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007: Licence to Spell DooM
An Ultimate ZDoom episode! Yes, I decided to go all modern and build a source port only episode. Having seen the ZDoom features for the first time shortly after the release of Shadowcaster, I decided to build for ZDoom, as it's features are REALLY co...Date:12/24/02
Size:6.15 MB
Author:Stephen Clark (The Ultimate DooMer!)

The New Adventure 2
Pcorf thought he had defeated Glassyman but he was wrong......Date:11/28/07
Size:249.35 KB

Nostalgia series: 1994 base
This is the first map of a serious series. I want to make some tributes to all styles of mapping. I made this level according to 1994 canons such as low detail and only a weapon available (shotgun). In a secret cave I wrote the name of the best (in m...Date:02/06/07
Size:40.92 KB
Author:Giulio Galassi

Fiffy Remix
A Doomy Doom level....Date:01/02/01
Size:165.58 KB
Author:Steve Robinson (aka stphrz)

REoL TOUGH: TOTAL WAR V: Chambers of Death
Once again, you are at home watching your soap operas and talk shows when yet another special report comes across the tube. You were real up- set about this, because you were watching 90210! You march your way to Kenedy Airport and fly to the ...Date:10/29/94
Size:59.55 KB
Author:REoL (George Fiffy)

1000 Unheard Screams
A very large, very mean, very hard map that will test your abilities to the max....Date:03/04/10
Size:7.09 MB

20 Years of Doom
Size:1.56 MB
Author:The French Doom Community
This is based loosely on the 1996 3do Doom 'sampler' video. There is no exact placement but the look, feel and flow should all be there....Date:04/21/24
Size:3.74 KB
Author:Chris Freund

92 Hoorrs
You can expect it to be a very much like a Fellows At Kensington Exhibition WAD....Date:06/28/05
Size:19.27 KB
Author:Jack Alcholsocks

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