I really love Caldera and this rewiew should've be written a long time ago. Valles of Morte is pretty interesting place - everything looks so white.. so dead =) The only thing I don't like are those ghost enemies... A especially I don't like their endless respawn :( and elevators - they don't work much well... They disappear sometimes and it kills me! The other four maps are great too...For me it's 4,5/5 (enkeli33)x
Absolutely fantastic! The special effects are first class, the puzzles are genius and everything there was to love about the original Hexen is even more embellished in this version! One criticism I have, NOT ENOUGH EARTHQUAKES!x
I don't get it - great maps and all - but I actually didn't have to either the clock puzzle nor the planet puzzle at all? Nor find the library books? I'm not sure if Zedek is in this, but I got to the final map with Korax before killing Traductus. Lovely maps, great challenge - but more the half the puzzles I didn't even have to do to reach Korax. WTF?x
1234 kb :)x
Exelent MOD =)x
the first 2 levels were kinda bland but the last 3 were incredible.x
Wolfen aside, this is the best level pack for Hexen. -Nx
WOW, awesome level, very very nice 5/5x