...not sure why anyone would want to make an exe a batch file.x
excelent x
Nostalgia. I remember having played this mapset around 1998, considering it as tough. 16 years later UV is a piece-of-cake... but still has it's fine moments. Map layout, decoration and ambiance are well done according to 1998 standards, so 4/5, and worth a play. But despite the 5* ratings above, don't expect something legendary. For that, try f.e. TNT: Eternal DooM 3.x
I don't see why people like this so much. There are cool ideas here and there but generally you get crappy 1994esque monotextured mazes and a lack of concept to make the maps interesting or unique. It's at its best when it's pretending to be quake(insert joke about quake being crappy monotextured mazes here)x
Nice and enjoyable mapset and great start of the Darkening serie. There are some minor issues, like wrongly textured boxes but it doesn't impact the gameplay, which is basically great. Unfortunately there isn't any moment that you will remember after you finish it. 4+/5 - Damned x
Stands the test of time. Both episode are good but with smaller levels this one actually has arguably the lower chance of falling into repetition. I'd say anyone should play it at least once. Very solid overall.x
An influential classic that still stands up excellently. Everything about this wad is great; the design, gameplay, monster and item placement, map progression, just everything. 5 stars for sure. -TRRobin.x
Beautiful. And much better than D2, primarily because the authors focused on making good fun short, straightforward maps, and not their own architectural skills. The result is a great set of 11 levels that don't overstay their welcome, and give Doom fans something to quickly play and enjoy (sorta snack-play...). Maps 2,3, 10 and 11 were amazing. Kinda felt like play Commander Keen (in a good way), and the different styles of authors work very harmoniously here giving a coherent, yet varied experience.x
Very good maps and musics.x
Now that's how we do wads around here!x
I started it up in Zdoom and there are no textures showing for the first map. Otherwise, the level design is interesting and all that. 4/5 Goodx
Literally bad. Probably it's something wrong with me rather than wad, but I can't help it. Even the sequel to this wad look far more apparent than this ugliness.x
Excellent, simply excellent. Hard to believe this thing is over a decade old. Top notch design, flow and balance, 5/5.x
One of my first PWADs, fond memories this one. 5/5x
Proof that they just don't make classic wads like this anymore. This wad is perfect in its simplicism and atmosphere. Certainly the best from 1999. I hate those modern wads with their over-the-top map deisgn and unplayably challenging gameplay. Oldies like The Darkening (and its sequel) shit all over them. 5/5x
Meh. Cramped, confusing, poorly-textured artifacts from the days when "kewl" gothic detail was new and amazing. A few nice maps here and there, but prepare your idclev cannons.x
This whole project may be well over 10 years old, but it holds up well - very well - even today. One of the can't miss old Doom games - it is really as legendary as Memento Mori or Requiem.x
Best. WAD. Ever. It's Legen- Wait For It...DARYx
Very funny, but very overrated, episode 2 is much better. 3.5/5x
pretty good wad, at first i didn't know how to run it but it's simple, just hold control and after you select darken.wad and then hold control and then click resource.wad. then run it via prboom or glboomx
Awesome mapset! It's the perfect fix for the Doomer that wants a fun map set that won't frustrate, but isn't easy either. The theme is top notch, using Quake style brown tones, but they actually fit so much better in the Doom engine, and provide an excellent basis for this episode. Favorite map is #9, which is actually an Episode One style map, but it fit perfectly. x
dont know how to install i have doom 2 running under gzdoom. Darken 2 is a simple wad but darken come with serveral files but nothing seems to work.x
Excellent - both as a Doom mapset and as an attempt to capture the atmosphere of the original Quake. Dark, creepy, challenging - worthy of the attention of every veteran Doomer out there :)x
A project that probably just about every Doomer has heard of, this first episode doesn't dissapoint with a bunch of short-medium levels with spot-on gameplay and good architecture for the time. Solid DM game too. Don't forget about E2! 5/5x
