As much fun as a shit you cant seem to flush despite giving it proper effort. Terrible.x
Too dark, unfair and boringx
It's actually quite boring to play at times, but this is one of the most immersive and atmospheric wads you can play. The music is melancholy and loaded with nostalgia, it's almost a painful experience. The empty maps were a nice idea but, frankly, dull. 3* for the atmosphere and the music, 1* for old time's sake.x
Very good wad. Wish some one would update it.x
Rated as a 1997 wad: presumably 4 or even 4.5/5. But despite its ambiance, for 2014 standards it has too many flaws, worst of it is the copy&paste factor - after having played 10 maps it felt like never having left map03 or so. But it was made in 1997, so 4/5.x
So so boring. Uninspired level design and baffling item placement. Don't waste your time.x
cool '97 megawadx
While far from perfect, this is still a great wad. 4/5x
Great atmosphere, shows it's age a bit with some quirky design (i.e. keys in secret areas on one map, backtracking, square rooms, easy to get lost sometimes) but lots of enjoyable moments to be had anyway. 5/5 from me. dwrTagx
3/5 and only because of the music, the levels are uninspired, themes overused (brown, brownm tan and brown), the gameplay combat-wise is not bad, but door and switch hunting kills it in a few places. --ellmox
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's....A Plane Elemental!!!!????x
Plane Elementals?x
I give this a 1/5 due to the fact that the levels worked flawlessly with no glitches and it shows that the designers knew how to operate a level editor. Otherwise, I think my boredom was killing me almost as much as all those damn Plane Elementals and lost souls!x
Decent megawad, but it gets really boring after a while. 3/5x
Good classic fun. Recommended.x
Well...another one of the incredible number of hit community megawads of 1997. This one isn't technically a full megawad, but it's still over 15 levels, so it qualifies. The atmosphere is probably the high point of this - Requiem would easily go higher on the list in terms of levels for me. Still, like most all the popular stuff from '97, it's well worth a look.x
Bery atmospheric, sometimes too small or repetitious in textures or too symmetrical, but this is well worth a play. 4/5x
Bah. I got bored. Not enuf action.x
A classic, despite some letdowns. 5/5x
this is a good wad set i like the title screen and yeh i am gonna add it to my wad collection =] but after the wads i have played i gotta say HELL2PAY and PERDICTIONS GATE are real good and HELL REVEALED I & II are my favs =]x
This is a great old wad. The difficulty is perfect, increasing from map to map and challenging at times but never frustrating. And it's also looking quite good, with interesting layouts. I liked that in the last map you return to the mothership where you started in map 01, which gave this wad a nice finish. From the look and feel, it's very typical for its time. Download recommended! 4.5/5 -Milianx
3/3its okay-mohaa555x
5/5 because i was bored...-mohaa555,ma y 20,2007x
Decent, but not great. It's uneven in difficulty and flow (Malcolm's are overall better laid out and certainly harder... though I don't understand Map17). The music is good but also isn't perfect, as on some (easier) maps it's melancholy, enhancing the dullness of the gameplay. [3/5] ~Chain Mailx
I was disappointed in this in '97 and it hasn't improved with time. Malcolm Sailor's levels are good, but the rest are boring at best and infuriating at worst. I have to admit, the atmosphere is kinda cool, maybe it's the music...x
it's a bad ass level it's dark, evil, and just plain kick ass. i do think it's a very legendary level of the doom series and it has one of my favorite songs.x
Nice in the beginning, but I honestly got bored a bit after a while. x
great wad, excellent atmosphere. --sargebaldyx