Ambitious project - sadly too much. New textures are ok, but map layout and gameplay are not at all. Gameplay consists of mostly walking through a zillion of cramped passages, almost all with the same jungle look, making it way too repetitive. The remaining architecture & gameplay are not much better. 3.5 for the sprites, 1.5 for the architecture and 1 for the gameplay makes 2* average.x
Crappy gameplay, but good graphics for its time. The same guy who did this also did a map for Twilight Warrior. Still, way too boring. 2.5/5x
sounds and tree sprites are nice... it's all about this wad **x
This is pretty creative; the jungle theme is pulled off very well for the time and I thought some of the audio effects were pretty cool too (especially the music that plays when you enter the BFG room). 4/5.x
easy gameplay, more as an excellent showcase of graphics and ambient sounds, very originalx
4-5 of 5 for the appearance. 1 of 5 for gameplay. It's ridiculously easy. 2/5 -Milianx
It's nice, but no masterpiece. Fairly plain maps other than the nice textures, and the effects are also simple but effective.x
pretty darn impressive TC for an immersion within the depth of the jungle, with fine ambiant sounds. The maps are not the best ones that I have ever seen, but they are of excellent quality. It's of the same quality than AlienTc by J.Fisher. A must!!! Jivex