Needs a little more radsuits. Otherwise a neat little episodex
Getsu Fune
The best 1994 wad, loads of enemies to kill in this E3 replacement and all around general goodness.x
Mapset which was in that time (Sep 1994) far, far above average. 9 large adventures with smart layout, good texture use, nice decoration, and excellent gameplay with a lot of clever but playable traps @ UV. It's so good, that even in 2015, 21 years later, playing most of the levels still give a lot of fun. Therefore overall, rated as 1994 map: 5* legendary. BTW nofi, but giving this 2* featureless does not show historical perspective, and is really unfair.x
Absolut featureless maps. 2/5x
this is an awesome wad. thank you.x
One of 1994's top Doom episode releases, better than sudtic or Serenity, minimally on par with Eternityx
4/5 Like SUDTIC in relentless atmosphere, with gameplay much improved. More inventive traps, more intelligent placement of large monsters, and superb use of vertical displacements to create hitscan ambushes. Again, however, a full episode replacement requires a certain amount of variety in architecture and difficulty, and this falls short somewhat.x
If you didn't count Aliens, this would be 1994 release of the year. Hands down.x
5'd. Id quality and feel in 1994 :Ox
4/5 - An improvement in almost every way over SUD. The fights are harder, architecture more impressive, and even more Demons to kill. The fist replacment has enough oomph to sell the Berserker pack. The only thing I don't like are the packs of Zombiemen to slaughter but I can hardly decry the rest of the WAD for a feature that hardly dominates any single one of these fine maps. - KMX E XIIx
My new favorite 1994 pwad. I actually prefer this to ID's own Episode 3! The level designs were way beyond anything else at the time. Like, the only flaw I found is that the secret level doesn't require the yellow key to complete when it obviously should. Still, 5/5x
Fantastic '94 episode replacement. Large maps with 200+ monsters each, heavy on exploration. A must play for the classic Doomer. Playing with fastmonsters and pistolstarts made me really love/hate those demons. 5*x
Bigger and better than sudtic, this is probably among the best '94 wads available. 5/5 warranted for that alone.x
This IS the best episode from 1994, hands down.x
Now this is how to build Doom levels boys and girls! Simple 1994 maps that require v1.666 minimum ( LOL ) but require a little more skill than the original Doom levels ... I remember playing this in the mid - late 90's and having to upgrade from v1.2. It took about 15 minutes to download the update with my new 14k modem, but it was worth every 1p/min off-peak. 5/5 x
a classic and alot of fun to play. 5 starsx
Maybe I'm just a tough old man, but this has a lot more ammo than I needed. A fun level regardless, and another reason not to throw your old DOOM.EXE away.x
Just like "slaughter untill death", this is one of the rare "evergreens" that stands the test of time somehow.Several levels where quite stylish(!?), and there were a few moments where the gameplay looked almost like the pre-hell revealed monster frenzy.Go figure!I'm serious,it's worth a play!x
Good fun, and surprisingly tough for something this old. I was pleasantly surprised by the low-key use of mock sector-on-sector in the very first level.x
This is my favorite wad from 1994. It's a lot better than its predecessor. It's fairly easy by today's standards, but more challenging than most of its contemporaries. I especially enjoyed the final showdown. It made me feel like I had accomplished something. -LBGx
This is just a brilliant episode. -PCx
An improvement on SUDTIC. Worth downloading.x