increase their e-peen or something. x
Eh, this is definitely not my cup of tea. Starts good, challenging in good non-frustrating way... then it becomes increasingly cheap and slaughterfesty. And, I really (like REALLY) don't enjoy slaughter maps. I like the visuals, maps I played have pretty good and consistent aesthetics. Not overdetailed or anything like that, just nice geometry and choice of colors. Shame about slaughtery gameplay.x
Maps are beautiful and interesting all the way thru, their placement within the megawad is well balanced and the gameplay is just EPIC!!! Easily one of the top 5 wads i've ever played... Ok maybe a couple were a bit over the top but overall a great experience. Thanks!x
Impressive maps. Enjoyed it.x
Amazing megawad, tough from the beginning and hard as **** later on, especially with modified Brutal Doom. Good choice if you want to test your FPS skills. x
so much monster pop in, ugggx
carnevil was working on wrack project after seeing your mapping skill i compared your map with his map and i see your map is greater than his map i wish if can give you more than 5 stars but i can't 5/5x
you are extremely skillfulx
3 stars. I hate slaughtermaps, so I can really give this one more than 3. Also, popup monsters are as lame as it gets, and its f'in lazy. Just make them teleport in or something. Can someone please make a challenging wad without resorting to slaughtermaps?x
Turn the skill down then. Should be enjoyable for all on HNTR. x
When maps reach the point you have to resort to cheats simply to complete them, it stops being fun. And when you have levels with 3000 monsters (including 50 cyderdemons) it becomes pure drudgery. 2 stars - for some of the earlier levels which actually are challenging/interest ing, and downscored for the latter pure idiot levels.x
I disagree with those that say this is a slaughter wad. Slaughter wads are boring and tedious wastes of time. This isn't. Yeah the traps can get annoying at times, but just about everything else is perfect.x
One of the best megaWAD's and slaughterWAD's ever released.x
Yeah the levels rock especially maps 28 and 32 6/5x
I'm tired of these slaughter maps. Can we have good balanced gameplay for once? Does it always have to be *take two steps into the map* and then suddenly the player has hundreds of enemies breathing down his or her neck. No, this is not the "new Alien Vendetta". Good level design? What level design? Huge areas with fuck ton of monsters. First quarter of the maps were good, after that it went the slaughter map path. Sigh, I was expecting more then this... 3/5x
I agree with those who call this the new Alien Vendetta. Speed of Doom would be a worthy successor. I can beat these levels on UV, albeit dying many times. UV is terrifying, the maps look fantastic and it follows the classic progression to hell, with the hell maps presenting a fearful obstacle to experienced players - as it should be. You crap yourself more as you reach them, but when you get there they blow you away in every sense.x
Fantastic WAD. 5/5.x
Jesus christ, this wad sucks. Overuse of hitscanners (especially in open areas, where the only recourse is to pray that the RNG favors you) and ridiculous traps that are literally a binary "do you know about it in advance? If so, run out of it and don't take any damage; if not, you die" make it play like a turd, and the overuse of brown makes it look like one, too.x
Eh, feels like too much monster-spam is present and it becomes way too predictable and unforgiving very fast. Although the detail and some of the gameplay is fun, it doesn't have much strategy to the monster spam.x
Definitely one of the most impressive megawads in recent years. Great level designs and great gameplay.x
It's almost like a hybrid of the later parts of Scythe 2 and AV. In a good way, I mean. It is very, very punishingly tough though so beware. Not for the faint hearted at all. Fortunately, there are difficulty settings. The only problem: Map28. Why put such a framerate lagging map right in the middle of things? The earlier levels are slightly less good but that's not important and it's mostly all a blast in coop as well. Map14 has one of the best music tracks for Doom. 5/5x
