Not a bad selection of weapons but ammo pickup seems to be bugged or broken as machine gun ammo just doesn't increase when you walk over machine gun... which doesn't matter because the machine gun is weak. Like the improved space amazon HUD.x
Albeit many resources are not new to the DOOM modding scene, they are used in ways I have never seen before. This is definitely a creative and entertaining modification! -GECKOx
new weapon huh? but not funnyx
Well, I do not agree with all this arrogant and conceited criticism; first of all, he surely gave credits, so I can think the prick above didn't even read the textfile properly; secondly, I think this is an innovative MOD, from many point of views: the concept, most of all, the smart assortment of weapons and the original and deliciously amateur HUD. I think RSL deserves 5/5, for his original effort and against those pretentious few-words criticism above. - GuildNavigator -x
This is a pretty unique mod overall, (the RPG and plasma rifle are pretty awesome) and though it does seem underpowered as a whole, that may be what you were going for. I thought the reload for the shotgun was way too long, given that it's not particularly strong. I also didn't really like the peashooter-esque sound for the assault rifle weapon. These are only personal gripes however. This is still a solid effort to make something a little different. x
the weapons are really boring to use. the hud is ugly and the player sprites suck. at least the hudface looks alright.x
Funny, but some of the weapon ideas seem pretty... weird (like pistol's alt attack for example). Also -- a MAJOR drawback -- you didn't include proper inventory.icons for ammo types, thus the mod can't be normally played with fullscreen or alternative huds (you simply can't keep track of your ammo when using them). And using your custom hud is funny, but way not comfortable.x
The rocket launcher altfire is the coolest attack I've seen in a DOOM weapon... Other than that, the mod is smooth and slick, and does the job well. **** >Lupex
nice mod, original :Dx