It was great until level 6, when everything changed into slaughter map... Being surrounded by 50 Cacodemons and cyberdemon at the same time is pretty unfair. God thanks for infighting! Too many teleport traps. 4/5 x
Great mapset. Original Doom feel with greater difficulty and detail.x
Oh no there's too many monsters it's not what Doom is about who cares that this is a mod and mods don't need to be faithful to original this should just be standard Doom 1 maps just released again. I sometimes just don't get some people's logic.x
I was liking it, until it threw 260 monsters at once at my face... with shotgunners in the mix, so my health was constantly draining. -_-x
What was originally a pretty good mapset turned into a slaughter wad. Yawn.x
Too many monsters. This circus act, not pleasure. the original Doom was not about tha.x
Most certainly an improvement from what I felt was the weakest episode in Concerned. Really fun levels, too bad there isn't more. -Firedustx
Set of open area slaughtermaps. Consistent texture use, highly decorated. Gameplay @ UV is fully based on finding runpaths causing infighting, while being attacked by huge hordes. It is hard, but can be done. Having said that, gameplay is totally one-dimensional. Overall this is a vehicle for max monster count fans only; players with other likes, f.e. adventure lovers, presumably don't like it. Neutral 3* + 1 for the effort. BTW @ Zalewa: sorry, but this is *definitely not* the essence of DooM.x
Another excellent vanilla episode, loosely based from his previous map set. It's up to the same high level of quality. 5 stars. -TRRobin.x
Getsu Fune
i'm not sure what constitutes balance anymore. this is too hard even on the easiest settings. too much usage of teleport traps makes things unfair.x
This WAD gets the essence of Doom very well. All maps are single player, open arenas where you can go absolutely anywhere but never feel lost. Gameplay flow is smooth and never gets dull. Adequate weapons are always provided when needed. Difficulty is well balanced and visuals are pleasing while keeping the simple design. This is a great addition to the archives.x
Excellent choice of music with a great gameplay, 5 stars.x
Featureless/plain maps.x
Definitely better than E1 of Concerned (or cbspeed), and with enough changes to make it feel fresh enough for those who have already played the previous iteration as well. Levels are the right size, going from short to medium and then to borderline medium large but never too big. I would love to see the rest of Concerned and even perhaps DraftEX see something similar be released (look at the DWMC thread for specific feedback).x
Pretty darn good! Pleasant detail, gameplay was challenging. ROTT music suits the levels very good IMO. 5/5 - Gunsmithx
I didn't really see anything wrong with the previous version of Concerned but this is still an excellent release and in the several areas where the changes are blatantly obvious, they are all for the better.x
I actually enjoyed this a lot more than the original Concerned.x
While an excellent set of levels, this is basically a slight reworking of the first episode of Concerned, and I did not think the original was generally worse, just different.x