Great mapset with simple concepts on design executed very well. Gameplay is varied as the two authors use different styles which helps prevent the gameplay becoming stale. This wad is close to AV in quality both looks and gameplay (probably is better on general looks and consistancy) but probably not as good gameplay wise (a bit too hard for me). Still very very good. 5 stars -cannonballx
This mega wad is awesome, play this on GLBoom! I really like this! 5/5x
Very close to being perfect if there was ever such a thing. The level design and architecture is astoundingly good in places, the music is highly original throughout. The monster and weapon placement is very good too. And more importantly the quality was very consistent throughout. 5/5 from me. Very deserving of a place in the hallowed halls of DOOM. Note: You will need a fast multi-core processor to be able to handle map28.x
^ so, AV hasn't been a slaughter wad? I've learned much from you. Or, should I say, ABOUT you, mr. troll?) Anyway, 5 stars for SoD.x
ugly colors and design, slaughter gameplay, nothing in common with alien vendetta, pure shit. 0/5x
The best wad since Alien Vendetta, period. 5*x
Oh Yeah! 5/5x
^ Near impossible? Did you even try playing on IATYTD difficulty? I for one thought this was challenging and the design was at least good. Tedious at times though with some overpacked monsters, but the variety of styles and great balance makes this one a winner. 5/5x
A terrible level set - nothing but uninspired map designs and constant, near impossible later on enemy floods. Who thought this would be a good idea?x
Extremely well made wad. Very hard, though. x
This is one of few megawads I am and will be replaying because it is awesome 5/5 x
The slaughterfest maps in this megawad are actually fun. Not boring and tedious, and for the most part, don't simply rely on the hordes themselves to challenge you.x
Needs more maps. I hope Joshy will eventually come back to mapping and release another buttkicking project. 5*x
That was a dumb and rather pretentious set of levels.x
I love itx
The later maps are typical slaughtermap tripe. 3/5x
SoD is one of the best megawads out there. Too sad to see that other projects almost eventually either choose the more casual gameplay (reverie, jenesis) or go overboard with monster counts for no good (newgothic, slaughterfest). To me SoD hits the perfect balance, and for that alone I giving it 5 stars rating.x
It's not even that it's hard, the problem is that BFG'ing 500 barons is BORING. 1/5x
Hmmm. Too hard. Its looks and maps are absolutely gorgeous but the gameplay is too hard. I love some of the challenging wads (AV is my all-time favourite), but SOD just doesn't do it for me. I wouldn't say it's a classic, I couldn't put my finger on it but something's missing. There are way too many "hard" megawads out there now, and many of them lacks originality. That's true for SOD too, it's like a misfit little sister for AV, sorry. 3.5/5x
saying "the new alien vendetta"=bullshit this wad has nothing special compared to the masterpiece that alien vendetta is. this sucks, most of the map are ugly crap. overvalued piece of shit, definitely don't deserve his popularityx
5/5. Speed of Doom is the new Alien Vendetta indeed, and mappers should learn from this. The two authors have a very distinct style yet their maps blend very well together. I wish they'd continue working together on a sequel or something. :p x
Not entirely unlike a Scythe 3 or Alien Vendetta 2 might be, this is an excellent play for both solo and coop. UV is furiously difficult on single player, so I'd recommend HMP in that case. However UV provides a big, yet possible, challenge for coop games.x
Early maps spammed monster popups and teleports, and later maps spammed redundant boring monster hordes. The last map combines those both in the worst way imaginable where you can't see ANY of the mosnters that are constantly being spammed at you and you're forced to wait it out in a tiny space (or rape cage) for 15 longass minutes.x
goddamn game keeps glitching! i cant activate ANY switchesx
this doesn't do a darn thing for me. at first you are running around like a chicken without a head, with 72 revenant missiles on your tail. after about 20 minutes of that dumbness you get a foot hold and then the levels become a lot easier. pacing is bad. levels look nice i guess, in that 'everything gets a border' sort of way. meh, 2/5.x