Simply amazing. Looks good, plays well, fantastic map flow, great ambiance. 5/5x
Flawless. Just flawless.x
Beatiful looking, but in some places poor balanced maps. ****x
it suxx
One of the best doom 2 episodes around. 5/5 x
very cool, legendary, download its sequel too! I give it a deserved 5/5x
Perhaps the title refers to how the use of quakish texture set changes the feel of the levels :). Anyway this levels look good and are refreshingly tame difficulty wise, so an experienced doomer will find the gameplay irresistably flowing... And well... since it's release many have went on to emulate this quake inspired level design, so it's a sort of a pioneer among the levelsets. Highly recommended. -TeH NeXuSx
The battles had just the right amount of intensity; challenging without being cheap or unfair. A very fun Megawad! 5/5x
Mind-blowing. This reminded me why I love Doom so much, and at school all day I was looking forward to getting home to finish the last three levels. Beautiful, balanced, and well done in every respect. Five stars.x
^ I agree, the architecture is particularly good, but is nowhere near as beautiful as my ex-girlfriends (even the fat one when I was desperate). I remember playing this back in '99 when it was new and shinny and it still glistens today (06/2007). The only fault is that is is not actually a complete megawad. Still gets 5/5 from me...x
This is a very well thought out episode. The architecture is more beautiful than every girlfriend I have ever dated. The dark atmosphere and gameplay is perfect and the monsters take it right up to you!. 5 Stars -PCx
Pretty cool levels. they look real nice. Much more superior than the sequel.x
Nice level set. They follow an exact texture theme. There's even a backstory. The boss usage is also quite efficient. You'll like playing this. Note that this is in no way a megawad, just a 11-level set. It gets a 4/5. ICx
Another reminder to me wrt why I still love this game after all these years. Classical Doom never fails to engage.x
I'm more familiar with the sequel, which was good-looking but a bit dull and empty. This is simpler, with smaller levels, although they're usually more action-packed. The new textures are good, and it's very professionally made, although disjointed; the super shotgun is a fairly easy secret in three consecutive early levels, and the first couple of maps are very average. It doesn't really get going until level 5. It's still great fun though.x
Great effort, very fun to play through... 5 stars x
A awesome set of levels I'd recommend for any serious doomer. The levels are very quake inspired and there is a lot of detail throughout. The episode left me wanting more. Not more maps, it's just that I felt that the maps were, generaly on the short side, and were perhaps not challenging enough for me on UV (and believe me, I'm no doomgod, I'm a keyboarder). But otherwise than that, you shouldn't miss it. 4.5 from me rounded up to 5. x
Good textures, well balanced thing placement, haunting, sometimes funny music (esp. MAP02 mission impossible :D) and enjoyable levels (eg MAP09 made me forget I was actually playing DOOM 2 till I saw those Arachnotrons!) Pretty damn good. Better than Quake! But here's what wasn't so good: the missions were too linear! 4/5 -- Ebon.x
looks good, feels good, i like it!x
Very nice level set, that look nice and play well. Only slight grumble is the level's don't seem to get any more difficult as you go along, if anything the last few levels are a bit short and easy. Still 5/5x
nice wad the levels feel quake and the dm imo is awesome!!! 5 starsx
great set of wads on ya!x
Neat work!x
Genius, pure Genius... =Ox
Very well made levels, clean detail, good textures, good use of monsters. Lots of fun, I recommend it.x
A story to remembe as the others, its the best ya can find! x
Mohahahaha 5/5 -impClawx
This wad is into my all-time topwads dir ***** - Danielx
Nice set of levels that gets just about everything right.x
pretty funx
Very nice, some creative levels.x
An excellent level set with great texture usage. Definately a must play.x
The maps are all perfectly balansed, not too hard but not too easy, either. And the style is very coherent. Excellent for deathmatch as well. --4/5x
I like it. Looks good, the levels are nicely detailed and kick copious amounts of arse. I'd recommend that any serious Doomer download this without hesitation. x