Title: Angry Quilt 2
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/a-c/angryquilt2.zip
Size: 504.17 KB
Date: 11/14/21
Author: MidnightMage, SynDoom, ViolentBeetle, Bobby “lolmcswagger”, Origamyde, Snaxalotl, ThatWeNGuy,
Description: It started as a Doom Community Social Experiment. There are 16 squares, which can be selected by individual members of the community.
Credits: MidnightMage, Syndoom for the great midi and mdoom, lokbustam257 for assisting with varied Mapinfos, SynDoom, ViolentBeetle, Bobby “lolmcswagger”, Origamyde, Snaxalotl, ThatWeNGuy, DynamiteKaitorn, stewboy, Noiser, Peccatum Mihzamiz, Worriedidiot, Weird Sandwich, lokbustam257, CBM, Walter confetti and Cacodemon187.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: a couple weeks
Editor(s) used: several
Bugs: there hopefully aren't any
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