The slaughter style maps are the most fun of their kind I've ever played. You have room to move here! The other maps are great proof at being able to create challenge without a mass of monsters. Minor criticism being that sometimes there was a focus on detail rather than architecture, but overall the geometry fit the gameplay well. 5/5x
LEGEND MAP! couldnt stop playing from 1am to 7am and gosh that imp gave me such a fright!! (the lights blacked out at the same time!) AWESOME MAP Very recommendedx
Great first level... Looking forward to this onex
One of the best megawads ever. Congrats to both authors.x
A really good and consistent megawad, please keep on making those. 5/5x
Probably the most fun megawad I've played in years. Props for actually doing a mixture of tricks to make the levels hard, rather than relying on monster spam and nothing else (though there are a couple maps here that do follow the usual monster spam trend, but all good).x
So far the best megawad me and my missus ever played 5/5x
"maps were too inconsistent. one map would be Hell Revealed style, while the next is short and sweet with only 100 enemies to boot." It's called variety, and it's a good thingx
While some maps are duds, this is generally a good megawad. I really enjoy the maps with big battles particularly cause the level designs allow for the large hordes without it feeling too cramped.x
good maps and feeling fun with fighting bunch of monsters. though, maps are cramped cause of near-distance and surrounding monsters and traps. i love fine action with wide space, so 4/5.x
^the notions you make about the archie/rev situations prove that you're nub :) Agree about the monster instapopping though, it's a little overdone. Still, it deserves clearly more than only one star.x
This is no where near good like AV like everyone says. All this was is is pretty eye candy, if you actually played the levels, you would not like this wad at all. I'm surprised this won a Cacoaward. Many of the rooms are cramped, and Monster placement is poorly thought out such as fighting a Archvile on a stairway with no cover, or even fighting a rev with no where to strafe way from its tracers. Monsters popup out of the ground at random, and quite often making level progression quite frustrating. 1/5x
Damn fine maps from damn fine authors. G'job boys, this doomers had a blast.x
Top notch. Damn fine WAD by Joshy and Death-Destiny.x
Good overall, but sometimes the monsters are way too many, and it kills off the fun. 3/5, you will have a blast with this one if you like AV and HR.x
Pretty good set of levels. I play on UV so some of the final ones were very tough. I don't know what one it was I think level 28 or something was so packed with enemies it made my computer slow way down. Probley time for a new video card. 1-26-11x
I'm having alot of fun with this WAD, very challenging on UV and the detail is nice too. The one thing though that I cannot stand is putting tough monster traps in almost every secret, they are secrets meant to give a little extra bonus here and there though trapping every single one is just fucking annoying. 4/5 though, well done.x
One of the best megawads. 5/5x
Awesome. Map 28 lags way too much, but other than that I thoroughly enjoyed every second of this wad My need for another slaughter wad has been more than satisfied with this.x
Just knew this was gonna get the cacoward it deserves! x
Okay, I could go on and on about how good this wad is, but they only allow so many characters for these submissions, so, I will just say this: PLAY IT! I just don't see in what area this game could possibly get below 5 stars on. Even the music is outstanding and expertly placed! Great Job!x
Just stopping by to give this the 5 that it deserves. So far this (along with UAC Ultra) are the best DooM 2 mapsets made this year. - DeathevokatioNx
"Also, the one who said this is the new Alien Vendetta, wtf? lol. Far from it." You're right. Unlike AV this wad isn't insanely boring.x
Is this Scythe 3? Wow!x
Some of the slaughterfest fights are on the extreme side, but still fun and playable. For the most part, you can expect the architecture, gameplay, and music to all be top-notch. A well-deserved 5/5.x
Good work guys. One of the best wad I've ever seen, I might say the best one but I don't believe in absolutes.x
Awesome x 10. One of the best megaWADs out there. I loved the slaughter maps! TOO MUCH FUN. 4.5/5x
