This one is actually pretty good, tense action (especially done with monster combos). Fair warning of difficulty. Lighting is cool, but damn does the dull blue makes it hard to see the guys in the beginning! Call me old mother funster, lol. ~4/5x
Very pretty, very atmospheric map. Bit on a easy side.x
Definitely nothing wrong with the gameplay.:) Great atmospheric map, with good use of Doom 64 style lightning. Shame that this author didn't made more stuff.x
Extremely well made map, especially if you enjoy atmosphere of console Dooms. Very pretty too, I am sucker for colored lightning. x
Whoever said the gameplay is bad is wrong, I found nothing wrong with it.x
Exellent work from a un-experienced mapper.x
Textures: 5/5. Layout: 3.5/5. Gameplay: 3.5/5, not 4 because too easy. Ambient sound: 5/5. Cons: green slime is expected to be poisoned, only 4 out of 6 secrets, useless 3-imps script near the end. Overall: solid 4/5. I'm curious for a follower map...x
It is not a GZDoom map but still you need to use OpenGL renderer to fully appreciate the looks. This map focuses on good detail with colored lighting EVERYWHERE and it makes this map look awesome. But the gameplay is too generic and the music is replaced with unhearable and unfitting ambient noises that result in no music because the map fails at horror. 5 for looks, 3 for gameplay, 2 for presentation and music. Overall 3.49/5 (would be 4/5 if the wad was longer and 5/5 if it had cool gameplay) -Korshunx
Very nice map. Easy but fun! Very atmospheric. Better than those over complicated maps. Too short, but then, i didnt have much time to play!x
Excellent ambiance and design, average fights. Plenty of cute little homages to classic maps (especially E1M1) placed throughout. However, a couple of bugs drag it down. The first: sectors 937 and 937 are tagged as secret, but are purely decorative and unreachable. So you'll only get 4 out of 6 secrets maximum. The second: the lines leading to a teleporter toward the exit area runs a script that spawns some monsters, but they are flagged as repeatable, which is kinda dumb. Pretty darn good.x
I enjoyed it, but a bit on the easy side. overall, very good. - 4/5x
This map is very well done but unfortunately it's too easy. 4/5 - Zalewa Also: SuperGod approved.x
An extremely good map - great atmosphere, encounter design, all of it. I like the absence of the Super Shotgun; makes the battles feel less samey. 5/5.x
Good looks. Bad gameplay.x
An great level for GZDoom, not a lot of replay value in this, but the new textures, colored lighting and creepy atmosphere add a nice touch. x
very good, but not THAT good - 4/5x
H8ters h8, this is a great WAD with good gameplay and detail that enhances the mood and adds to the play. It's nicely laid out with a Quake feel, and it keeps you on your toes throughout. Not sure about award material, but it's easily a cut above most of the new levels being uploaded.x
Very nice level. The coloured lighting, reverse lifts and dithered textures add a nice touch. Shame only 1 map. Looks like the author must have offended the two reviewers above. Recommended for a couple of minutes of fun. dwrTagx
who's the moron who said cacowad. Dipstick. Average map - 2.5/5x
I should have known better than to trust dw idgames comments about anything with eyecandy, but I went and downloaded this. It's an average techbase level with the usual lackluster gameplay of hitscanners, imps, demons and the odd D2 monster all thrown around in a haphazardly pattern. The architecture is fairly generic as well (in a bad way), throwing colored lightning around like it's going out of business can't change that. To be fair, it isn't actually *terrible*, unlike many similar wads. 3/5 x
This wad is extremely atmospheric in a nice PSX style, and it's great how the author kept it from interfering with the gameplay as well as a straightforward blastfest.x
I'm not sure if ordered dithering is good for Doom textures, but I liked the overall quality of new content.x
wonderful texture ever!!!!!!x
I smell this wad's a nominee for the cacowards :D! - Netherstormx
Quite quite cool, with ambient music and colored lights like the PSX version. Nice map! 5/5 - Optimusx
5 Stars - Excellent level, loved the atmosphere and details! I liked too the way you used the colored lights. The design itself was really good, focusin more on linear segments, and monsters placements were well done, without inevitable fatal traps. While it was fun, the level was easy, with lot's of health, not that this a negative point however.x
This WAD is just awesome. It's challenging and it deserves a Cacoward. 5/5x