The best levelset I've ever played. It takes the values established by the famous old megaWADs and gives them a makeover with present-day experience; from the architecture, to the flow, to the difficulty; awesome. And the music -- oh God, the music, Stuart Rynn is my new musical hero. Giving a 5/5 ('legendary') feels like kissassing in most cases, but this -deserves- it.x
Loved it. Very consistent quality and a nice mixture of gameplay and themes. A bit of slaughter here and a bit of conservative gameplay there. Comes very close to Alien Vendetta, if not, matches it. 5x
Very good for that most part, although MAP28 kileld my framerate whenever I was looking across the central part of the map and the two maps after that felt a bit much at points - sort of like the joke had stopped being funny. Still, very impressed - 5* - Phobusx
Awesome Maps x
Awesome mgeawad, but I feel it sucks on Map29-30... Map30 just ruins this wad. But, this still awesome. 4.5/5 -playerlinx
This is really super. I had a lot of tense calls, and I was in awe of the architecture, variety and creativity - and flow! I lowered the difficulty to HMP after map ten or something, and then I needed to lower it again once the hell maps started, which is a good thing: UV is meant to be hard. Perhaps some moments could have had more edge, but this is a megawad and the quality is out-of-this-world! x
Brutal, beautiful and consistent. Maintains marvelous aesthetics and tough but fair gameplay throughout. Often linear but the creative and strategic enemy placement keeps you coming back for more. My only criticism revolves around the final maps opting for a blunt and violent end, something told me I anticipated AV's length. One of the first megawads in a long time which comes very close to reaching AV in quality - 5/5 no doubt. Now to play each lvl from a pistol start :D x
I can't add anything that hasn't already been said.So I'll just say this:This megawad is one flat-out evil bastard.Great work,Joshy and Darkwave0000!5/5-d.d .koopx
Awful music, but perfect levels that kick my ass!x
It has a quite big probability that i will never stop playing Doom. This megawad is one of the reasons why. I really enjoy it. Thanks.x
It's a great job. But I gave up at Level28 (no cheat) Very high difficulty and uncountable monsters..x
Holy shit. This is awesome.x
great architecture. however, map30 is insane and i'm not sure i know how to beat it. x
Nice work! It definetely deserves the Cacoward. But from my point of view it gets only 4*, because some maps aren't really my cup of tea... But don't listen to me, I am dumbass. 4/5 - Damnedx
Great maps, good theme, challenging and fun gameplay. The instant in-your-face monster teleports in some of the maps are a bit annoying though. 4.5x
Definitely an awesome mixture of maps. Challenging and fun. Good stuff guys 5*x
This wad has no exceptions - every single map is hard, while every map is harder than it's prequel. The maps don't get insane to the point of frustration, and every trap is cleverly placed. This is the new AV/HR/etc. , without a doubt! 5* - Motix
Great WAD, very CONSISTENT! from start to the end. Two mapping styles by two authors balance each other perfectly. Finally some people who can do interesting non-linear opened layouts combined with excellent gameplay and lovely design as well. Speed of Doom is also great for demo-recording. For me, this is the best boom-compatible wad of last few years, 5* Gustax
A few inconsistencies and bugs but overall a great release from some new mappers making a name for themselves. Easily the best megawad released for quite a few years now. 5/5 jx
Very enjoyable - except map 30 :Px
loved it, but maps were too inconsistent. one map would be Hell Revealed style, while the next is short and sweet with only 100 enemies to boot. 4/5. btw architecture was pretty darn good keep up the good work. -JOKERx
Loved it, 5/5. Great architecture, solid gameplay, nice ambiance. The maps are tough but I didn't feel completely useless or become frustrated because of it. A great addition to the playing community. Excellent work guys! -Mekx
Obviously 5/5.x
Very impressive maps, though too much slaughter in the later ones for my taste.Also, the one who said this is the new Alien Vendetta, wtf? lol. Far from it.4* x
A good megawad. Nice dark acrhitecture. Map 28 was a BFG rape-fest!x
Great levels. I love it.x
The new Alien Vendetta, period.x